Campus Weekly
Welcome to SFCC Fall 2017
Information tables throughout campus will greet our students today, tomorrow and Wednesday from 7:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. and later from 4 to 5:30 p.m. Please take a moment out of your day to assist any students who look like they could use some help. Here’s to a great start to the fall semester.
News and Announcements
SFCC Culture, Justice and Learning Institute accepting applications
Be part of the in the inaugural class of the SFCC Culture, Justice and Learning Institute. The CJL Institute is designed for motivated individuals who wish to engage in a deeper exploration of how culture, social justice and learning relate to how we see and experience ourselves as individuals, as educators and learners and as SFCC faculty and staff committed to student success.
The course will span eight half days, September through April. For more details, email CDIL
The application deadline is today, August 21.
The Campus Connection Project
Members of MPR, HEC and OPIE have received a $15,000 grant award from the Santa Fe Community Foundation to help increase the number of college-bound high school graduates in Santa Fe. The effort is part of SFCF’s “Birth to Career” initiative, a collective impact effort among committed leaders and stakeholders to achieve birth to career success for Santa Fe children, families, and communities. Members of the college will work collaboratively with Santa Fe Public Schools and other community partners to develop and deliver greater access to college to high school graduates.
Application deadline TODAY! SFCC Leadership Academy accepting applications for Class of 2018
SFCC Leadership Academy graduates complete an eight-month training to enhance communication skills, build community and develop leadership and management skills to better serve our students. Applications are available on JACK for the Leadership, Graduate and Supervisor classes.
Second opportunity: sign up for Renewal and Wholeness Retreat
Give yourself the gift of slowing down and looking within in pursuit of what brings life into our lives and work. In this retreat, you are invited to explore issues of vocation, identity and integrity through self-reflection, soulful poetry, deep listening, respectful inquiry, silent walks outdoors and more. Friday, September 22 from 6 to 8 p.m. and Saturday, September 23 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Open to all SFCC staff and faculty and facilitated by Jeff Hood. Based on the work of author, Parker Palmer. Preregistration necessary, contact Jeff Hood, ext. 1843. Funded by the SFCC Foundation.
Attend the ACTE Conference in Albuquerque
The Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE) will hold its National Best Practices and Innovations Conference for Career and Technical Educators in Albuquerque, September 27-29. SFCC has money available to fund registration fees and mileage for up to 10 Faculty, Adjunct Faculty, Advisers and Administrators through our Perkins Grant. For more information, contact Jeff Hood, ext. 1843. First Come, First Served.
Back by popular demand: 'Food for Life'
Lose weight and get healthy in a series of eight, weekly educational cooking classes on a plant-based diet. Benefits include prevention of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer and other chronic diseases. Taught by Amanda Hatherly, Certified Food for Life instructor. Lunch prepared, provided and eaten in the class. Tuesdays beginning September 19 and going through December 5, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Preregistration is necessary. Funded by the SFCC Foundation. To register, contact Jeff Hood, ext. 1843.
Do you have a technology project for OIT?
Attention All SFCC Departments! Let us know ASAP.
Deadline for requests is September 15.
Contact Erica Keppel, Associate Director of IT Projects, at ext. 1133 or with questions or to submit a proposal.
Student Spotlight
Community Health Worker Certificate - sign up for classes!
The CHW courses train workers for many jobs available in the community. This year, many students will qualify for tuition assistance through Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA) grant funding. There are two classes, taken over the course of two semesters and there is a clinical training component to the classes. The certificate totals 10.5 credit hours. Class is from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., Mondays and Wednesdays beginning September 6. For more information, contact Cheryl Peachey, ext. 1926.
PrepSTEP available at SFCC Library
If you know students preparing for an Accuplacer, entrance, GED or licensing or occupational exam, suggest PrepSTEP.
PrepSTEP is a test-preparation platform that helps prepare students for a huge variety of standardized tests. It includes practices tests that mimic real testing environments, ensuring students feel comfortable on exam day. It also includes tutorials, ebooks and other study materials for English, math and science brush-up, college and personal success skills, Spanish-language study guides, and much more.
Available through the SFCC Library.
ESL registration open now
SFCC’s ESL (English as a Second Language) program offers English classes for seven levels at three locations around Santa Fe including SFCC, El Camino Real Academy and Ortiz Middle School. For all of the details and for the orientation schedule, contact Adult Education, ext. 1356.
Read more. . .
Support SMILES Dental Club
Get your own “Smiles” t-shirt for $20 and support SMILES, the SFCC Dental Student Club. See Karla in Room 456 or Aamna in Room 455. “Smiles – They’re always in fashion and worth everything.” For more information, contact Karla Martinez-Vigil, ext. 1345 or Aamna Nayyar, ext. 1258.
Employee Announcements
Pecos Youth Conservation Corps dual enrollment class in video production
Monique Anair reports that the video production course held this summer with the Pecos Youth Conservation Corps was a great success. Students completed a multi-media mobile assignment, hands-on and written examination, a group project (planning and shooting) and a personal small screen (smartphone) video project. Anair said, “The Youth Conservation Corps workers were a wonderful group to work with and I feel we all learned a lot from the experience. We will be meeting with representatives from the Pecos National Historic Park to review the outcomes and discuss further plans for collaborations.”
Photo: Senator Martin Hienrich happened to be visiting the park on the day of class day which provided a unique opportunity to showcase the program and show the student work. The students pictured are SFCC dual credit students (L to R) Emma Quintana, Brisa Benavidez, Tomas Tanuz and Cristina Trinadad.
New Job Request and Event Promotion forms
It’s easier to submit your MPR Job Request and your Event Promotion request with new online forms. Submission is easier, approvals are easier. Don’t hesitate to contact MPR with any questions about our forms and the services we provide.
Postings on campus
Earlier this year, the SFCC Governing Board approved Policy 8-9: Postings on Campus. Please review the full policy and procedures to make sure that your postings follow college guidelines.
Please note that any postings on campus should only be in approved locations, as specified in the procedures, or they may be removed without notice.
¡Palabra!: Immigrant
Immigrant: Someone who moves to one country or region and intends to reside permanently in that country or region. Immigration means “in- migration” into a country, and is the reverse is emigration, or “out-migration.” The long term and/or permanent movement of human population in general, whether into, out of, or within countries (or before the existence of recognized countries) is regarded as migration. View definition in Spanish.
Brought to you by the Center for Diversity and Integrated Learning.