About Achieving the Dream
Achieving the Dream is a national reform network dedicated to community college student success and completion; focused primarily on helping low-income students and students of color complete their education and obtain market-valued credentials.
Santa Fe Community College is a partner in Achieving the Dream. We are committed to a Student-Centered Model of Institutional Improvement designed to help more students, particularly low-income students and students of color, stay in school and earn a college certificate or degree.
SFCC’s Achieving the Dream initiative adheres to these principles:
- Committed Leadership
- Use of Evidence to Improve Programs and Services
- Broad Engagement
- Systemic Institutional Improvement
SFCC’s Achieving the Dream Implementation Plan
For more information about Achieving the Dream at Santa Fe Community College, contact:
- Vice President for Academic Affairs Margaret Peters, 505-428-1372, margaret.peters@sfcc.edu, or
- Assistant Vice President for Planning and Institutional Effectiveness Yash Morimoto, 505-428-1765, yash.morimoto@sfcc.edu.