Request for Quotes Listings


IMPORTANT: Please e-mail your intention to submit a proposal for any opportunity listed below so that we may provide notice of any amendments/addendums that may arise. Direct your e-mail to: and include the Proposal # in the Subject line of your e-mail.

Please register your business as a vendor on our Purchasing Office page.

Thank you for your interest in doing business with Santa Fe Community College.

 Request For Quote # Title/Contact Info  Opening Date/Time  Award Information

RFQ#9-30-15 attachment

 Stair tread replacement  October 2, 2015, 2:00pm(MST) Contract Associates
RFQ#10-28-15 Boiler Retube

RFQ#10-28-15 Specs

RFQ#10-28-15 Drawings

 Boiler Repair/Retube  November 4, 2:00pm (MST)