Student Accessibility Services

3 students outside at table

Any requests for an ASL interpreter for an appointment or exam must be made
with a 72 hour notice.

What are Accessibility Services?

Who is eligible for Accessibility Services?

If you have a documented diagnosis or disability that is impacting your learning, you may qualify for Accessibility Services at SFCC. Documentation may be provided from a previous school, medical professional, or mental health professional.

Getting Started

Step 1: Complete Initial Contact Form

Step 2: Submit documentation of your disability provided by a psychiatrist or qualified medical professional. Additionally, we accept 504 plans or Individualized Education Program (IEP) within the past 10 years. For documentation submission, medical professionals or high schools can fax the necessary paperwork to 505-428-1500, or email it to

Step 3: Schedule an Appointment

Some Accessibility Services Include:

Classroom and Testing AccommodationsBooks in an Alternative Format
Case Management for StudentsAssistive and Adaptive Technology
Working as a Team with Faculty and StaffLiaison with Community Agencies
ASL Interpreting ServicesResource and Referral information
for SFCC Groups
Reader or Scribe ServicesAdaptive Technology Computer Lab


Documentation and disability/diagnosis related information for students will always remain confidential. Accessibility services can share student’s accommodations with instructors, advisors, and relevant SFCC staff. We will not release documentation or the exact nature of a student’s disability/diagnosis without explicit consent from the student.

Office Contact


Phone: 505-428-1711

Office: Lower Level 312