About the College


Since 1983, Santa Fe Community College has served as the gateway to success for individuals and the community. The College provides affordable, high-quality educational programs that serve the social, cultural, technological and economic needs of Santa Fe’s diverse community.

More than 15,000 students are served each year in its credit, noncredit and adult basic education programs. Offering more than 100 degree and certificate programs, SFCC caters to the academic, career and personal-enrichment needs of local residents, businesses, government and public service organizations. More than 274 full-time and 587 part-time workers are employed by the college.


6401 Richards Avenue
Santa Fe, NM 87508
505-428-1000View Open Hours

College District
The SFCC District is identical to the Santa Fe Public School District and includes the outlying areas of Glorieta, Madrid, Cerrillos, Lamy, La Cienega, Galisteo and Tesuque. It covers most of Santa Fe County, which has a population of more than 155,000 residents.