
4-29: Uniforms and Personal Protective Equipment – Procedures

  1. If required, a uniform or applicable Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) will be provided by the College at no expense to the employee. The College will not pay for either the cost or repair of any uniform or PPE that is not approved by the Vice President for Finance/Chief Financial Officer.
  2. The College will provide employees with safety items required for specific job responsibilities as determined by the appropriate department head/Dean/Vice President. These items could include such items as gloves, safety belts, face protectors, galoshes, goggles, CPR masks, whistles, ear plugs for noise protection, etc. Eye wear (or an allowance for the purchase of appropriate eye wear) shall be provided for all positions where daily protection is likely to be required. Shoes (or a cash allowance) may be provided when the job responsibilities require a certain shoe/boot for safety reasons.
  3. Supervisors will ensure that appropriate record keeping is maintained to identify all items purchased, the cost of each item, who they are assigned to, and when they are returned. See Uniform, PPE, Equipment, and/or Accessory Sign Out and Acceptance of Responsibility Form. Supervisors should create standardized forms for their department by listing typical items issued on this blank form.
  4. The style and composition of uniforms and PPE shall be determined by the department head/Dean/Vice President. All uniforms and applicable PPE shall have the approved SFCC logo placed visibly on the outside for recognition purposes.
  5. Uniforms, PPE, and/or gear issued by the College are to be worn only during working hours, when representing the College, in travel to and from work, and other situations as approved by the director, such as after work classes. Uniforms, PPE, and portions of issued uniforms and/or gear are not to be worn on days off or for personal business.
  6. Employees required to wear a uniform, PPE, and/or gear shall take the necessary steps to protect it from damage and excessive wear. Employees will not be financially responsible for normal wear or damage incurred performing work duties.
  7. Employees are responsible for cleaning and laundering.
  8. All employees required to wear uniforms and applicable PPE and shall wear the entire uniform and PPE issued to them, otherwise they will not be deemed “willing and able” to perform their assigned duties. Substitution of other types of clothing for parts of the uniform and PPE is only permitted when authorized by the department head/Dean/Vice President.
  9. When uniform items and PPE are replaced by the College, the worn uniform items (i.e. pants, shirts, sweaters, jackets, overalls, gloves, etc.) and PPE are to be returned to the appropriate supervisor.
  10. All uniform items and PPE, including hats, caps, sweaters, jackets, gloves, etc., are to be returned to the supervisor upon termination of employment. All items (excluding hats, caps and leather gloves) are to be returned washed, clean, and not overly wrinkled.
  11. All safety items are to be considered SFCC property and are to be housed on campus at all times. When a safety item needs repair or to be replaced, the Supervisor is to be notified. The old item is to be turned in upon receipt of the new item.
  12. If the employee is unable to produce the uniform items and/or PPE issued by the College when it is time to exchange those items for new ones, when requested by the College, or upon termination, the College may charge the employee up to the full purchase cost for each item. If necessary, the College will withhold the determined value from the employee’s paycheck(s). This policy is in compliance with the federal IRS code and State of New Mexico anti-donation statutes.


Yash Morimoto, Ph.D., Vice President for Strategy and Organizational Effectiveness,, 505-428-1765.

Donna Castro, Chief Human Resources Officer
, 505-428-1019

Updated: 12/14/2016