
4-53: Transfer of Employees – Procedures

In order to accommodate an employee transfer, dates should be arranged through the two departments involved, with the support of the Office of Human Resources (OHR). The receiving department (to which an employee is transferring) is responsible for orienting their new employee to their office along with all departmental rules and procedures.

  1. The current supervisor must verify that all eligibility criteria for an employee’s transfer has been met, including verifying the employee’s past work performance, before recommending an employee for transfer.
  2. After an employee has been selected and approved by OHR to transfer to another department, the directors/supervisors of the respective departments will determine a mutually acceptable transfer date. When an employee assumes the new job, the start date will be a mutual agreement between the current supervisor and the future supervisor. The transferring employee does not decide the starting date.
  3. At least two weeks’ notice should be given to the current department before a date of transfer.
  4. The receiving supervisor should receive a completed performance evaluation from the former supervisor on the transferring employee by the agreed-upon transfer date or no later than 30 days after the effective date of transfer.
  5. All employees transferring to a new department should ensure they are oriented to the new department by the new supervisor and they learn all departmental procedures.
  6. If an employee is involuntarily transferred to another position due to special circumstances as defined in Policy 4-40 Special Circumstances Employment Actions, the employee will sign a document stating the move is involuntary, acknowledging the change of assignment and any other employment-related changes, including but not limited to probationary status, changes to pay and hours, and changes to employment status.
  7. Probationary periods may not exceed a maximum of 18 months as described in Policy 4-31 Employment Classifications.
  8. If the new position results in a pay grade above or below the previous position, the new compensation level will be re-evaluated by OHR.


Yash Morimoto, Ph.D., Vice President for Strategy and Organizational Effectiveness,, 505-428-1765.

Donna Castro, Chief Human Resources Officer
, 505-428-1019

Updated: 12/14/2016