Title IX and Santa Fe Community College



Santa Fe Community College (SFCC or the College) does not discriminate on the basis of sex and prohibits sex discrimination in any education program or activity that it operates, as required by Title IX and its regulations, including in admission and employment.

Inquiries about Title IX may be referred to SFCC’s Title IX Coordinator, the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights, or both. SFCC’s Title IX Coordinator is Chris Gettler, Safety & Security Director, Room 101, chris.gettler@sfcc.edu, 505-428-1136.

SFCC’s nondiscrimination policy and grievance procedures can be located at SFCC Policy 2-23 Student Discrimination and HarassmentSFCC Policy 4-9 Employee Discrimination and Harassment.

To report information about conduct that may constitute sex discrimination or make a complaint of sex discrimination under Title IX, please refer to the “You Have Options” section below.

Santa Fe Community College is committed to establishing and maintaining an environment free of all forms of harassment and discrimination for all College community members. The College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion or creed, national origin or ancestry, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, physical or mental disability, serious medical condition, spousal affiliation, veteran status, pregnancy, genetic information, citizenship,
and any other basis prohibited by law.

Here’s How We Can Help

SFCC’s Title IX Team is charged with investigating, supporting, maximizing campus safety, and promoting everyone’s ability to live and learn at SFCC in an environment free from sexual misconduct and/or gender-based discrimination.

Title IX Coordinator
Chris Gettler
Safety & Security Director
505-428-1136 | chris.gettler@sfcc.edu

Title IX Investigators
Jonathon Lujan
Safety & Security Supervisor
505-428-1367 | jonathon.lujan@sfcc.edu

Kristina Lally
Assistant Registrar
505-428-1264 | kristina.lally@sfcc.edu

We Can Help You:
Obtain and connect with resources, understand your right to seek protective measures like No Contact Orders, Harassment Prevention Orders, and Abuse Prevention Orders, and organize interim support and protective measures, like housing or academic modifications.

If You Have Experienced Sexual Misconduct You Should:
Contact the police, seek medical attention to assess immediate health needs and preserve evidence, obtain emergency contraception (if appropriate), and seek confidential emotional support.

“Both parties to a complaint are offered an equal opportunity to present information, identify witnesses, have the support of an advisor, and provide information regarding allegations.”

  • to learn at SFCC free from gender discrimination,
  • to file a complaint according to SFCC’s Sexual Harassment Policy,
  • to request a criminal investigation with law enforcement,
  • to interim support and reasonable protective measures to help you continue to learn at SFCC,
  • to understand that SFCC is required to undertake a prompt and thorough investigation of all reports of sexual misconduct,
  • to request and obtain a No Contact Order and to receive information about Harassment Prevention and Abuse Prevention Orders,
  • to use resources, processes, or support and to report to the Title IX Coordinator if your rights have been violated,
  • to be free from retaliation for reporting that your rights have been violated,
  • to access on- and off-campus support and health services, and
  • to be kept informed about the progress of the investigation in your case.

SFCC adheres to all federal, state, and local civil rights laws prohibiting discrimination in employment and education. SFCC does not discriminate in its admissions practices [except as permitted by law], in its employment practices, or in its educational programs or activities on the basis of sex/gender.

As a recipient of federal financial assistance for education activities, SFCC is required by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 to ensure that all of its education programs and activities do not discriminate on the basis of sex/gender.

Sex includes [sex, sex stereotypes, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, and
pregnancy or parenting status].

SFCC also prohibits retaliation against any person opposing discrimination or participating in any discrimination investigation or complaint process internal or external to the institution. Sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating and domestic violence, and stalking are forms of sex discrimination, which are prohibited under Title IX and by SFCC policy.

Any member of the campus community, guest, or visitor who acts to deny, deprive, or limit the educational, employment, residential, or social access, opportunities and/or benefits of any member of the SFCC community on the basis of sex is in violation of the SFCC Sexual Harassment and Discrimination policy (See Policy 2-23).

Any person may report sex discrimination (whether or not the person reporting is the person alleged to have experienced the conduct), by telephone, email, by video, using the contact information listed for the Title IX Coordinator (below). A report may be made at any time (including during non-business hours) in the same manner by contacting the Title IX Coordinator, Student Affairs Officer, or the Executive Director to the Office of Human Resources.

“No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.” – Title IX of the Educational Amendment of 1972

You have the option to initiate a complaint alleging sexual misconduct through SFCC’s Student Affairs Process. Any member of the Title IX team can help you navigate the process. See the Student Affairs Officer and/or refer to the Student Handbook for more information.

You may also request a criminal investigation for any criminal behavior you have suffered.

For more information about the criminal process, contact SFCC Safety and Security at 505-428-1244 or the Santa Fe County Sheriff at 505-986-2400.

The College will take immediate and responsive action to any report of retaliation and will vigorously pursue disciplinary action as appropriate.

You may speak confidentially to the following resources about your experience or concerns regarding sexual misconduct. These individuals are under no obligation to share your personal information with the Title IX Team. A Title IX response will NOT be prompted if you speak with any of the resources below at the location specified.

  • SFCC Counseling Services
    505-428-1682 or 505-428-1839
  • Santa Fe Solace Crisis Treatment Center
  • Christus St. Vincent
    Regional Medical Center ER


If you are ready to speak privately about your experience or to report any gender-equity concern, you may speak with any member of the Title IX Team, SFCC faculty or SFCC staff. All SFCC staff and faculty members are Mandatory Reporters, and as such are required to share information related to sexual misconduct with a member of the Title IX Team. A Title IX response is then initiated (see “Title IX Response Process, below”).

The Title IX Team makes every effort to protect the privacy of all individuals.

Pregnancy Accommodations for Students

SFCC is committed to creating an accessible and inclusive environment for pregnant and parenting students.

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits discrimination based on sex in education programs or activities including academic, educational, extracurricular, athletic, and other programs or activities of schools. This prohibition includes discrimination against pregnant and parenting students.

Students may request accommodations based on general pregnancy needs or accommodations based on a pregnancy-related condition. Some examples include:
• A larger desk
• Breaks during class, as needed
• Rescheduling tests or exams
• Excusing absences due to pregnancy or related conditions
• Submitting work after a deadline missed due to pregnancy or childbirth
• Providing alternatives to make up missed work
• Allowing excused absences for parenting students (both mothers and fathers) who need to take their children to doctors’ appointments or to take care of their sick children.

How do I request adjustments?
Adjustment requests should be directed to the office of Student Accessibility Services. That office will discuss the pregnant or parenting individual’s needs and notify instructors.

Pregnant Student Request for Accommodation

Pregnant Student Handbook

View the college’s Sexual Harassment and Discrimination Policies

The Title IX Rule requires college Title IX personnel to be unbiased and free from conflicts of interest.
Title IX personnel include the Title IX Coordinator, any investigator, any decision-maker, and any person who facilities an informal resolution (such as mediation).
Schools must ensure that Title IX personnel receive training as follows:

– On Title IX’s definition of “sexual harassment”
– On the scope of the school’s education program or activity
– On how to conduct an investigation and grievance process
– On how to serve impartially, including by avoiding prejudgment of the facts at issue
– On how to avoid conflicts of interest and bias

Decision-makers must receive training on any technology to be used at a live hearing, and on issues of relevance of questions and evidence, including when questions and evidence about a complainant’s sexual predisposition or prior sexual behavior are not relevant.

Investigators must receive training on issues of relevance to create an investigative report that fairly summarizes relevant evidence.

Santa Fe Community College Title IX Coordinator, Investigator and Decision-makers completed the following trainings through ATIXA:

Title IX Coordinator & Administrator Level One Certification, January 19 and 20, 2021. A two-day ATIXA Virtual Course “Title IX Coordinator and Administrator Level One Training and Certification” fulfills the Title IX Training Requirements.

Title IX Coordinator & Administrator Level Two Certification, February 4, 11, 18, and 25, 2021. A two-day ATIXA Virtual Course “Title IX Coordinator and Administrator Level Two Training and Certification” fulfills the Title IX Training Requirements.

What the Title IX Team Needs to Know about Stalking Allegations. July 21, 2022. ATIXA half-day webinar.

<href=”https://atixa.org/2020-regulations-requirement-posting-of-training-materials”>Certification Course Training Materials are available at ATIXA Training Resources.

The Title IX Coordinator and Investigator participate in additional, ongoing professional development throughout the year, including training on Title IX, mandatory reporting, and related subjects through ATIXA and other professional organizations.

Title IX Hearing Officer and Decision-Maker Training & Certification Course (ATIXA) – This training course focused on defining the role of a decision-maker in Title IX proceedings, accurately applying policy, and making determinations based on concrete

Rationale Writing Workshop for Decision- Makers and Investigators (ATIXA) – This half-day training course was aimed at preparing investigators and decision-makers to draft clear and defensible rationales for hearing decisions and appeals.

Title IX Advisor Certification Course (ATIXA) – A course focused on defining the role of advisors throughout Title IX proceedings, and serving as an effective advisor to either the complainant or respondent in the Title IX process.
Informal Resolution Level One: Foundations (ATIXA) – This training course detailed the types of informal resolutions and considerations for determining the appropriateness of informal resolutions and how to implement an informal resolution process in line with an institution’s grievance procedures.