- The Policy Officer drafts the Policy Review Schedule for the academic year and presents it to the Executive Team.
- The Policy Officer presents the Policy Review Schedule to the Governing Board at the August Board meeting.
- A Constituency Group, Governance Group, or Executive Team member identifies the need to update an existing policy or establish a new policy. They:
- Thoroughly research the need for updating an existing policy or establishing a new policy,
- Use track changes to prepare a draft of the changes to an existing policy or of a new policy,
- Share the well-researched draft with the President, Vice President/Executive Director, Policy Owner and the Policy Officer in advance of shared governance policy review.
- Schedule a meeting to consult with the President, Vice President/Executive Director, Policy Owner and Policy Officer to go over the draft.
- The Policy Owner decides whether to move forward with the draft.
- If yes, the Policy Owner meets with the Policy Officer to schedule policy review dates.
- The Policy Officer sends the draft to legal for review. Once legal review is completed and any edits are incorporated into the draft, policy review begins.
- The Policy Owner presents the policy draft to Governance Groups and requests written input sent via email.
- Using track changes, the Governance Group leaders/officers compile all feedback into the draft and email it to the Policy Owner and Policy Officer. All feedback must be in writing.
- Governance Groups are encouraged to submit revisions via email as soon as they are available and no later than one month after the Policy Owner presents to the Governance Group.
- Governance Groups serve in an advisory capacity; votes are not taken by the groups.
- The Policy Owner considers the suggested amendments and determines whether to accept them.
- The Policy Officer sends this draft to legal and incorporates any accepted amendments into the draft.
- The Policy Owner meets with the Governance Council to present this next version of the draft and to explain whether/why any suggested changes were not adopted.
- The Governance Council serves in an advisory capacity; no votes are taken.
- The Governance Council provides feedback which the Policy Owner takes under consideration.
- The President may direct the Policy Owner to make revisions.
- If required based on the President’s amendments, the Policy Officer sends this draft to legal and incorporates any edits into the draft.
- The policy review process concludes: no additional changes are accepted after this point and the draft is not redistributed to the Governance Groups.
- Two weeks in advance of the Board meeting, the Policy Officer submits the draft to the Governing Board Executive Assistant for the Board meeting packet.
- The Policy Owner and Policy Officer present to the Governing Board for the First Reading. The Policy Officer captures any edits from the Board.
- After the First Reading, the draft is not redistributed to the Governance Groups.
- The Policy Officer submits the draft for the Governing Board’s meeting packet two weeks in advance of the meeting for a Second/Final Reading.
- If there are no changes from the First Reading, the policy is added to the Consent Agenda.
- If there are changes from the First Reading, the policy is added to Action Items and the Governing Board considers the policy and votes to adopt.
- If there are extensive changes from the Second/Final Reading, and the Board requests it, the Policy Officer may schedule the policy for consideration and a vote to adopt at the next Governing Board meeting.
- When the Governing Board approves the policy it takes effect immediately.
- Upon Governing Board approval, the Policy Officer:
- Sends the final version to the Governing Board Executive Assistant for proofing and confirmation that the version is exactly as approved by the Governing Board;
- Posts the revised or new policy to the website; and
- Communicates the policy to the campus community.
Contact: Becky Rowley, Ph.D., President, 505-428-1201
Audrey Lucero, Executive Assistant to SFCC Boards
audrey.lucero@sfcc.edu, 505-428-1148
Updated: 8/31/2021