- Violators of this policy are governed, prosecuted, and punished under New Mexico law and/or under the policies and regulations of the College.
- All persons found to be in violation of this policy are subject to disciplinary action. Such action is to be consistent in type, severity, and duration with College practice dealing with policy violations.
- If the violator is a student, responsibility for determining disciplinary actions resides with the Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs and the Student Affairs Officer.
- If the violator is a visitor on campus, responsibility for determining disciplinary actions resides with the President or designee.
- If the violator is an employee, responsibility for determining disciplinary actions resides with the Director of Human Resources and the President.
- In the event an allegation of violation occurs, a thorough investigation will be conducted by the Safety and Security Supervisor in coordination with the Vice President of Finance/Chief Financial Officer or designee and the Office of Human Resources.
Contact: Chris Gettler, Safety & Security Supervisor
Updated: 9/27/2016