Explore what you care about. Be active in your college experience. Have fun while practicing skills for life. Write the narrative instead of reading it.
Just because events might be changing between in-person and virtual. It doesn’t mean that you can’t have a great experience in student clubs, student government and other opportunities for involvement.
Student Activities is the spot for finding events and discovering ways to get involved that will complement the academic experience for SFCC Students. We promote a student-centered environment supporting personal and learning development.
At Santa Fe Community College, students run more than 25 different groups consisting of a variety of academic and extra-curricular clubs, national organizations, social activities and leadership programs. These opportunities assist in the development of education and socialization characteristics, so vital in a positive scholastic experience.
Whether the goal is to entertain, inform, showcase, or engage community, we are committed to ensuring that your event is safe and successful. So, be sure to check in with the Student Activities Office to learn more information on common policies, procedures, and resources.
Student Activities Office is located on the Lower Level Room 312. We welcome volunteers to assist with events, join campus organizations or to become a Student Activities Committee Member.
Mission, Vision, and Values
Student Handbook
SFCC Policies and Procedures
Student Activities Center Committee
Fund Request Form Link
Get Involved
- Guess How Many Contest
- Go to an event
- Go to a meeting
- Run for SGA office
- Write for the Newsletter
- Activities Calendar
- Virtual Events
- The Reserve Booth: Tell me your Story
- Virtual Activities
Welcome Back and Midterm Resource Materials
- Emergency Studying
- Exam Preparation Worksheet
- Goal Setting Worksheet
- Stress Worksheet
- Test Anxiety
- Test Taking Tips
- What students can do to improve information processing
- Where do you procrastinate
Student Clubs
Start a group and the Student Activities Office can help your group thrive.
- Engage with your academic interests in new ways outside of the classroom.
- Help people on campus or in the wider world.
- Enjoy your favorite arts and hobbies with others.
- Meet people with similar interests and develop life-long friendships.
- Find a group that’s right for you.
- One Idea + 7 Students = A Student Group
Official student groups have access to resources like space on campus, equipment and materials, a staff advisor, and funding for activities. Find out more.