Campus Weekly
Join Social Justice series today at noon: Role of Data
SFCC thanks you for participating in the Social Justice Series. You are welcome to attend some or all of these sessions as your time permits.

Leola Paquin, Ph.D.
Honoring Our Relationships Through Solidarity: The Role of Data in Dismantling Systems of Exclusion and Oppression
In this session, participants will gather in breakout groups to consider: what counts as data; what types of data are needed at SFCC to dismantle systems of exclusion and oppression; and what are the ways in which data can be used as a driving force toward equity.
On MySFCC you will find a Social Justice Series web page (login required.) You can access the page from my SFCC by clicking on the “Social Justice Series” button in the Resources section or the “Social Justice Series” menu item. You will find the Zoom link for today’s and the upcoming session, as well as see the full schedule and speaker bios. (Note: You will be asked to register at the beginning of the Zoom session with your A number.)
Save the date: April 11: Honoring Our Relationships Through Solidarity: Envisioning the Future for the final conversation in the series.
If you need any special accommodations, please email at least three business days in advance of any of these online events.
News and Announcements

Register now for Dawn Wink's presentation at noon Wednesday
SFCC Library presents “Exploring Stories at the Intersection of Languages and Landscape Through Wildness, Beauty, and Imagination” by Dawn Wink, Ph.D. at noon March 30.
Who: SFCC Director of Teacher Education Dawn Wink, Ph.D., is an author who has extensively researched her presentation topic and will share her gained insights. Her specific areas of interest include Ecolinguistics, Linguistic Human Rights and Multilingual education. The author often presents on Education, Creative Writing, and the Southwest.
What: “Exploring Stories at the Intersection of Languages and Landscape Through Wildness, Beauty, and Imagination” – A presentation by Dawn Wink, Ph.D. How can exploring stories of language and landscape through engaging wildness, beauty, and imagination contribute to ecolinguistic justice? This presentation explores the intertwined relationship between language and landscape, the power of narrative, and how we might move forward in honoring all languages, voices, and the land.
When: Noon to 1 p.m. Wednesday, March 30.
Where: Online. Pre-registration required. Register at:
Cost: Free. Participants must register to receive Zoom link, which will be sent the morning of the event.
Bios/Additional Facts: Please read more about Dawn Wink, Ph.D. here and at this link on her blog:

UNM/SFCC Health Ambassadors application opens April 1
The UNM – SFCC HC Ambassadors Program will begin taking applications for Fall 2022 SFCC students who are interested in pursuing healthcare careers. This federally funded program provides opportunities for students from economically or educationally disadvantaged backgrounds to explore healthcare options while also offering tutoring support to be successful in college. The deadline for the application process is September 15, 2022.
For more information on eligibility and program benefits, see program information sheet.

Faculty, staff, students and alumni invited to share work for Library Resource Guide
The Creative Writing Department is growing its visibility, community, and engagement by developing an SFCC Library Guide of works by All SFCC Community, including all genres and mediums by faculty (all), staff, students, and alumni. This collection will be regularly updated, available as an SFCC Library Guide.
Please click to upload and share your work. Please copy and paste the prompts below for each entry you add. This will allow pieces to be disseminated in multiple categories.
- Your name:
- Your SFCC connection:
- List all that apply: Student, Alumni, SFCC Title, and Department/area of study (when applicable):
- Link(s) to your SFCC website Bio page or Department’s page (when applicable) and/or relevant personal sites: - Title of your piece:
- Genre /Medium of your piece:
- Where can we find this work? (links, Google Doc. of a PDF, etc.)
- Any brief comments you would like to include in the listing.
Questions? Contact Emily Stern at 505-428-1467.

Veterans Legacy Program launches new website
The Santa Fe Community College Veterans Legacy Program (SFCC VLP) has launched a new webiste,, which commemorates our New Mexican Veterans through the discovery and sharing of their stories. SFCC VLP encourages students, faculty, and teachers at colleges, universities and K-12 level in New Mexico and beyond to immerse themselves in the rich historical resources found within National Cemetery Administration cemeteries, and related historical documents.
Participants research Veterans interred in New Mexico’s cemeteries and develop educational tools that increase public awareness of Veteran service and sacrifice.
For questions about the Veterans Legacy Program, please contact Steve Martinez.

Automotive Technologies Center Open House 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. April 14
We welcome everyone to an Open House of the Gold LEED certified Automotive Technologies Center from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursday, April 14. Visitors will have the opportunity to meet and talk with national Ford Motor Company Technical Placement Specialist Cesar Martinez. Visitors are requested to wear a mask, as per SFCC’s covid-19 protocols. April is Community College Month. Learn more about this event, Community College Month (#CCMonth) and Santa Fe Community College by following SFCC on social media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn.
Martinez, who is bilingual, is happy to respond to questions in either Spanish or English. He will discuss résumé writing tips, interviewing skills, opportunities in the automotive industry, and will share information about Ford Motor Company in four scheduled presentations:
- 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. – English
- 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. – Spanish.
Director of Automotive Technologies Julia Furry said, “We’re excited for this opportunity for the public to visit this new, state-of-the-art center. Our community desperately needs more trained, certified automotive technicians and we’re here to offer that opportunity. SFCC is pleased that Ford Motor Corporation recognizes the importance of this center and is sending Cesar Martinez to meet with our students and the public. We are encouraging visitors to pre-register for the event, so we can include them for eligibility for prizes and drawings.” Register at

Save the date! Spring Commencement May 14, 2022
Save the Date
May 14, 2022
Spring Commencement Ceremony
William C. Witter Fitness Center
Santa Fe Community College
Video Livestream for those who wish to view remotely.
Covid-safe: social distancing and masks required.
More details to come!

Listen to KUNM story about Opportunity Scholarships
KUNM reporter Alice Fordham recently visited campus and interviewed SFCC student Fyqa Hilmi as part of her story about the Opportunity Scholarship.
Read and listen to this KUNM, 03/21/22 report, Free tuition sends some students back to school
KSFR reports on Opportunity Scholarship
Hear President Becky Rowley, Associate Vice President for Student Success Thomasinia Gallegos and Executive Director of Marketing & Public Relations Todd Lovato discuss the Opportunity Scholarship with KSFR reporter Gino Gutierrez in this Feb. 24 report, “Officials with Santa Fe Community College say passage of the expanded opportunity Scholarship will be a gateway for new and returning students alike”

New Poetry Posts feature student artwork
In a January “Miriam’s Well” blog post Miriam Sagan shared the following about new poetry posts on campus:
These wonderful images are from students in last semester’s Color Theory class at SFCC with Sudeshna Sengupta. They are on six of the campus poetry posts: two in central courtyard, two at west entrance (upper & lower) and two in smoking area towards west of bookstore and cafeteria. I’ll be documenting the rest of the posts next–done by book artists. Enjoy this beautiful melding of words and color.
Map of poetry posts on campus:
Read the blog post to see the beautiful images.

Call for submissions for Multilingual Resources for an SFCC English Learners Library Guide
Associate Professor of English Emily Stern is coordinating with SFCC Library Director Valerie Nye to develop a list of multilingual resources for an SFCC English Learners Library Guide.
Emily Stern said, “The global equity in learning lens promotes expanding and growing relationships, reading comprehension, and access across all languages and courses by supporting multilingual learning using a relational, strengths approach.”
Read more at:
The SFCC English Learners Library Guide will be organized according to SFCC’s designated Pathways. Students, faculty and staff are encouraged to add contributions and suggestions of resources that would aid SFCC’s English learners.
Please add your contributions to this Google document:
Here are just a few examples of some resources identified for the Arts and Communication Pathway:
English Language Arts Glossary (ENGL/SPAN)
ENG/SPAN Literary Terms and Devices Glossary (NY State and NYU)
Here are other Pathways that we’d like to expand with resources:
• Business
• Health Sciences
• Law and Social Justice
• Science and Engineering
• Teacher Education
• Trades and Sustainability
Questions? Contact Emily Stern at 505-428-1467.
"Border Artists" exhibition continues through April 7
SFCC’s Visual Arts Gallery presents the exhibition, “Border Artists,” which opened March 11 at the gallery and continues through April 7. The exhibit features work from 17 artists who are part of the Border Artist’s group from southern New Mexico and El Paso, Texas.
SFCC’s Director of Art on Campus said, “We’re excited to showcase some of the spectacular artwork being produced downstate, as well as the work by some artists from El Paso, Texas. This diverse selection of art provides our community with a window to work they might not generally have an opportunity to see. It’s also quite inspiring for the college’s art students to be exposed to different forms of artistic expression.”
The following artists will participate in the exhibition: Margaret Berrier, jewelry; Emmitt Booher, digital photography; Tauna Cole, oil painting; Janice Cook, porcelain & mixed media; Sherry Carter-Doil, mixed media painting; Linda Elkins, mixed media collage; Amanda Jaffe, ceramics; Suzanne Kane, ceramic and steel; Cassandra Lockwood, acrylic painting; Rosemary McLaughlin, oil painting; Jeanne Rundell, mixed media painting; Storm Sermay, archival pigment photographic prints; Jo-an Smith, painting (oil and acrylic), David Sorensen, Digital photography; Zoe Spiliotis, 2-dimensional art; Jean Wilkey, oil painting; and Nolan Winkler, acrylic and mixed media painting.
For more information about the gallery, contact SFCC’s Director of Art on Campus Linda Cassel at or 505-428-1501.
Top photo: Suzanne Kane’s “Cultivated,” ceramic/steel. 25”x18”x 10.” Next photo: Janice Cook’s “La Mona Dreams Aplenty,” porcelain & mix media. 18”x13”x9.5”

March is Women's History Month
March is Women’s History Month. There are a variety of resources for faculty and students available at
See also these materials from PBS News Hour
Do you know about the history of Adelina Otero-Wilson, known as Nina Otero? She was the first Hispanic woman to run for U.S. Congress and the first female superintendent of public schools in Santa Fe. As a leader in New Mexico’s woman’s suffrage movement, she emphasized the necessity of Spanish in the suffrage fight to reach Hispanic women and spearheaded the lobbying effort to ratify the 19th Amendment in New Mexico. She strove to improve education for all New Mexicans, working especially to advance bicultural education and to preserve cultural practices among the state’s Hispanic and Indigenous communities.
Read more about Nina Otero.
Image: Nina Otero-Warren, c. 1900.
Bain News Collection, Library of Congress.

East Wing Eatery Hours change: 8 a.m to noon T-F
After a successful soft opening in February, the East Wing Eatery announces its new hours. The café will be open 8 a.m. to noon. Tuesday through Friday going forward. Eatery manager Chef Micaela Deaton says that she and the student workers have been very busy and are working hard to meet campus demand. The eatery will be closed Mondays for prep and planning.
Thank you for your continued support of the East Wing Eatery!

Book massage therapy appointments now
Appointments for the Spring semester Student Massage Therapy clinics are open at
Here are the details about this semester’s clinics:
- $25 for a 60 minute Swedish-Therapeutic Student Massage
- March 21 through May 13
- Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays
- 1:15 p.m.; 3 p.m.; 4:45 p.m. appointments
Good news! There are twice as many students this semester, so more appointments are available. Also, appointments are now open to the public.
All appointments will be in the William C. Witter Fitness Education Center. As per the Covid protocol for the FEC, all who enter must arrive wearing a mask and show a proof of vaccination to be admitted.
Visit the Massage Therapy Program page to learn more about the college’s program.
Contact Massage Therapy program lead Julianna Santillanes at 505-428-1293 for questions about the program.

New hours for Campus Cupboard
The Campus Cupboard (Room LL302E) has changed in-person shopping hours starting Monday, February 28, 2022.
Mondays: 1 p.m. – 3 p.m., Tuesdays: 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., Thursdays: 2 p.m. – 4 p.m.
If you cannot visit during the current open hours listed or are not
comfortable with in-person shopping, check out Bookings for more options. To access Bookings, log in to MySFCC, look under Schedule an Appointment, and click on the pink button labeled Campus Cupboard (Online). You can access the reservation and delivery option 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Students, staff, and faculty are all welcome to visit the Campus Cupboard weekly for free groceries and other household items that may be available. Personal hygiene (menstrual) products are available from Free Flow NM.
Contact or 505-428-1775 for more information.
Campus Cupboard is supported by SFCC Foundation.
Visit Campus Cupboard for more information.
Campus Cupboard is supported by SFCC Foundation.

Mask requirement remains in effect (for now)
Mask requirement remains in effect.
In a campus update on February 18, it was announced that SFCC’s current health and safety practices, including the mask requirement, remain in effect.

Financial Well-being and Literacy Mini-course now available
Student Success has launched a Financial Well-being and Literacy course to help our students ensure they are on a path to financial well-being and making good choices about their money and their future.
Here is a preview, an introduction by SFCC Student Resource Coordinator Jocelyn Hernandez-Monsalvo:
Nusenda and SFCC also have a co-branded Financial Wellness website with lots of useful information and tools:
You can access the course by clicking on the “Financial Literacy” button in the Welcome section of the MySFCC home page.

Order free at-home covid tests
As some of you may have heard, the USPS is offering free covid tests with free shipping. For your information purposes only, below is the link and some additional information.
Place Your Order for Free At-Home COVID-19 Tests
Residential households in the U.S. can order one set of 4 free at-home tests from Here’s what you need to know about your order:
• Limit of one order per residential address
• One order includes 4 individual rapid antigen COVID-19 tests
• Orders will ship free starting in late January
Also, if you need more information about at-home test kits, New Mexico testing sites or Vault tests visit:

AARP Tax-Aide taking appointments from Feb. 1 through April 13
The college and AARP Foundation Tax-Aide announce they will offer tax assistance and preparation via online appointment. AARP Foundation Tax-Aide is the nation’s largest free tax assistance and preparation service. The services are provided by volunteers from the community. Appointments can be made after January 15 at Community members will be asked to either pick up forms outside the Santa Fe Higher Education Center, 1950 Siringo Road, beginning January 27 or download the forms at the registration website to fill out and prepare for drop-off at their appointment time at the Santa Fe HEC.
All appointments must be made online. No one will be admitted on a drop-in basis. Appointments, which are expected to quickly fill, will be available from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday beginning Tuesday, February 1 and ending Wednesday, April 13. For information, please leave a voice mail at (505) 428-1780. Volunteers will return calls when possible. Note: Taxpayers will be asked to stay in their cars and wear a mask so volunteers can pick up and return paperwork to them in the Santa Fe HEC parking lot.

CE opens form for vaccination requirement for in-person classes, training and events
Continuing Education and Contract Training have opened a form for participants to upload their proof of vaccination to attend in-person classes, trainings and events. Please read the details on the web page re: submitting a request for religious and medical exemptions, as well as requirements for testing for those with exemptions.

Spring CE Catalog now available online and in print
Santa Fe Community College announces the SFCC Spring Continuing Education Schedule is now available online. Print copies can be found in the racks at Santa Fe Community College, the Santa Fe Higher Education Center and racks around town. Visit for tips on registering and to view the variety of offerings.
Many new classes are available this spring.
The Spring Continuing Education catalog is available online for viewing and download.
Browse the fun and interesting noncredit classes and then enroll online today.

Policy Updates
At the Oct. 27 meeting, the Governing Board approved the addition of the Cash Reserves section to Policy 1-31 Governing Board Financial Oversight. You can view the Cash Reserves information under Policy Process L. If you have any questions, please contact Vice President of Finance/Chief Financial Officer Nick Telles, Vice President of Finance/Chief Financial Officer, ext. 1161. Thank you.
2021-2022 Policy Review Schedule. The policies scheduled for shared governance review during the academic year 2021-2022 are posted on SFCC Connect: Campus Resources > Policy Review. College Policies and Procedures are posted at SFCC Policies. If you have questions or would like to learn more, please contact Laura J. Mulry, ext. 1776.
For the protection of our community...
When coming on campus:
- Masks are required.
- Practice social distancing
- Avoid congregating in groups.
- Avoid staying in public, indoor spaces for extended time periods.
- Children are allowed on campus. Masks required.
- Fully vaccinated? Please use the SFCC Health Screener App to submit proof of vaccination
- Departments, programs, and unique spaces may require special protocols or safety requirements.
- Appointments are highly encouraged.

SFCC in the news
The following stories or radio shows either featured or mentioned SFCC or one of its employees. Some stories also are related to NM higher education.
3/19/21, Santa Fe New Mexican, “Colleges also working out how to foot educators pay.”
03/18/2022, Albuquerque Journal, “NM launches push to boost nursing schools.”
03/15/2022, Los Alamos Daily Post, “SFCC School Of Art & Design Juried Exhibit Of Local High School Student Artwork Opening Reception April 18”
03/14/2022, Santa Fe New Mexican, Smartboard, Monday March 14 – “SFCC hosts ecolinguistic justice presentation”
3/5/2022, Santa Fe New Mexican, “Governor signs bill, expanding New Mexico free college program.” Story includes quotes from President Becky Rowley, Ph.D. and Director of Automotive Technologies program Julia Furry.
3/4/2022 Associated Press, “Governor signs free college bill, expands coverage.”
3/4/2022, Albuquerque Journal, “Governor signs bill to expand free tuition.”
3/2/2022, KRQE, “Higher Education Department breaks down Opportunity Scholarship”
02/21/21, Santa Fe New Mexican, “Nursing legislation to provide some relief from crisis.”
2/19/2022, KOAT-TV, “New film program offers deeper dive into on-set safety protocols.”
2/19/2022, Santa Fe New Mexican, “New Mexico’s preschool programs starting to rebound from pandemic’s heavy hit”
02/17/2022, Santa Fe New Mexican, “Lujan Grisham gets free college tuition bill”.
2/11/2022, Santa Fe New Mexican Pasatiempo, “Hard won: Author Michael McGarrity writes from experience”
02/06/2022, Santa Fe New Mexican, “New Mexico grapples with health care staffing shortage”
02/07/2022, Santa Fe New Mexican, “New Mexico immigrant families eligible for cash-assistance pilot”
Student Spotlight

Counseling Services support groups for the second half of Spring semester!
Counseling Services is offering new rounds of telehealth groups, including a General Support Group and a Nursing Support Group. Each group will meet for 6 weeks beginning the week of April 4, and each session will last one hour.
Drop-in General Support: Wednesdays at 12 p.m.
- Stay engaged and supported through the final 8 weeks of Spring semester
- Learn techniques and skills to lower test anxiety
- Acquire healthy and fun methods of de-stressing
- Share your concerns and accomplishments through group support
- Drop-in when you can or when you need to
Drop-in Nursing Support: Fridays at 12 p.m.
- Receive the support you need to stay engaged in the nursing program
- Learn techniques to lower test anxiety, including meditation and breathing exercises
- Share your challenges in a safe, supportive, and confidential space
- Support your fellow nursing student peers and receive support from them
- Drop-in when you can or when you need to
Additionally, Counseling is continuing to collaborate with the SFCC Library to offer another four-part series of a Mental Health Discussion Group open to students, faculty, and staff. Be on the lookout for further announcements. Meeting day and time TBD.
Please email if you are interested in participating in one of these groups. As always, individual sessions are available by appointment. Janelle and Rosalie, your SFCC Counselors, very much look forward to having you!
SFCC Career Expo 2022 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. March 31
SFCC Career Expo 2022
10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Thursday, March 31
SFCC Campus Center
In-person at SFCC’s Campus Center, free and open to all SFCC students. Lunch will be provided to the first 150 student participants.
Representatives from public and private businesses within the community will be present.
Questions? Email or call 505-428-1406

Spring 2022 petition to graduate deadline is April 1
Students who are eligible to graduate must have submitted the online petition to graduate to the Registrar’s office by 5 p.m. April 1, 2022.
The Petition to Graduate online form can be found in MySFCC. Click “Forms and Documents” and find the form in the “Registrar” section. Click “Petition to Graduate” to fill out and submit the form.
Questions? Please contact Registrar Bernadette Gonzales or call 505-428-1881.

Upcoming FAFSA Workshops
FASFA workshops begin at 11 a.m.
April 20 & May 25
Have your 2019 income tax and wage information available in order to apply for this year’s financial aid (through Summer 2022)
Have 2020 info to apply for next year (Fall 2022 – Summer 2023)
Parents’ information should be used if the student is under 24 years old and not married or independent
The workshops will take place on the Zoom video conferencing platform. For more information, contact Financial Aid Office at or call 505-428-1268.
Printmaking student's work featured at Dulce Capital Bakery
John Drabanski, who has studied printmaking and photography at SFCC, is exhibiting a selection of his prints and photographs on the wall of Dulce Capital Bakery, 1100 Don Diego Ave.
“I’m grateful for this opportunity. I thank my long-time mentor Patricia Pearce for making this arrangement. I also thank Linda Cassel for her assistance, as well,” Drabanski said.
This semester, he’s enjoying being in a letterpress print class taught by Gordon Fluke.
Director of SFCC’s Center for Book Art and Printmaking Patricia Pearce and Director of Art on Campus Linda Cassel are coordinating with the owners to have a series of 2-dimensional art exhibitions by SFCC art students and instructors.
Molly and Armando Martinez took over the business after working for the previous owners. The two met in an SFCC English class!
Here’s a story from the Santa Fe New Mexican about the couple We think that story is as sweet as their baked goods.

SFCC Student Weekly Connection 3/25
Read the latest Student Weekly Connection for information on the Auto Tech Open House, a Hewlett-Packard networking event on Zoom, SFCC Career Expo 2022, a city Rapid Hire Event, TRIO Support Services, scholarship and employment opportunities, and the Resource of the Week, The Early Learning Center at Kaune, which is accepting applications for children 3 – 4 years of age for the 2022-2023 school year.

SGA launches "Student Government Scoop"
SGA’s Student Weekly Connection included the first edition of a Monthly Newsletter, “Student Government Scoop,” published by SFCC’s Student Government Association.
Find out what’s happening on campus from the students’ perspective. Congratulations SGA!
LANL Foundation opens applications for Career Pathways Scholarships
Applications for LANL Foundation Career Pathways Scholarships are now open. Applications close on April 18. Visit for more information. On the web page, you’ll see an inspiring video and get information about how to apply. Start gathering information soon for your application, which requires several documents.

Online parent support group 11 a.m. Thursdays
Counseling Services is offering an online Parent Support Group!
The group meets from 11 a.m. to noon on Thursdays. The group is free, confidential, and not part of your student record. Come meet fellow student parents in a welcoming space where you can support one another through your SFCC journeys. Email to sign up and receive a Zoom link.
Student Resource Center is here for you
Connect with Community Resources
The Student Resource Center focuses on providing information to students about resources throughout the community and providing appropriate referrals to agencies. The resources focus on basic needs such as: housing and shelter, food, legal services, transportation, childcare services, utility payment assistance, and physical and mental health services. All services are free and confidential.
Conèctese con los Recursos de la Comunidad
El Centro de Recursos para Estudiantes se enfoca en proporcionar información a los estudiantes sobre los recursos en toda la comunidad y proporcionar referencias apropiadas a las agencias. Los recursos se centran en necesidades básicas como: vivienda y refugio, alimentos, servicios legales, transporte, servicios de cuidado infantil, asistencia para el pago de servicios públicos y servicios de salud física y mental. Todos los servicios son gratuitos y confidenciales.
505–428-1194 | |

TRIO is accepting applications for Spring 2022
TRIO is accepting applications for Spring 2022! TRIO offers eligible students great services including academic coaching, tutoring, cultural activities, workshops and study space. Visit the TRIO web page to apply now! Contact the TRIO office at or 505-428-1364.

Spring 2022 student employment opportunities
Student Work Study is a financial aid need-based program that provides a student funds earned through part-time employment and pays the minimum wage for Santa Fe County.
Eligible students can work up to 20 hours per week and work is scheduled around your school schedule. In addition to helping you pay for your education, the work-study program helps you gain work experience, develop your skills, and build a possible pathway to future employment opportunities.
To be eligible, students must meet the following requirements:
- Must complete the 2021-2022 FAFSA and any additional requested verification items
- Must be enrolled in a minimum of 6 degree-related credit hours for spring.
- Must be making Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
If you are interested in student employment, you can email the Student Employment Office at for further information.

SFCC 2021-2022 Scholarship Application Available Now
SFCC can help you pay for college with scholarships. One simple application puts you in consideration for state institutional and Foundation private scholarships. Scholarships are available for new and returning, part time and full-time students to help pay for college for the upcoming academic year. Scholarships are also available for second-generation college students, Veterans, Native American students, Hispanic students and students with disabilities (must be registered with the SAS department at SFCC offers performance-based scholarships through Contract for a Better Tomorrow (CBT).
For more information and to apply go to:
If you have questions or need assistance email the Financial Aid Office at from your SFCC student email account. Make sure to include your Student ID number in the email.
Se habla Español.
Employee Announcements

In Memoriam: Thomas (Tómas) A. Romero
The college expresses condolences to the family, friends and former colleagues of Thomas (Tómas) A. Romero.
Following a February cancer diagnosis, Romero, an advocate for cultural preservation in Santa Fe, Rio Arriba and Taos counties, died March 12 at age 75.
Romero served SFCC in several official, as well as advisory capacities. Here are his official SFCC titles and terms of service:
10/1/2007- 7/4/2008 Associate VP Finance and Administration
7/5/2008-5/31/2010 Associate VP Organizational & Community Development.
Read more in this March 22 story in the Santa Fe New Mexican, “Preservation advocate known as ‘heart that walked on legs’.”

Advisor Jonathan Harrell to perform March 25 - Apr. 10
Advisor Jonathan Harrell is set to perform live theater at Teatro Paraguas in “11 Short Plays by Joey Chavez.”
The show is a tribute to beloved Santa Fe High and Santa Fe School of the Arts theater professor Joey Chavez. It will feature some of the many short plays he has written and will be performed by his former students.
Harrell will be performing in two of the eleven short plays during the first two weekends, and one the final weekend of the show.
A recent story in the Santa Fe Reporter, The Play’s The Thing, details Chavez’s recent retirement and the show.
“11 Short Plays” runs from March 25 through April 10 with performances Friday and Saturday evenings at 7:30 p.m., and Sunday matinees at 2:00 p.m. Tickets are $20 general admission, and $10 for students and limited income. Reservations may be made online or by calling 505-424-1601.
New "Disability Justice from A to Z" coloring book includes Emily Stern's artwork
English and Creative Writing Faculty Emily Stern is among the artists included in the new “Disability Justice from A to Z”, a coloring book for all ages, just published last week by Sins Invalid.
More info is available at The SFCC Library will also soon have a hard copy available.
Emily Stern artwork: U is for Unity, Unshamed, and Universal Health Care. Click for larger image.

February WOW! Ricardo Martinez
WOW for February goes to Ricardo Martinez, nominated by Samantha Barela.
“Ricardo (Facilities and Maintenance) does an excellent job keeping Health and Sciences clean. He does a great job communicating with faculty to work around class schedules and student needs to keep our area tidy and clean.”
Dental Assistants Recognition Week
Dental Assistants Recognition Week (DARW) is held the first full week in March every year. March 6-12, 2022 has been designated by the American Dental Assistants Association as the perfect time to acknowledge and recognize the versatile, multi-talented members of our dental team. SFCC’s Dental Department celebrated by honoring their dental assistants for the variety of duties they perform. Thank you cards and snacks were given to the Dental Assistants at La Familia Dental Center. Faculty who are dental assistants were given gifts. Dental Assisting students were honored with a snacks treat.
Please watch the video specially made for honoring the vital part of the Oral Healthcare Professionals’ team – The Dental Assistants, because they deserve to be honored!
For information about the dental programs at SFCC, please contact: or 505-428-1258.

In Memoriam: Sevastian E. Gurulé
SFCC extends sympathy and condolences to the colleagues and family of Sevastian E. Gurulé, who worked with the Santa Fe Small Business Center based at SFCC. His colleagues shared, “The unexpected passing of Sevastian Gurulé is a tremendous loss to the Small Business Center Network. Sevastian quickly became a valuable member of the team managing our entire database system. His thoughtfulness, humor, and constant upbeat positive attitude will be truly missed. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Sevastian’s family and all that knew him.”
Among his family survivor’s is Daniela Gurulé, SFCC Student Admissions counselor.

Jennifer Lynch featured in "The Printers Proof: Artist and Printer Collaborations" exhibit and video
Adjunct Faculty member Jennifer Lynch is one of six featured printers in the Albuquerque Museum exhibition “The Printers Proof: Artist and Printer Collaborations,” which runs from February 19 through May 15.
Lynch is featured in the video on the exhibition website.
Also, read this 03/05/2021 Albuquerque Journal story, “Exhibit looks at the artist, printmaker relationship.”
Read more about Jennifer and her work at
Image: Jennifer Lynch in the studio. Photo by Kerry Kehoe. Used with permission by the artist.
In Memoriam: Chris Abeyta
SFCC extends its sympathies to the family, friends, students and colleagues of former Governing Board Member and long-time instructor and staff member Chris Abeyta, who passed away on March 8.
In 2007, he retired from Santa Fe Community College where he had been a GED instructor, college advisor, and Student Leadership Coordinator. He is fondly remembered and appreciated for his work in all of those areas as well as for bringing in musical groups to perform for student activities, GED graduation and the college graduation.
In addition, he was known for his involvement in the community and as the leader of the popular band, Lumbre del Sol. He was also a very popular KSFR radio host.
Read more about Chris Abeyta from these stories:
3/09/22, Santa Fe New Mexican, “Musician, teacher remembered as pillar of community.”
3/08/22, Santa Fe Reporter, “Rest in Power: Chris Abeyta.”
Photo: Chris Abeyta, 2013 SFCC file photo.

Krystal Patton will serve on Santa Fe Veterans Alliance board
Interim Veterans Resource Coordinator Krystal Patton was offered a position on the board of directors for the Santa Fe Veterans Alliance. She said, “I’m excited for this opportunity and look forward to supporting our community and veterans.” She added, “The Alliance assists veterans within our community who need additional resources. I began participating in online voting sessions at the end of January. We’re looking to hopefully have a Zoom meeting this month.”
Patton is a U.S. Navy Veteran. Veterans who need assistance can reach her via email at krystal.patton or call her at 505-428-1305. Visit SFCC Veterans Resources Center for more information.
Photo: Veterans Resource Coordinator (Interim) Krystal Patton.

New employees: We'd like to get to know you!
Staff Senate is encouraging new staff employees to come to an upcoming Staff Senate to introduce yourselves.
Campus Weekly would also love to introduce new staff and faculty members. Please send us your name, job title, when you started at SFCC, brief bio and photo (it can be a selfie!) to Submit News.
If you’re new since the beginning of the academic year, which began in August, we’d love to introduce you to the SFCC community. We’re happy you’re working with us at SFCC!

Express Scripts coverage of at-home tests
Employees, check your email from Jan. 27 for a message from Human Resources explaining how to get coverage of free covid tests using Express Scripts coverage at pharmacies.

How to submit your proof of Vaccination
- Access the SFCC Health Screener app using one of these methods:
- Download on your phone. Go to your app store and search for “SFCC Health Screener.” The mobile app seems easiest to use, and can also be downloaded at the bottom of page after clicking the “SFCC Health Screener” button above.
- Click ‘Health Screener (COVID-19)’ app button from MySFCC
- Sign in using your SFCC credentials with “LOGIN WITH EXISTING ACCOUNT”
- Upload a copy of your vaccine card by clicking “COVID-19 SCREENER” and following the instructions
Contact for
- Application support
- Assistance uploading vaccination card
- If you have already uploaded your proof of vaccine and need to resubmit
HR has provided the following document to guide you through the submission process:
SFCC Health Screener App Guide

Policy Updates 2021-22 Policy Review Schedule
Policy Updates
2021-2022 Policy Review Schedule. The policies scheduled for shared governance review during the academic year 2021-2022 are posted on SFCC Connect: Campus Resources > Policy Review.
Revised Procedures. Please become familiar with the newly updated Procedures in the links below and address any questions to the Policy Owners listed.
- Policy 1-11 Shared Governance, President Rowley, ext. 1201 or Audrey Lucero, Executive Assistant to SFCC Boards, ext. 1148
- Shared Governance – Procedures Overview
- Policy Review Procedures
- Policy Review Flowchart
- Policy 3-12 Faculty Qualifications Procedures, Margaret Peters, Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs, ext. 1372.
College Policies and Procedures are posted at SFCC Policies. If you have questions or would like to learn more, please contact Laura J. Mulry, ext. 1776.
How to enroll for the COVID -19 vaccine
Please review the state’s latest vaccine registration information to see how to enroll for the COVID-19 vaccine.
Vaccine booster shots are now available. Check with your area pharmacy for details.
NOVID phone app: The City of Santa Fe has partnered with NOVID to slow the spread of the virus. Download the free app at Read more about the app in this Dec. 15 Santa Fe Reporter story, “Spread the Word, not COVID-19.”

Let's help slow the spread of the virus
Let’s keep everyone safe and remember:
• SFCC COVID protocols require that everyone wear a mask at all times on campus.
• If you are feeling ill, you should not come into work, and avoid any type of social setting. The College wants you to feel better before you return to work.
• If you are feeling ill: Get tested and isolate yourself from others as much as possible. We need to help mitigate the health risk to others.
• Call 1-855-600-3453 for testing information and results.
• If you do contract COVID-19, seek medical attention immediately. Notify your supervisor and human resources. These cases need to reported, SFCC is here to support you.
Please do your part, to help slow the spread of COVID-19. Stay home, stay safe, stay healthy.
Do you need information on testing? Visit
Remember to wash your hands for a full 20 seconds!

Submit nominations for WOW awards
The Office of Human Resources reminds you to nominate who you think is doing a great job here at SFCC. The nomination form can be found at the SFCC Connect portal, or by reaching out to Joanne Romero

Let Campus Weekly share your news
Let us know about your accomplishments and other news that you’d like to share. Please remember that the deadline is 5 p.m. Wednesday to get an item in the next week’s issue. Submit here.
Fusion Tacos comes to campus Tuesdays and Wednesdays
Thanks to Student Involvement Coordinator Mary Eleas for making arrangements so the popular Fusion Tacos food truck can come to campus from 11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. every Tuesday and Wednesday. The truck will be coming to campus through May 11.
The menu includes: tacos, quesadillas, nachos, burritos, salads and drinks. Show them your support so they can continue to bring their tasty food to the college! Everyone is welcome. Look for them out by the flagpoles at the main entrance to the college.