Governing Board

Jody M Pugh
Board Position #3


Piér A Quintana
Board Position #5

Vice Chair

linda siegle
Linda Siegle
Board Position #1


Lina Germann, Ph.D., MBA
Board Position #2


Xubi Wilson
Board Position #4


Magdalena Archuleta

Student Government Association President

Board Meetings (3 p.m.) are scheduled for the fourth Wednesday of each month (these dates are subject to change).  It is a board option to eliminate the July and December board meetings.

Upcoming Board Meeting Calendar | Agenda and Board Packets | Video Archive | Minutes

Santa Fe HEC Learning Center District Board

Under the provisions of the Learning Center Act [21-16A NMSA 1978], the members of the SFCC Governing Board also serve as members of the Learning Center District Board. The Learning Center District Board is a separate entity responsible for overseeing the Higher Education Center (HEC) operations and contracting with higher education institutions to offer accredited education programs and services.

Board meetings are open to the public. If you are an individual with a disability who is in need of any form of auxiliary aid, service or special assistance to attend or participate in the meeting, please contact the President’s Office at 428-1148 at least 24 hours before the meeting. An agenda will be available from the President’s Office at least 72 hours prior to the meeting.

Board packets are distributed 72 hours prior to a scheduled board meeting. The Executive Assistant needs all documentation (agenda items with background, PowerPoint presentations, governance group reports/minutes and policies) to include in the board packet and should be received 10-12 days prior to the board meetings.

Under the provisions of the Learning Center Act [21-16A NMSA 1978], the members of the SFCC Governing Board also serve as members of the Learning Center District Board.  The LC District Board is a separate entity responsible for overseeing Higher Education Center (HEC) operations and contracting with higher education institutions to offer accredited educational programs and services.

For more information, please contact Audrey Lucero, Executive Assistant to the Governing Board, 505-428-1148,