
4-32: Hiring for Faculty Positions – Procedures


The Hiring Procedure was created to ensure that:

  • SFCC quality management philosophy is supported through the hiring of qualified candidates who meet the needs of the College community;
  • All Hiring Panel members are responsible for adhering to this Hiring Process;
  • The process is fair, equitable and allows for active engagement between the Hiring Authority, the Hiring Panel, and applicants eligible for consideration under this hiring process;
  • Equal Employment Opportunities are provided;
  • The procedure is legally sound and protects both the applicant and the College from any potential claim of wrongdoing; and
  • SFCC is diligent in the recruitment and retention of diverse populations.

It is the responsibility of the Office of Human Resources (OHR), the Hiring Authority, the Panel Leader, and every Hiring Panel Member to conscientiously and purposefully remain informed of and to adhere to this hiring process.


Chief Human Resources Officer: The Chief Human Resources Officer is responsible for developing, revising, and enforcing a written hiring process in accordance with SFCC’s Hiring Policy 4-32.

  • The EDHR relies upon all Hiring Panel Members to excuse themselves from panel participation if, for any reason, they determine an inability to adhere to this hiring process.
  • If the EDHR perceives or receives a potential claim of wrongdoing, the EDHR may assign a Human Resources staff member to act as a Panel Member/Leader or attendee to observe or participate in any meetings or interviews related to a specific job posting.
  • The EDHR or designee are the only individuals who may contact any educational institution, employer (including former employers) or references presented in application materials, with the exception of the President and/or the President’s designee.

Hiring Authority (HA): The HA has the responsibility of insuring adherence to this hiring process, which includes a demonstrated commitment to diversity.

  • The HA is responsible for insuring that the Panel Leader and all Hiring Panel Member(s) understand how to use the application ratings and interview questions prior to Hiring Panel review of application material through panel group training meeting(s).
  • The HA is responsible for setting the minimum total score for the Application Rating part of this hiring process.
  • The HA determines who is to be offered the position based on the panel results and a final interview. He/she authorizes the hire.
  • The HA is responsible for ensuring those currently employed as student workers cannot work in another position at the College while employed in that capacity.
  • If the HA cannot make a selection from the recommended list s/he must consult with the EDHR to consider other interviewed candidates. This alternative must be accompanied by a document explaining the decision and reviewed with the Chief Human Resources Officer who may discuss it with the Panel Leader. The document is not copied or distributed.
  • If the HA cannot make a selection from the interviewed candidates, the HA shall declare a failed search.

Panel Leader (PL): The PL arranges, with Human Resources, training for the Hiring Panel as needed, ensures that the Hiring Panel adheres to the entire hiring process, maintains confidentiality and impartiality at all times, and conducts all Hiring Panel activities in a fair and non-biased manner.

  • In order to maintain a fair and consistent hiring process, the PL is required to attend all HP meetings, discussions and interviews.

Hiring Panel (HP): The HP has the responsibility to obtain, read and understand the hiring process and any related training, and to maintain confidentiality and impartiality at all times.

  • In order to maintain a fair and consistent hiring process, Hiring Panel members are required to attend all HP meetings, discussions and interviews.
  • Composition of the HP shall be a diverse selection of faculty or staff including representatives from outside the hiring department, may include one adjunct faculty member and the balance of members from within the hiring school, not limited to faculty.
  • For faculty positions, the Hiring Panel will have no fewer than four and no more than eight members. Hiring Panel members should consist of at least half from the respective department (which can include adjunct faculty).

Center for Diversity and Integrated Learning (CDIL) Advisory Council member: A trained advocate from CDIL will be required to attend all meetings and interviews for all positions. CDIL trained advocates will participate as a full panel member and provide guidance throughout the hiring process. The CDIL representative must complete the Human Resources Panel Leader training on a yearly basis.


Application Material: An application completed and submitted through SFCC’s online job site which includes any other documentation specified in the job posting.

Application Rating: Instrument used to assess application material to net an overall score that will determine which applicants will be contacted for an interview. The HP is required to interview all applicants whose Application Rating scores meet or exceed the minimum score set by the HA. The HA may, with OHR approval, waive the Application Rating. If waived, the HP is required to interview all applicants who meet the minimum posted requirements.

Center for Diversity and Integrated Learning (CDIL) Advisory Council is a diverse group of trained individuals who advocate for and steer the consciousness of diversity and equity related issues at the College.

Hiring Authority (HA): Individuals authorized to hire staff and/or faculty. The HA has the option of participating as a member of the Hiring Panel or as an observer. If observing, the HA may not participate in any way with Hiring Panel activities and must be a silent observer. The HA makes the final selection from the candidates determined by the panel and authorizes the hire.

Hiring Panel (HP): A group of regular status employees (staff and faculty) selected to participate in the hiring process which includes the PL and all other HP members. The HP may include an adjunct faculty member if needed to ensure representation of the academic department must be 50%; but may not comprise the majority of department representation. A CDIL trained advocate will serve on the HP. The purpose of the HP is to review applications, conduct interviews and make hiring recommendations to the HA. External HP Members will require approval of the EDHR. Example of external HP members may include: board members (SFCC, the Foundation, SBDC, etc.) or other position-specific related consultants or community members.

Hiring Process (HP): Process by which the College recruits, interviews and hires new regular status staff and faculty.

Hiring Process Matrix: Step-by-step quick reference for this hiring process.

Minimum Posted Requirements: Minimum education and experience requirements are specified in a job posting.

Panel Leader (PL): Individual selected to lead and expedite the hiring process. Must complete the Human Resources Panel Leader training on a yearly basis.

Posting Period: Dates during which a position is open for applications. The Posting Period ends at midnight of the end date posted. Posting periods are identified in the Hiring Policy 4-32.

Recruitment Request (RR): Form used by the HA to initiate this hiring process. The RR form requires various approval signatures and additional hiring requirements to include: panel recommendation, applicant rating tool and interview questions submitted for OHR approval. The Recruitment Request can be found on the SFCC Intranet.


Internal Posting: The position is open to current SFCC employees only. Minimum posting period is 5 working days.

External Posting: The position is open to the public and must be posted externally for a minimum of 10 working days.

Eligible SFCC Applicants: In an effort to create a process by which SFCC employees have new job opportunities within SFCC, the following has been instituted:

If minimum qualifications are met, current SFCC employee applicants will receive an interview;

OHR will notify the PL of any qualified internal applicants prior to application review by the HP;

Employee must maintain a current application on;

It is the employee’s option to advise supervisor of their application for another position with the College;

Upon request, OHR will respond to SFCC employees and provide information as to why an application did not meet Minimum Posted Requirements;

Employee applicants interviewed and not selected for the position will be notified personally by the Hiring Authority prior to the announcement of the selected candidate.

This process is intended to be a cooperative effort. Supervisors/managers must support an employee’s efforts in the possibility of a position change.

Telephone/video Interviews: Telephone/video interviews can be conducted whenever necessary. The PL has the responsibility of insuring that all candidates to be interviewed are provided a copy of the job description and all other interview materials provided to “in person” interview candidates, within a comparable time frame allowed candidates interviewing in person.   It is recommended that all interviews use the same process.  For example, if one candidate is interviewed via video interview all candidates should be interviewed by video interview even if they are local.  This assures fairness and consistency in applying our processes.


  • HA/HP cannot administer tests to applicants nor can they require a demonstration unless previously reviewed and approved by OHR. If approved, PL will have the responsibility of giving adequate notice to each candidate to be interviewed and ensure the validity and completion of test/demonstration ratings by HP. Completed tests and/or demonstration ratings must be documented and submitted along with application ratings and summaries and results of interview questions to OHR. The HA will complete a Hiring Selection form or provide a memo to OHR notifying OHR of their selection.
  • The EDHR (or designee) may take any action it deems necessary if any segment of the Hiring Procedure is violated, omitted, or changed.
  • All forms used in the Hiring Process must be dated and signed by each Panel Member.
  • PL and HP selection is subject to OHR approval.
  • All participants must maintain confidentiality at all times.
  • In terms of Risk Management and the protection of SFCC, OHR may intervene during any part of the Hiring Procedure and/or observe interview(s).
  • OHR is responsible for conducting all employment and education verifications.
  • HA is responsible for personally contacting employee applicants if not selected for a position.
  • A Hiring Procedure matrix is available on the College intranet.

Effective January 23, 2009

Revised:  March 2015

Revised October 2015

Revised December 2015

Revised July 2016


Yash Morimoto, Ph.D., Vice President for Strategy and Organizational Effectiveness,, 505-428-1765.

Donna Castro, Chief Human Resources Officer
, 505-428-1019