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Degree status is granted to students who have declared an intention to pursue a particular degree or certificate by following a prescribed program and sequence of study.
Non-degree status is granted to applicants who wish to take courses for their own purposes without intending to seek any degree or certificate. A high school diploma is not required for admission, but age requirements may apply.
The amount of tuition covered by the scholarship will vary each academic year based on annual state legislation. Please contact the institution that you plan to attend to find out what amount of tuition will be covered by this scholarship.
The lottery scholarship is available to SFCC students in fall and spring terms. It is not available for the summer semester.
Yes. You may be eligible for other financial aid programs. The Financial Aid Division encourages all students to complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at
To qualify for the NM Lottery Scholarship at SFCC, you must complete your qualifying semester of 12 credit hours or more (full-time at SFCC) with a 2.5 GPA. Students with a Disability Waiver must complete 6-12 credit hours with a 2.5 GPA. When you successfully complete the qualifying semester, you will be awarded the NM Lottery Scholarship the very next semester.
You are eligible for the NM Lottery for three semesters at a 2-year college and an additional four semesters at a 4-year college. If you are working under a disability waiver, you have 14 consecutive semesters of part-time enrollment with no more than seven semesters at a 2-year college.
To establish eligibility for the NM Lottery scholarship at SFCC, a student must complete their qualifying semester within sixteen months of high school graduation or completion of a high school equivalency credential. The SFCC qualifying semester is triggered when a student enrolls in 12 or more credit hours during that 16-month period. For example, if you enroll in 6 credit hours in fall 2021 after graduation and 12 credit hours the following spring, spring 2022 will be your qualifying semester.
No. You can attend 6-11 credit hours as long as you visit with Accessibility Services to get a disability waiver. Starting with your qualifying semester, a disability waiver must be submitted to the Financial Aid Office before the end of the third week each semester.
Students that enter the military within four months of high school completion may establish eligibility within sixteen months of completion of honorable service or medical discharge.
No. The Lottery Scholarship may only be received at a public post-secondary educational institution within New Mexico.
Go to click on Find Courses and enter your term (Ex. FALL 2023), and follow the prompts to find and order your required textbooks
New and returning students should follow the New Student Checklist Returning students who have not attend SFCC in more than 3 years will have to submit a new application.
Click here to schedule an in-person or online meeting with an Advisor.
SFCC is offering courses in the following modalities:
Traditional, in-person, in-class instruction. Both students and faculty meet in a designated/assigned classroom on campus.
Online LIVE Classes (Synchronous)
These classes are completely online with your instructor and your classmates meeting together at the same time. You attend live interactive class meetings facilitated by your instructor in Canvas. Meetings and communication are through chat, email and/or videoconferencing. You do additional work on your own schedule outside of class, just as you would your homework. These classes are indicated as Synchronous in the sixth column in Look for Credit Classes.
Traditional Online Classes (Asynchronous)
These classes are completely online without mandatory class meetings. You don’t have to be online at a fixed day and time with your fellow classmates and instructor. Your instructor and your classmates will communicate through Canvas and you can interact with them and access class resources on your own time. You complete all the assignments and meet the requirements of the class on your own schedule, meeting the deadlines set by your instructor. Your classmates and instructor are not necessarily online at the same time unless an appointment is scheduled. These classes are indicated as Asynchronous classes in the sixth column in Look for Credit Classes.
Blended Classes
Blended Classes are a mix of in-person and online. Your courses are held both in traditional face-to-face classrooms and online (e.g. video lecture, online discussions, or activities) in Canvas. Due to covid, classes at SFCC are primarily online. If you are taking a blended class, you are required to follow the Student On Campus Protocol when you need to be on campus for class.
Attend Anywhere (HyFlex)
These courses have flexible class delivery that can integrate in-class instruction, online synchronous video sessions, or asynchronous content delivery. Students may attend in person or online or a combination of both. While most courses listed as HyFlex are in-person or online synchronous, some courses can be completed asynchronously. The instructor for the course can give more specific information about the options for their course.
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