Policy Overview
This policy establishes that the Marketing and Public Relations Department is responsible for approval and distribution of Santa Fe Community College (SFCC or College) public information, and that only authorized employees may officially represent the College to the news media.
Scope and Applicability
This policy designates the Marketing and Public Relations Department as responsible for the College’s official public information. This policy applies to all employees.
Policy Statement
This policy ensures that public information and messaging are aligned with the College’s mission, vision, and values; reflect positively on the College; and further understanding of and support for SFCC.
- Employee is any member of the college workforce: all staff (regular full-time, regular part-time, term, temporary, probationary, sensitive position); all student employees; all faculty (full-time, part-time, adjunct, probationary); all administrators, including interim; all contract employees.
- News Media Print and electronic news media, including but not limited to radio and television stations, newspapers, blogs and magazines, regardless of whether online or otherwise delivered.
- Publication refers to anything created for the College, any materials or collateral, digital or otherwise, that is intended for public dissemination. Publications include, but are not limited to, advertisements, announcements, fliers, invitations, newsletters, posters, presentations, programs, social media, videos, websites, notifications, or announcements.
Policy Process
- Public Information
- Employees are expected to promote the College and its activities in cooperation with the Marketing and Public Relations Department.
- Employees shall coordinate with the Marketing and Public Relations Department to provide uniform, timely, and accurate information.
- All departments, programs, and offices are expected to work with the Marketing and Public Relations Department to develop marketing materials, publications, promotional efforts, press releases, and to schedule media interviews.
- Interacting with the Media
- The position of official spokesperson for SFCC is usually reserved for the President, Executive Director of Marketing and Public Relations, or designee.
- The Governing Board Chair may speak on behalf of the Governing Board (SFCC Policy 1-4 Governing Board Code of Conduct).
- While employees have the right to freedom of expression (SFCC Policy 3-14 Academic Freedom) when voicing their opinions on College-related topics independent from collaboration with the Marketing and Public Relations Department, they should clearly state that they are not officially representing SFCC.
- An officer of a governance body may represent and communicate the views of that entity while making it clear that they do not represent the official position of the College.
Statement of Accountability and Responsibility
The President, through the Chief Communications Officer/Executive Director of Marketing and Public Relations, shall be responsible for enforcing marketing and public relations policies and procedures. The Marketing and Public Relations Department shall work with the different departments and offices to comply with this policy and to develop procedures that will enforce this policy regarding awareness, prevention, and remediation.
SFCC Governing Board approved: 8/8/2003
Revised and Governing Board approved: 8/24/2016
Revised and Governing Board approved: 2/28/2024
SFCC Policy 1-4 Governing Board Code of Conduct
SFCC Policy 3-14 Academic Freedom