Policy Overview
This policy addresses postings on Santa Fe Community College (SFCC or College) property, establishes authority, and provides guidelines to the College and other communities involved.
Scope and Applicability
This policy covers postings on College property except areas in individual organizational units. It applies to all SFCC employees and students and to affiliated or external individuals or entities.
Policy Statement
This policy is intended to ensure the College provides a safe, accessible campus and benefits from an orderly appearance appropriate to a college campus while providing members of our community with an optimal publicity outlet.
Publicity should be prepared, posted and removed in accordance with this policy. Doing so will reduce waste, restrict unauthorized publicity, and encourage campus safety and attractiveness.
- Organizational Unit An office, department, division, school or small business unit that falls under the College’s administrative purview. This includes, but is not limited to, academic departments and schools, centers of excellence, Continuing Education, Kids Campus, Santa Fe Higher Education Center and SFCC Training Center Corporation.
- Posting Refers to any means used to display publicity. Forms of postings include, but are not limited to, fliers, handouts, posters, decals, stickers, banners, sidewalk chalk, newspapers and magazines, and yard signs.
- Public Bulletin Boards Bulletin boards located throughout campus designated for posting of publicity by off-campus entities and personal notices.
- Publicity Information used to increase public awareness of a subject.
- Solicitation The act of requesting something – usually money.
Policy Process
- Oversight and Management. The Marketing and Public Relations Department (MPR) is responsible for overseeing and managing postings on campus, except for the public bulletin boards located throughout campus that are managed by the Office of Student Development or by individual departments/offices who are responsible for maintaining their own.
- Campus Safety and Security and Plant Operations and Maintenance will assist with the enforcement of this policy.
- Guidelines. Current College posting guidelines are maintained on the SFCC internal portal/intranet, in MPR and the Office of Student Development.
- Acceptable Use. No person, organizational unit or off-campus entity may post publicity that includes profanity or sexually explicit content, is libelous, or that contains non-permissible solicitation or hate messages.
- Exceptions and Exemptions. All exceptions must be approved in writing by the Executive Director of Marketing and Public Relations or his or her designee. Emergency or closing notices are exempt from this policy.
Statement of Accountability and Responsibility
The President, through the Chief Communications Officer/Executive Director of Marketing and Public Relations and the Marketing and Public Relations Department, shall be responsible for enforcing marketing and public relations policies and procedures. MPR shall work with the different departments and offices to comply with this policy and develop procedures that will enforce this policy regarding awareness, prevention and remediation.
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and ADA Amendments Act of 2008 (P.L. 110-325)
Policy 5-4 Facility Allocation and Management
Policy 8-2 Space Rental, Political Activity, Solicitation and Vending
SFCC Governing Board approved: 2/20/17