Update on new greenhouse
Update from Henry Mignardot, Executive Director for Plant Operations and Maintenance: We’re excited and motivated; we selected a construction contractor to construct the Hydroponic/Aquaponics Greenhouses. The project has received all approvals, the contractor has a construction permit in hand and the project has started with site clearing last week. Site […]
SFCC recognized as climate change leader
The college is featured in an online publication Medium in a story titled, “Let’s Lead on Climate: Higher Education Success Story, Santa Fe Community College.”
¡Palabra!: Immigrant
Immigrant: Someone who moves to one country or region and intends to reside permanently in that country or region. Immigration means “in- migration” into a country, and is the reverse is emigration, or “out-migration.” The long term and/or permanent movement of human population in general, whether into, out of, or […]
Welcome Our New Registrar
Kathleen is native Santa Fean, having been born and raised here and a graduate of Santa Fe High School and the University Of New Mexico. Her bachelor’s degree is in Vocational Home Economics Education with a minor in Political Science. So how did she become a Registrar? As many know…..no […]
Hablandos Photos
From the June 20 Hablando de Nosotros: Talking about Ourselves Speaking to Issues in Nuestra Comunidad, at the HEC. Photos by Camila Motta.
Hablando de Nosotros: Talking about Ourselves
Join CDIL and the HEC for a quarterly community conversation series exploring individual and collective definitions and relationships to Hispanic identities. The next conversation in the series is from 6 to 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, June 20 at the HEC (1950 Siringo Rd.) with the topic Sexuality and Hispanic, Latino and […]
Banner Class for Faculty and Staff
This 3-week class focuses on various aspects of Banner. Taught by Norbert Utz from 9 to 10:30 a.m., Thursdays, July 6, 13 and 20 in room 611E. Maximum class size is 15 people, so sign up now. To register contact Jeff Hood, Professional Development Specialist, ext. 1843. Ellucian eCommunities: This […]
Campus Update: SFCC President Randy Grissom
Dear Colleagues: The spring semester has ended, graduations have been celebrated and the summer term has begun. Thank you for your valued contributions that support our students and our community. I am writing to update you on recent legislative and Governing Board actions. New Mexico Legislature The New Mexico Higher […]
Course Studio to Canvas Workshop Offerings
Beginning this fall semester, Course Studio in JACK will no longer be available. Online Classes will be conducted through Canvas. If you have never used Canvas, please join us for a Course Studio to Canvas Workshop this summer. All workshops will be in room 416. Friday, June 9: 9 to […]
Global Youth Santa Fe application extended to June 8
Santa Fe Community College will offer the Global Youth Santa Fe program during two five-day camps June 12-16 or June 26-30. High school students may be eligible to earn dual credit. The application deadline has been extended to June 8. Global Youth Santa Fe teaches Santa Fe’s youth what it […]
Nurses Pinning Celebration
On Thursday, May 11, a celebratory pinning ceremony welcomed 48 nursing graduates, including 12 students who had come from ITT Tech after it abruptly closed. Kicking off the festive ceremony was a surprise for Dean of School of Sciences, Health, Engineering and Math Jenny Landen. Dr. Nancy Ridenour, Nurse Practitioner, […]
SFCC Celebrates Success
Saturday’s Commencement ceremony honored the 725 graduates, who earned 874 awards (certificates and degrees). About 300 graduates and their guests filled the Pueblo Pavilion where Cindy Nava addressed the graduating class. The nationally recognized Latina motivational speaker energized the audience by concluding her speech, which was aired live on Facebook, […]
Celebrate the High School Equivalency Certificate Graduation
Over 100 students will receive their High School Equivalency Certificate (HSE) at 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, May 17 in the William C. Witter Fitness Education Center. Dr. Barbara Damron, New Mexico Cabinet Secretary of Education, will be the ceremony’s keynote speaker. HSE graduates Maria Luisa Ortega and Dameko Salguero were selected […]
SFCC Leadership Academy Celebrates Class of 2017
Forty-four graduates of SFCC Leadership Academy — along with family members, fellow employees and members of administration — came together Thursday to celebrate their completion of the nine-month professional development program. Speakers included President Randy Grissom, Daniel Gutierrez and David Markwardt. Testimonials were given by John Apodaca, Tiffany Bracamontes, John Gorman, Lucia […]
Veterans Scholarship Application Open Now
The Scholarship Application for City of Santa Fe/SFCC Foundation Veterans Scholarship is available beginning today. The scholarship is available to veterans and their dependents who are not eligible for other veterans’ benefits. This scholarship is an important program of Santa Fe Community College Foundation in partnership with the City of […]