
4-48: Recognition and Awards Policy

Policy Overview

Santa Fe Community College (SFCC or College) recognizes that employee contributions are important to its mission. This policy establishes the means for supporting this objective.

Scope and Applicability

This policy applies to all College employees. It provides various ways to formally and informally recognize the accomplishments and contributions of employees, individually and in teams or groups, across the institution. This policy is separate from the SFCC Policy 4-38 Employee Performance Appraisal.

Policy Statement

The Employee Recognition and Awards Program recognizes people for their service and good work through a fair and equitable process. By recognizing employee contributions, we encourage creativity, innovation, and continuous improvement to better serve our students and our community. Campus-wide employee engagement is strongly supported and encouraged. Recognition opportunities are available to all college employees and programs are administered with fairness and equity. Some of the awards may include a monetary recognition. Monetary awards are taxable to the recipient.


  1. Certificates of Achievement May be presented for completing a professional development program.
  2. Certificates of Appreciation May be presented to individuals or groups in recognition of their contributions or length of service to the College.
  3. Certificates of Commendation may be presented for outstanding contributions and service to the college.
  4. Department/School Category This category serves to encourage individual departments or schools to recognize their people using methods meaningful to that group.
  5. Employee Excellence Awards Presented to employees who have demonstrated excellence in at least one of the core values: student learning, excellence, people, social responsibility, or integrity.
  6. Group/Committee/Team Category This category serves to encourage organized committees or other recognized groups to recognize employees for their work as it relates to the mission of the committee. Once the group establishes a recognition program, it is responsible for managing it.

Policy Process

  1. The Recognition Awards Program is an opportunity available to all SFCC employees. Representatives from any category are encouraged to develop recognition programs.
  2. Nominations are solicited for employee excellence awards in all categories prior to the service awards ceremony.
  3. The program offers three categories under which faculty, staff and administration can recognize employees and employee groups for excellence.
    1. Individuals;
    2. Department/school; and;
    3. Groups, Committees, and Teams
  4. These categories of recognition and award include certificates of commendation, achievement, and appreciation.
  5. Service appreciation will be calculated and coordinated by Office of Human Resources in conjunction with the Office of Planning and Institutional Effectiveness.
  6. Previous year’s winners in each category form an ad hoc selection committee to review nomination and select winners of Employee Excellence Awards.
  7. Previous month’s winners of the Pass It Forward select the winner for the next month.
  8. The College’s peer-to-peer recognition program accepts nominations on a regular basis and the Office of Human Resources draws a winner on a monthly basis.
  9. All new recognition programs must approved by the Office of Human Resources.
  10. Recognition and awards programs may be implemented and presented throughout the year as designated and appropriate.

Statement of Accountability and Responsibility

The President, through the Vice President for Strategy and Organizational Effectiveness, the Chief Human Resources Officer, and the Office of Human Resources, shall be responsible for enforcing human resources policies and procedures. The Office of Human Resources shall work with the different departments and offices to comply with this policy and to develop procedures that will enforce this policy regarding awareness, prevention, and remediation.


11/11/11 /KQ
SFCC Governing Board approved: 10/18/12
Rev 10/20/12 RMG
Revised and Governing Board approved: 5/25/16

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