Campus Weekly
SFCC Smiles Club participated in Give Kids a Smile Day

SFCC’s SMILES Club hosted Give Kids a Smile (GKAS) Day on Feb 4, 2021 at SFCC’s Kid’s Campus and served 85 kids (0-5 year old) They also participated on Feb 13, 2021, at ICNM Sisters’ Food Project Drive-thru distribution and distributed 48 hygiene packs including dental hygiene goodies (1 -18 year old).
For details, please send an email to Dr. Aamna Nayyar at To learn about SFCC Dental Programs, please visit:
News and Announcements

Please note: Parking lot closures coming March 8 to 19
Please Note: Parking lot closures due to construction March 8-19
SFCC’s consultant, Sunland Construction will be working on SFCC parking lots on the following days:
Please plan to park elsewhere or your vehicle could be towed.
West Wing Parking Lot: March 8-9 and on March 15-16
Fitness Education Center Parking Lot: March 10-11 and March 17-18
Health & Sciences Parking Lot: March 12 & March 19
For questions, please contact Project Manager Karin Pitman or call 505-428-1720.

No classes or services on Professional Development Day on Friday, March 5
Santa Fe Community College will not offer any services or classes on Friday, March 5, while faculty and staff participate in a campus-wide Professional Development Day conference. The conference is one of the initiatives of the college to continue to provide ways to support SFCC students in achieving their educational goals. All SFCC and HEC buildings are closed to the public due to COVID-19 restrictions.
A subcommittee of SFCC’s President’s Diversity Advisory Committee worked with other campus collaborators to prepare a dynamic conference day of online workshops and interaction revolving around equity, diversity and inclusion. The overall theme is Anti-Racist Leadership.
George Lee Jr. will deliver the keynote address, “Exploring the Consciousness and Unconsciousness in Racism,” to kick off the day of activities.
Instructor Julia Goldberg collaborated with students for Santa Fe Reporter story
SFCC English instructor Julia Goldberg served as the project mentor for four interns who were accepted into the Winter 2020 training cohort for the New Mexico Fund for Public Interest Journalism, SFR’s nonprofit partner. The team identified a few key issues driving youth activism — climate change, immigration, LGBTQ rights and social justice — and sought out youth who have worked on these concerns. The project spotlights four activists ranging in ages from 11 to 28, working with and for local nonprofits Wise Fool New Mexico, the Santa Fe Dreamers Project, Youth United for Climate Crisis Action, Global Warming Express, as well as other initiatives.
SFCC student Magnificent Farrell wrote the story about Sierra Woosley, an 11-year-old who is fighting for the earth and disability rights.

Campus Update, Feb. 23, 2021
In an email on Feb. 23 to students, faculty and staff, President Becky Rowley, Ph.D., shared her optimism about the current decline of COVID-19 cases and the arrival of the vaccine. The email cautions everyone, however, to continue to be vigilant to protect our colleagues and our community. Travel is not recommended. Please, however, read additional guidance. Additional information on protocols, testing and vaccine registration is included.
Colleges adopt degree auditing platform to keep students on track
Colin Wood wrote in the Feb. 24 issue of EDSCOOP about the new degree (Uachieve) auditing software that SFCC will be adopting.
The story states, “The higher education software developer CollegeSource on Wednesday announced that two community colleges will adopt its degree auditing platform in the hope of reducing excess credits for transferring students and expediting the path to graduation.
Santa Fe Community College in New Mexico and Ozarks Technology Community College in Springfield, Missouri, are each planning implementations of the company’s uAcheive platform to automate various aspects of degree auditing and academic planning. Through “tailored reports” that outline student progress, along with “robust transfer articulation,” advisers can ensure students have selected their most direct route to graduation.”

Clovis Community College and four other community colleges form technology alliance
On Feb. 22, published a story, “Clovis Community College, four other New Mexico colleges form shared technology alliance.”
From the story:
“Bringing together five diverse colleges from five unique communities to reimagine and implement a life-changing college experience for our students is the most important action we can undertake to improve the education and quality of life for New Mexicans,” noted Becky Rowley, president of Santa Fe Community College, in a statement. “With a student-focused perspective, together we will transform what higher education can offer so that all students may reach their potential more quickly, more fully, more affordably and with personalized cross-college support.””>”Clovis Community College and four other New Mexico Colleges form shared technology alliance.”

Register for Migrating Songbirds - Small and Mighty at 1 p.m. March 9
SFCCs Library will present “Migrating Songbirds – Small and Mighty,” an online presentation with SFCC science professor Lenny Gannes, Ph.D., from 1 to 2 p.m. March 9. The free online presentation is open to the public, but participants must register by March 8 at Those who register will be sent a Zoom link for the event.
Professor Gannes said, “Bird migrants make tremendous journeys crossing oceans, deserts and continents. Migratory birds connect far-flung locations across the globe with their athletic feats of movement. And perhaps most importantly migratory birds are beautiful, inspiring and are part of our natural landscape. The presentation will focus on the amazing journeys of several migrant birds.”
Photo: Professor Lenny Gannes, Ph.D., gets a close-up view of a warbler.

Diverse Education: Five New Mexico Colleges Plan to Establish Joint Service System
The Feb. 15 edition of Diverse Education featured the story: “Five New Mexico Colleges Plan to Establish Joint Service System”
The story by Sara Wood about the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system states, “Under the joint system, the schools are working to address barriers and improve student success. …
“In fall 2019, Hispanic students made up 47.58% of the postsecondary population in New Mexico compared to 29.42% of White students and 9.44% of American Indian students, according to a report from the New Mexico Higher Education Department.
“Many college students in New Mexico are first-generation, low-income and live in rural areas,” Clovis Community College President Dr. Charles Nwankwo said. …”
Photo: Dr. Charles Nwankwo, president of Clovis Community College.
Register now for AARP Tax Aide, appointments filling fast
Due to the pandemic, a special drive-up (by appointment) service is being offered by AARP Foundation Tax Aide.
Please note: Santa Fe Higher Education Center remains closed to the public. All AARP Tax Aide appointments are drive-up only. Please remain in your car and call the number on the sign when you arrive. In-person and walk-in appointments are not available.
Please visit for guidelines, details, downloadable forms and to schedule your appointment.
Appointments available: Feb. 9 through April 15
Cost: Free
Days and hours of operation: 9 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Monday and Tuesday
You must register for your appointments. Register soon since appointments are limited. Register here.

SFCC releases digital version of Fast Facts
Santa Fe Community College announces the release of a digital edition of Fast Facts 2020-2021. View this handy reference at
The information is also available as a downloadable PDF at the same web page. Fast Facts 2020-21 reflects data from the end of the Fall 2020 semester.
Former culinary arts student's cookie business featured in "Beer and Cookies"
In the Feb. 10 issue of The Santa Fe Reporter, Marti Mills’ cookie business XOnuevo was featured in the story, “Beer and cookies.” She studied Culinary Arts at SFCC.
Here’s an interesting morsel from this cookie story, “Mills would go on to complete culinary training at the Santa Fe Community College at the age of 13—something that required special permission from the school’s dean. Additionally, she says, she’s committed to sourcing ingredients locally.”
“My absolute favorite at the moment is the lavender shortbread,” she says. “The lavender is grown organically by my friend in Santa Fe.”
She shared with Campus Weekly: “I am 37 and I have been baking since I was five. I started the cookie business during the pandemic but I have been making and selling food and art for decades — cookies really seemed to cheer everyone up during these hard times.”
Inset photo: Marti Mills with teddy bear cookies. In the photo is a suribachi grinding bowl she made at SFCC in the ceramics department. Photo used by permission.

Listen to a new podcast with Stephen Martinez, Ph.D.
Katherine Lewin, the host and producer of The Santa Fe Reporter’s “Reported,” interviews SFCC History Professor Stephen M. Martinez, Ph.D., for the latest podcast episode, “New Mexico is a state now and the other pandemic.” You’ll learn about the state’s first three governors, the role of Spanish language newspapers and much more.
If you missed the previous podcast when Steve Martinez, Ph.D., spoke about the origins of statehood, the legislature and the feud with Texas as well as other bright and dark spots of the period before New Mexico became a state,
listen to the podcast.
Image: Santa Fe Reporter’s graphic design for REPORTED.

Register for lap swimming appointments
The registration system for making appointments for lap swimming is now open.
The lap pool lanes are available to the public for limited individual appointments that begin on the hour from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday and 8 a.m. to noon on Saturdays. There is a $7 fee. (Employees please refer to recent email from Human Resources to use the codes as part of your employee benefits.)

Stories about legislative initiative to expand Opportunity Scholarship
Several news outlets have reported on a legislative initiative to expand the Opportunity Scholarship. Here are some of the stories:
0/22/2021, Santa Fe New Mexican,“Senate Education Committee approves $26M Opportunity Scholarship bill”
02/05/2021 AP News by Cedar Attanasio : “New Mexico legislature considers college tuition funding”
02/05/21, KOB News, “New Mexico Legislature considers college tuition funding”

Midtown Campus news
Several news stories in recent weeks indicated that the Midtown Campus developer wanted to end its contract with the city and the City Council has ended the agreement. SFCC is a partner in the Midtown Campus planning.
2/10/21, Santa Fe New Mexican, “Santa Fe City Council hears development options for midtown campus”
1/28/2021, Santa Fe New Mexican, Santa Fe agrees to terminate midtown development contract”
Jan. 28, Santa Fe Reporter, “Lights out for Midtown master developer: Council to reconvene evaluation team and consider alternative”
12/16, Santa Fe New Mexican, Editorial: “Developer’s exit brings new midtown opportunities”
Image: Santa Fe Higher Education Center is on the edge of the Midtown Campus.

American Red Cross classes offered Spring 2021
Opportunities for American Red Cross training are available, register now at with the CRN listed below. For more information, call 428-1608, or click the course title to view a flyer.
Water Safety Instructor Course
April 9 – 18
CRN 30693 HLED 1140
Register now for CE classes about Frida Kahlo and more
Are you interested in learning more about Frida Kahlo? CE is offering three different online classes about the famous Mexican artist. The first begins this Thursday. The instructor Carlos Rovelo is a full-time college professor of Mexican American Studies and Art history in Dallas/Fort Worth. Carlos is also affiliated with the Spanish-language TV networks Telemundo and Univision. Carlos holds an M.A. Degree in Liberal Arts. He completed additional graduate work in art history (the French Academy) in France. He is an expert in the Mexican Muralist movement and the life of Frida Kahlo.
Employees use your EEB Benefit. Need assistance with registration? Call 505-428-1676 or email

Media related to ERP system initiative to assist students
Many stories, columns and radio interviews are highlighting the Shared Services Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) initiative including these:
02/05/21, “Cline’s Corner podcast podcast”: President Becky Rowley outlined the benefits students will receive through SFCC’s partnership with five New Mexico colleges on a new technology system when she spoke with Lynn Cline, host of KSFR 101.1 FM’s Cline’s Corner.
2/1/21, Community College Daily, Partnering to streamline services and reduce costs
2/11/21, PR Newswire, Five New Mexico Colleges Band Together to Share One Enterprise Technology System
1/22/2021, KTRC radio, Northern New Mexico College President Rick Bailey and President Becky Rowley explore the benefits students will experience with a new technology system shared by five colleges on the Richard Eeds Show on KTRC.
1/7/2021, University Business, “5 New Mexico colleges launch groundbreaking partnership”
12/18/2020, Santa Fe New Mexican, “SFCC among 5 New Mexico colleges to collaborate on admissions/transfers”
12/12/20, Santa Fe New Mexican, “My View: Colleges introduce new collaborations.”

SFCC in the news
The following stories or radio shows either featured or mentioned SFCC or one of its employees.
2/19/21, Los Alamos Daily Post, “SFCC presents Migrating Songbirds Small and Mighty,” about Professor Lenny Gannes, Ph.D.’s March 9 talk through the SFCC library.
2/6/21, Santa Fe New Mexican, Thomasinia Ortiz-Gallegos shares her educational journey
1/16/21, The Santa Fe New Mexican, “Moving Arts Española, Moving on Up” Story mentions possible SFCC collaboration.
1/11/21 Santa Fe New Mexican, “New Mexico Education Department seeks more funds for Opportunity Scholarship”
1/9/21, Santa Fe New Mexican, “Literacy Volunteers of Santa Fe celebrates 35 years”
12/18/20, Santa Fe New Mexican, “Estevan Ortega at the Visual Arts Gallery”
Student Spotlight

Paid virtual summer internship at NMT, NMSU, or UNM. Apply by March 5
Now accepting applications for Summer 2021
Program Dates: May 31 – July 23
The STEM Advancement Program (STEMAP) engages students from New Mexico’s regional universities, community colleges, and tribal colleges in the research funded by the New Mexico SMART Grid Center at UNM, NMSU, and NMT. Up to 12 students are selected to participate each summer; benefits include a $4,000 stipend and funds for living expenses. Academic year opportunities include support to present at state, regional, and national conferences, a webinar series, and continued research activities back at your home campus with a faculty mentor.
If you are interested in pursuing a STEM degree, now or in the future, STEMAP is a great way to get paid while gaining valuable hands-on experience.
Deadline: March 5, 2021

TRIO accepting student applications
The TRIO Program is recruiting new students. Student Support Services (SSS) TRIO is a federally funded grant program designed to work with 160 Santa Fe Community College students. The program serves income-eligible students, first-generation students and students with disabilities. Please encourage students to apply to participate in TRIO.
TRIO continues to serve students with tutoring and other resources in an online capacity.
TRIO provides the following services:
- Tutoring: math, science and writing
- Cultural, educational and community service events
- Workshops: FAFSA, financial literacy, online learning, study skills, self-care, self-advocacy
- Scholarship Assistance
- Transfer to a 4-year college or university
- Academic coaching with a personalized success plan
- Career exploration
Find applications and more information at TRIO Student Services. Questions? Contact or call 505-428-1130.

Student Weekly Connection Feb. 26
This week’s Student Success newsletter, SFCC Weekly Connection contains great information about resources, transfer opportunities, and student activities events, and more! Also read: Student voices needed to re-imagine downtown Santa Fe.

Submit your work for Katie Besser Student Art and Writing Awards by March 12
When inspiration strikes, remember to submit your work for the Katie Besser Student Art and Writing awards!
The deadline is March 12.
Categories include Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction/Academic Essay, Text & Image.
For more information on prizes and how to submit your work, visit:

WNMU Virtual Transfer Workshop March 2
Interested in becoming a teacher? Interested in transferring to and studying at Western New Mexico University?
Then plan on attending the upcoming
WNMU School of Education Virtual transfer workshop
3 to 4 p.m. Tuesday, March 2
Representatives from the Early Childhood, Elementary, Secondary and Special Education departments, as well as from Admissions and Financial Aid will be available to answer all your questions about transferring and completing a teaching degree.
To RSVP and be sent the event Zoom link please reach out to Renee at,

ENMU Virtual Visit 1 p.m. March 4
Eastern New Mexico University will be hosting a Virtual Visit session from 1 to 2 p.m. Tuesday, March 4. Admissions staff will be available to answer all your questions and can help with the transfer application.
Click here at the scheduled time to join the visit.
If you cannot make this time or prefer a one on one session, feel free to schedule a thirty-minute virtual session to meet with one of our staff members or a fifteen-minute phone call here: or reach out anytime to Michael at 575.562.2182 or Shawn at 575.562.2406.

Transfer @ Tech Day on March 5
Transfer @ Tech Day
Learn more about New Mexico Tech during virtual visits on Friday, March 5 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
To see the schedule and to RSVP click here:
Employee Announcements

Register by Wednesday for Friday's Professional Development Day Conference
Employees: Please register by Wednesday, March 3 for the Friday, March 5 Professional Development Day. A subcommittee of SFCC’s President’s Diversity Advisory Committee is working with other collaborators to present a dynamic conference day of online workshops and interaction revolving around equity, diversity and inclusion. The overall theme is Anti-Racist Leadership.
SFCC is excited to announce that George Lee (shown in the photo) will give the keynote address: “Exploring the Consciousness and
Unconsciousness in Racism.” Read more about George Lee here.
Employees: You should have received an email to register on Wed. Feb. 24 with a link with more information and the registration link. Please review the instructions on Zoom help and user information, as well as the Conference Expectations for participation. Please follow the Zoom user information, so you can be identified and counted for attendance.
If you did not get the email or have a question, please email
Please note: If March 5 is a regular work day for you, then you are expected to attend Professional Development Day.

Remote Work Reimbursement
The Remote Work Reimbursement Form is available on SFCC Connect. You must be logged via VPN to access the form.
Submit this form if you are eligible for Remote Work Reimbursement. If you were eligible last fall, you are likely still eligible if you are working from home. Speak with your supervisor if you have questions about your eligibility.

Staff Senate Curbside Kindness Exchange for Staff and Faculty
Each semester, Staff Senate holds a Staff Appreciation Event. With the anniversary of the pandemic upon us, Staff Senate voted to open our spring event for all SFCC employees. Staff Senate is sponsoring a college-wide Kindness Exchange (books, seeds, ornaments) for all staff, faculty and adjunct faculty.
This event is non-denominational and is open to all. We miss being with one another, and what better way to reconnect than to do something kind for someone else.
For those of us with artistic gifts, please craft a decoration that can hang in a window, an ornament, charm, amulet, blessing, decoration or some other expression of care and appreciation. Please, no food.
For those of us who are not able to make something, please contribute an ornament, charm, amulet, blessing, decoration or other thoughtful item. Perhaps you have seeds to share, or some other item you are ready to gift-away. If you purchase something, limit the dollar value of the gift to $5 or less.
And for those of us who wish to participate, but don’t feel comfortable exchanging physical items, we will have a Microsoft Teams/Zoom Background exchange.
Let’s tangibly share care and good cheer with each other as we mark the anniversary of the pandemic.
How do I sign up?
You don’t have to! Starting today, make, find or buy your memento. You don’t have to limit yourself to just one! Your gift needs to be small enough to fit inside a quart-sized zip lock bag.
Write your name and email address on a zip lock plastic bag (permanent ink, please!) and place your wrapped memento inside.
Please, no joke gifts.
Drive through the SFCC West Wing entrance on Monday, March 8 to drop off your gift. There will be a designated box, labeled for the gift exchange, where you can deposit your gift. The box will be out from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. Please be sure to wear a mask when you come by.
Staff Senate Officers will empty the drop while wearing gloves and masks. The President’s Conference Room will be used for quarantine. Items will be quarantined and spaced for three days prior to distribution.
I Gave, How Do I Receive?
Drive through the SFCC West Wing entrance on Friday March 12 to receive your gift. Drive through will be available from 11 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Upon arrival drive through the roundabout at the front SFCC entrance and a Staff Senate Officer will place a gift either in the open trunk of your car, or on the empty passenger seat of the car. Please be sure to wear a mask when you pick up your gift.
What if I Didn’t Contribute a Thing to the Give-Away?
Please come on by and pick up a memento on March 12. We appreciate you!
Photo: Sabrina Calija, SFCC Staff Senate Communications Officer

Music instructors Fred Graham and Deborah Wagner share recorded recital
Adjunct faculty Fred Graham (performing arts program head, voice class, chorus) and Deborah Wagner (music theory) have recorded an art song recital featuring the works of Franz Schubert, Gwyneth Walker, Claude Debussy, and Reynaldo Hahn. The recital is a part of their work as the artistic leadership team for the Sangre de Cristo Chorale.

Sydney Scherr featured artist on Artsy Shark
Sydney Scherr is head of the Jewelry and Metal Arts program at Santa Fe Community College, according to her bio at
Sydney’s art is featured in the Art Business website, Artsy Shark. In the feature, she describes herself as a visual storyteller.
Photo: “Phoenix” Cloisonné Enamel Necklace/Brooch by Sydney Scherr

Sign up to read for the Faculty and Staff Annual Springtime Reading
Readings in the Library: Faculty and Staff Annual Springtime Reading
5 to 6 p.m. May 6, 2021
All faculty and staff are invited to read their original creative work aloud at this beloved and supportive springtime event. To sign up to read, email
January WOWs! Edward Segura and Frances Valdez
The WOW nominees for the month of January are Edward Segura and Frances Valdez! Congratulations and thanks for your outstanding work!
Edward Segura nominated by Michelle Harding -Collectively OIT is professional and responds quickly to SFCC employees. I have dealt with Mr. Edward Segura numerous times this week and he has consistently provided the utmost professional customer service while taking care of the needs of others. His helpful yet calm demeanor serves well when talking some off the ledge when disaster strikes.
Frances Valdez nominated by Aamna Nayyar-I am nominating Frances Valdez [from Jackie Gutierrez’s office]. Frances is very professional and efficient. In this COVID-19 campus closure, she is one of those who keeps positive and make sure that her duties are done on time.

NAPE Culturally Responsive Teaching Webinar March 5
Eliminating Barriers through Culturally Responsive Teaching
This toolkit is intended to help educators develop mindsets to meet the needs of their students and to implement curriculum that utilizes students’ cultural perspectives and home or community knowledge. Culturally responsive teaching is when educators relate content and instructional strategies to the cultural backgrounds of their students. Through a process of examination, reflection, and action, educators investigate their own experiences with Culturally Responsive Pedagogy (CRP) and develop a unique CRP reflection tool customized to their specific context for use in evaluating practices. Please note, this webinar is part of SFCC’s Professional Development Day, and is an afternoon workshop option.
3 to 4:30 p.m. Friday, March 5, 2021
Register now for this and other FREE Nape Webinars today!
The Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V) grant funds are supporting this professional development. If you have any questions, please contact Ann Black at or 928-779-4584.

Employees: Conversation with the President video available

How to enroll for COVID 19 vaccine
Please see the President’s update from Jan. 8 to see how to enroll for the COVID-19 vaccine.
SFCC encourages you to enroll soon, so our state can more effectively distribute the vaccine and notify you when vaccine doses will be available in your area.
NOVID phone app: The City of Santa Fe has partnered with NOVID to slow the spread of the virus. Download the free app at Read more about the app in this Dec. 15 Santa Fe Reporter story, “Spread the Word, not COVID-19.”
Since the update was released, there has been additional information about the phases of distribution. Read more here.

Gerard Martinez y Valencia shares opinion in My View column
Gerard Martinez y Valencia shared his opinion in the Jan. 17 issue of of the Santa Fe New Mexican in the “My View: Seize opportunity for cultural healing.”

Reminder: Don't speak to ERP vendors
In an email on Dec. 15, President Rowley shared an ERP update.
She stated: After months of incredibly hard work by dozens of our colleagues here and at our partner colleges at CNM, Clovis Community College, Northern New Mexico College, and San Juan College with the Shared Services Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) initiative, I am pleased to announce that our Shared Services ERP Request for Proposals will be posted on Friday, Dec. 18…
Later in the full message she notes,
“Thank you to our coworkers who have dedicated many hours to the Shared Services ERP RFP. Thank you, also, to all of you for continuing to honor the mandate that we must avoid all vendor contact now through the awarding of the contract next summer. We have already received a lot of outreach from vendors, and that has not been limited to those in OIT. Therefore, please remember to avoid responding to vendors. Should you hear from a vendor, please refer them to Gerrie Becker, Chief Procurement Officer for the RFP, 505-224-4551. Gerrie is the only person authorized to speak with vendors.”

Let's help slow the spread of the virus
Human Resource Director Luis Olivas shared this message on Nov. 20:
With COVID-19 cases increasing to the highest levels we have seen since the start of the pandemic, I just want to remind everyone of a few important pieces of information.
• Public health orders require that everyone wear a mask at all times outside of your home.
• Social distance in public and avoid gatherings with people outside your household.
• If you are feeling ill, you should not come into work, and avoid any type of social setting. The College wants you to feel better before you return to work.
• If you are feeling ill: Get tested and isolate yourself from others as much as possible. We need to help mitigate the health risk to others.
• Call 1-855-600-3453 for testing information and results. A new testing site at 2501 Camino Entrada at Fire Station #7 is open 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
• If you do contract COVID-19, seek medical attention immediately. Notify your supervisor and human resources, these cases need to reported, we are here to support you.
Please do your part, to help slow the spread of COVID-19. Stay home, stay safe, stay healthy.
Do you need information on testing? Visit
Remember to wash your hands for a full 20 seconds!

Submit nominations for WOW awards
The Office of Human Resources reminds you to nominate who you think is doing a great job here at SFCC. The nomination form can be found at the SFCC Connect portal, or by reaching out to Joanne Romero

Let Campus Weekly share your news
Let us know about your accomplishments and other news that you’d like to share. Please remember that the deadline is 5 p.m. Wednesday to get an item in the next week’s issue. Submit here.
Make employee appointments for AARP Tax Aide: March 4 & 11

AARP Tax Aide has reserved two exclusive days for SFCC employees to schedule appointments for tax preparation.
SFCC Employee days are Thursday, March 4 and Thursday, March 11.
If you would like to be seen on March 4, be sure to schedule your appointment on Monday, March 1.
Complete the intake form before your appointment. You may download it here: You may also pick up the intake packet outside of the Santa Fe HEC, Monday through Thursday, 9-3. Packets are available in Spanish.
To make your appointment: Please call 505-920-8879 and leave a message. Mention that you are an SFCC employee, the date you would like to schedule (March 4 or March 11) and your preferred appointment time. Appointments will be available every 15 minutes starting at 9 a.m. and ending at 2:45 p.m.