Activist Oren Lyons learns about SFCC’s sustainability programs
Oren Lyons, advocate for indigenous rights and environmental rights, stopped by SFCC for a visit to learn more about SFCC’s sustainability programs. Oren Lyons is a Native American Faithkeeper of the Turtle Clan of the Seneca Nations of the Iroquois Confederacy. He was visiting Santa Fe to participate in a […]
SFCC student selected to visit NASA center in Sept. 2019
Sara Lanctot, who is studying engineering and computer science at the college, was selected to attend the NASA Community College Aerospace Scholars (NCAS) Onsite Experience at Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, on Sept. 23-27. This summer she participated in an intensive five-week online activity. The above slide show […]
SFCC instructor Felix Lopez wins awards at 2019 Spanish Market
Santa Fe Community College instructor Felix Lopez won both the Second Place award in the Painted Bultos category and the E. Boyd Memorial Award for Originality and Expressive Design for his piece, “Cruz de Viernes Santo” (The Cross of Good Friday). Lopez has taught at the college for 12 […]
Brave X-STEM students develop apps at SFCC
Visiting seventh, eighth and ninth grade girls from northern New Mexico were on campus on as part of the Brave X STEM day Camp from July 29 to August 3 to innovate, design and create. The camp culiminated with qualified apps being submitted to the <a href=””>Congressional App Challenge</a>. STEM […]
Patricia Pearce Endowment announced July 26, 2019
Santa Fe Community College’s Head of Printmaking and Book Arts Patricia Pearce was stunned when it was announced at the July 26 opening of the DWELL art exhibition that several of her students had created a special endowment in her honor. The fund was created by the students with Amy […]
SFCC celebrated groundbreaking for Automotive Technology Center on June 26, 2019
Interim president Cecilia Cervantes, Ph.D., members of the Santa Fe Community College Governing board, Santa Fe Community College Foundation, Julia Furry, director of the SFCC Automotive Technologies program, Camilla Bustamante, Ph.D., Dean School of Trades and Advanced Technology, members of the automotive advisory committee, and community leaders, including representatives of […]
My Photographic Life: Photographs by Joe Long on exhibit through July 11
The exhibition, “My Photographic Life: Photographs by Joe Long,” opened on June 13 with a festive reception. The exhibit will run through July 11 at the Visual Arts Gallery. The 93-year-old photographer shared work that spanned 70 years. He reflects, “My involvement with SFCC now totals twenty years as a […]
Nurses’ Pinning Ceremony 2019
Last week’s Nurses’ Pinning Ceremony recognized the 29 graduates for Spring 2019. The ceremony included the The Nursing Pledge: I solemnly pledge myself before God and in presence of this assembly, to pass my life in purity and to practice my profession faithfully. I will abstain from whatever is deleterious […]
SFCC Culinary Scholarship gets a boost from GSFRA
SFCC Chefs Jerry Dakan and Patrick Mares volunteered for this year’s Greater Santa Fe Restaurant Association’s (GSFRA) 4th Annual Chef Gala held at the Drury Hotel in April. SFCC students Emma Keener and Josh Rodriguez worked alongside some of the most accomplished chefs of Santa Fe: Chef Sllin Cruz from […]
SFCC’s LPN Career Pathway Pilot Program
SFCC is implementing a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) career pathway in partnership with Santa Fe’s Capital High School (CHS). The goal is to increase the educational attainment of high school students in nursing to build northern New Mexico’s health ecosystem capacity that will directly improve our community’s well-being. Interested high […]
SFCC celebrated Native American Week with Red Sands Project and other events
Santa Fe Community College celebrated Native American Week with dances, an arts and crafts fair and a lecture by photographer/artist A.J. Goldman who shared a performance piece on identity. Elisa Lucero led a drumming circle in the Campus Center and encouraged students and faculty to join in. She shared drums […]
2019 SFCC Service and Excellence Awards
2019 Service Awards 5 Years 10 Years 15 Years 20 Years Jason Beam Radu Alexandrescu Michael Arellano Linda Cassel Kaleigh Brewer Robert Bond Julia Deisler Behzad Dayeny Camila Bustamante Maria Eleas Doreen Jaramillo Francine Fishcer Barbara Amelia Byrne Gonzales Cheryl Fields Geroge Marvin Kristen Krell Liz Cervio Adrienne George Jeremy […]
SFCC hosted Women Write: An interactive panel on April 16, 2019
Santa Fe Literary Review presented an interective panel: Women Write as part of the SFCC Readings in the Library series. Julia Goldberg spoke about her perspective as a longtime journalist and editor. She emphasized the fact that reporters around the globe are risking their lives to tell important stories. Jennifer […]