For more than 40 years, Santa Fe Community College has been the gateway to success for individuals and the community by providing affordable, high-quality educational programs that serve the social, cultural, technological and economic needs of a diverse community. SFCC is designated a Best for Vets and a Military Friendly school. The college serves more than 13,000 students per year in its credit, noncredit and adult programs. For further information, call 505-428-1000. Follow us: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn.
Mission and Values
Our Mission and Strategic Plan
Empower Students, Strengthen Community.
Empoderar a los estudiantes, fortalecer a la comunidad.
Diversity at SFCC
Presidential Diversity Advisory Committee
Sustainability at SFCC
Information about recycling, solar energy and ways SFCC is reducing its carbon footprint on campus.
Educational Pathways
SFCC offers 7 dynamic educational pathways.
Academic Programs
Programs of study.
Academic Schools and Departments
Arts, Design, and Media Arts
Business, Education, and Professional Studies
Fitness Education
Liberal Arts
Sciences, Health, Engineering, and Math
Trades, Advanced Technologies, and Sustainability
Articulation Agreements
SFCC has articulation agreements with colleges and universities where credits are accepted.
Degrees and Certificates
Associate in Arts
Associate in Applied Arts
Associate in Science
Associate in Applied Science
Request a Tour of SFCC
Schedule a personal visit to campus
Santa Fe Higher Education Center
SFCC partners with New Mexico Highlands University and University of New Mexico to provide access to bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Santa Fe.
Administration and College Leadership
SFCC Administrative staff.
SFCC is accredited through the Higher Learning Commission’s Academic Quality Improvement Program.
Governing Board
The Governing Board establishes policies and procedures for SFCC.
Offices and Departments at SFCC
A directory of college offices and departments.
Policies and Procedures
The college’s official Policies and Procedures are listed on this page.
Facts and Figures
About SFCC
Address, contact info, and the college district.
Annual Security Report (Clery Act)
Security statistics.
Campus Maps
How to find us and where to go when you get here.
Facts and Figures about SFCC
The latest from the Office of Planning and Institutional Effectiveness.
Higher Education Act Disclosures
All current and prospective students have the right to know certain information about SFCC.
History of SFCC
SFCC’s history from 1983 to the present.
News and Events
What’s happening today at SFCC, news releases, Inside SFCC newsletter.
Open Hours and Phone Numbers
Find out when offices and facilities are open and how to contact us.
Public Records
Learn how to submit a request to inspect SFCC’s public records.
Student Right to Know Act Data
Facts and figures about SFCC graduation, employment rates and more.
Services and Projects
Weather Alerts and Closure Notifications
SFCC Alert emergency text messaging and email system.
Requests for Proposals
Invitations to bid on current projects.
Title IX
Sexual respect at Santa Fe Community College.