
8-2: Political Activity, Solicitation, and Vending

Policy Overview

This policy regulates complimentary or paid use of Santa Fe Community College (SFCC or College) facilities and property.

Scope and Applicability

This policy outlines the process for outside entity use of space for sales, solicitation of funds or support, political activity, or dissemination of information on College property and applies to all community members, outside entities, and employees.

Policy Statement

The purpose of SFCC’s facilities is to support the educational mission of the College. Facilities may be used for other purposes as described below, provided that such uses do not interfere with the educational mission.


  1. College Groups are those directly funded through the College’s operating budget, or that reside on College property.
  2. Corporate and Business Organizations primarily exist to make a profit by buying and selling goods and services.
  3. Employee is any member of the college workforce: all staff (regular full-time, regular part-time, term, temporary, probationary, sensitive position); all student employees; all faculty (full-time, part-time, adjunct, probationary); all administrators, including interim; all contract employees.
  4. External Groups are: a.) Nonprofit organizations that don’t operate for a profit and are considered tax exempt based on a 501(c)3 status; b.) Corporate or business organizations that primarily exist to make a profit by buying and selling goods and services; c.) Government: an administrative unit of any local, state or national government agency; d.) Community Partners: an organization that provides services that build support for the community through collaborative work; or e.) Political activity or organizations that seek involvement in governmental or public affairs.
  5. Government refers to an administrative unit of any local, state, or national agency.
  6. Nonprofit Organizations do not operate for profit and are tax exempt based on 501(c)3 status.
  7. Political Activities include, but are not limited to voting, seeking signatures on petitions or union cards, or campaigning for candidates.
  8. Political Organizations seek involvement in governmental or public affairs.
  9. Registered Student Club or Organization is a College-sponsored group that provides students the opportunity to share interests in academic or extracurricular activities. Involvement in clubs and organizations supports student retention and encourages engagement on and off campus. Students interact with peers and campus community members to pursue these interests and develop lifelong skills. Requirements for becoming a Registered Club or Organization: 1. Must be comprised of seven or more students who are registered in at least one credit hour (audit or credit), 2. Must have a sponsor who is a part- or full-time SFCC faculty or staff member. 3. Officers and advisers must attend orientation, and 4. Must comply with SFCC policies and procedures. In addition, a Registered Club: 1. Must submit an application with the Office of Student Development, and 2. Is eligible for funding from the Student Government Association. A Registered Student Organization is not eligible for funding through the Student Government Association unless they choose to become a Registered Student Club.
  10. Solicitation The act of requesting something – usually money.
  11. Vending Offering something for sale for profit.

Policy Process

  1. Because unregulated use of facilities has the potential to disrupt the College’s learning environment, all requests to conduct sales, solicitation, promotion, vending, or political activity must be submitted to the Conference Services Office in the Marketing and Public Relations Department.
  2. Nothing in this policy will preclude the College from entering into Joint Powers Agreements or similar reciprocal arrangements with external parties that allow such external parties defined use of College facilities in exchange for in-kind donations to, or services for, the College.
  3. Solicitation.
    1. Requests to solicit on College property must be submitted to the Executive Director of Marketing and Public Relations.
    2. The Executive Director of Marketing and Public Relations will determine whether to grant the request or refer the request to the President. The President’s Executive Team may also be consulted before a decision is rendered.
    3. If the request for solicitation is denied, the solicitor may not challenge the decision.
    4. Solicitors may not provoke, disrupt, or interfere with the normal business of the College.
  4. Vending. SFCC prohibits food vending on College property unless authorized by the Executive Director of Marketing and Public Relations.
  5. Political Activity.
    1. Political Campaigning. SFCC respects the rights of all employees and citizens to be informed and exercise their political privileges including, but not limited to the following:
      1. Voting
      2. Seeking signatures on petitions or union cards
      3. Seeking votes in any local, state, or national election relating to either candidates or issues
      4. Campaigning for candidates
      5. Running for and serving in public office.
    2. Employee Political Activities.
      1. When engaged in political activities, individuals and groups within the College may acknowledge their College affiliations, but must clearly explain that they are speaking only for themselves and not as a representative of the College.
      2. Employees may NOT:
        1. Engage in political activities during work or use College resources for any political campaign for a candidate or organization;
        2. Post political messages in offices, work spaces, and surfaces;
        3. Post political or other announcements or messages on College premises, including fliers on parked vehicles. College bulletin boards located across campus are designated as generally available for posting;
        4. Distribute campaign or other political material through College communication channels and resources, including but not limited to College mail, email, official social media accounts (SFCC Policy 7-1 Information Technology Resources, Usage, and Security); and
        5. Use College equipment or resources for political purposes.
        6. All other community members should refer to SFCC Policy 8-9 Postings on Campus.
  6. Public Expression on Campus.
    1. As a publicly funded institution, SFCC complies with state law, specifically New Mexico State Statute 30-20-13 D, which states, “No person shall willfully interfere with the educational process of any public or private school by committing, threatening to commit or inciting others to commit any act which would disrupt, impair, interfere with or obstruct the lawful mission, processes, procedures or functions of a public or private school.”

Statement of Accountability and Responsibility

The President, through the Chief Communications Officer/Executive Director of Marketing and Public Relations and the Marketing and Public Relations Department, shall be responsible for enforcing policies and procedures related to space rental, political solicitation, and vending activities. The Marketing and Public Relations Department shall work with the different departments and offices to comply with this policy and to develop procedures that will enforce this policy regarding awareness, prevention, and remediation.


NMSA 1978 § 30-20-13
Policy 2-1 Student Code of Conduct
Policy 4-1 Employee Code of Conduct
SFCC Policy 7-1 Information Technology Resources, Usage, and Security
SFCC Policy 8-9 Postings on Campus

SFCC Governing Board approved: 5/25/16
Revised and Governing Board approved: 4/27/2016
Revised and Governing Board approved: 12/6/2017
Revised and Governing Board approved: 3/29/2023

Associated Procedures