
3-6: Faculty Workload – Procedures


Addendum for procedure related to Faculty Workload Policy-

  1. All College-wide committees seeking faculty representation must contact Faculty Senate officers with a call for participation. The call should include:
    1. The role and charge of the group
    2. The department organizing the group
    3. How many faculty representatives are sought
    4. The length and frequency of meetings and the time and day of meetings, if set
    5. Whether full-time and/or adjunct representation is sought
    6. If the group is a task force, the length of time the group is expected to need to complete its task.

B.  Any committee seeking adjunct faculty representation shall get budget approval from the Vice President for Academic and Student      Affairs.
C. Faculty Senate shall publicize each College service opportunity by email, on the Senate’s web page, in meetings, and/or by personal contact.
D. If more faculty seek to serve than the committee requires, Faculty Senate may vote to determine which names to send forward. Such a vote will be announced in an agenda distributed by the usual methods prior to the meeting where the vote is to take place.
E.  Faculty Senate officers provide a list of faculty representatives to the committee chair.
F.  Faculty members serving on committees must commit to attend at least 75 percent of committee meetings.
G.  Faculty members representing faculty as a whole on committees have an obligation to communicate with faculty and to seek broader faculty opinion about the work of each committee through the Senate.
H.  Faculty shall choose their College service commitments in consultation with their chair and Dean.

Contact:      Margaret Peters, Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs

Updated:     5/2/2016

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