Campus Weekly
Kyle Pacheco wins big at Châine des Rôtisseurs
The oldest and largest food and wine society in the world, Chaîne des Rôtisseurs, held its Far West Regional Young Chefs Competition at SFCC. SFCC graduate Kyle Pacheco of Kewa Pueblo won the top prize for his cooking in the savory section of the competition.
SFCC’s Chaîne des Rôtisseurs offerings — which included a cooking competition, as well as an SFCC Foundation fundraising dinner and award ceremony, during which SFCC’s kitchen was inducted into the historic Chaîne organization — were a resounding success, drawing packed crowds.
Chef Kyle will go on to compete in Charleston, SC, in the national competition. The global competition takes place in Taiwan. Congratulations, Kyle!
Photo: Kyle Pacheco with his parents, Sylvia and Michael Pacheco
Credit: Camilla Bustamante
News and Announcements
Submit Feedback for HR Executive Director Candidate by Tuesday
From Interim President Dr. Cervantes:
I want to extend thanks to all employees who participated in Thursday’s jam-packed forum for Executive Director of Human Resources finalist Terence Donaldson. Your insightful and well thought-out questions displayed the passion you have about your work and the high level of investment you have in the college. If you missed the forum, please consider viewing the video.
Your feedback is still vital to this process. Please take a moment and share your thoughts using our anonymous online form no later than Tuesday, March 6. I know your time is valuable so thanks again for your hard work and participation in this process.
Cecilia Y.M. Cervantes, Ph.D.
Interim President
Update on Employee Development Day Morning Lockdown Exercise, March 16
Professional Development Day at SFCC takes place Friday, March 16. The college will be closed to the public and no support services will be available — this includes food services, custodial, book store, the fitness center, among others. Kids Campus, La Familia and the Santa Fe Higher Education Center will remain open. KSFR 101.1 FM has confirmed they are participating in the lockdown exercise.
The session begins at 8:15 a.m. in the Campus Center with breakfast, a short introduction to the day’s events and an overview of the lockdown exercise. Read the full memo.
Sign up your basketball team now
Sign up your basketball team now to participate in this year’s Gerald Clay Memorial 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament Friday and Saturday, April 6 and 7. Registration is open online through Sunday, April 1. Get on the details from the press release.
Volunteers are still needed too! Learn all about volunteering and sign up here.
April 6 and 7: Art Business Summit, get discounted tickets
The Clark Hulings Fund for Visual Artists and the Art Business Institute are offering discounted tickets to the Second Annual Art Business Summit for all SFCC students, faculty, staff and alumni. The summit is a business development seminar for working artists. The seminar takes place on Friday and Saturday, April 6-7, here on campus.
Student Spotlight
SMILES Dental Club fundraiser at Panda Express March 9
Dine at Panda Express (3522 Zafarano Dr., Suite F1) Friday, March 9 and support SFCC SMILES Dental Club. The flier must be presented at the restaurant or the code entered from the flier if you’re ordering online. Download and print the flier. See more details on Facebook.
Dog Therapy in the Library, Wednesday and Thursday
If midterm projects and exams have you stressed out, come relax and snuggle with some friendly, sweet dogs from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Wednesday, March 7 and Thursday in the Library Instruction Room, Room 545. For more information, contact Laura Smith, 505-428-1352.
Hosted by the SFCC Library and a dog therapy outreach team from the Santa Fe Animal Shelter & Humane Society.
Dental Program accepting applications for fall 2018
SFCC’s Dental Department is accepting applications now for earning a Certificate in Dental Assisting, an Associate degree in Dental Health and/or a Certificate in Expanded Function Dental Auxiliary (EFDA) applications for fall 2018. The application and qualification criteria for the program can be found online. For more information, contact Dental Department Director Aamna Nayyar, ext. 1258.
High School Equivalency/GED Classes for Spring 'Session B'
The application period for classes to prepare for the High School Equivalency/GED tests is open now. Classes begin March 26 in Spanish and English.
New students must fill out and submit an orientation packet. Packets are available now at the Adult Education office in Room 502. New students must attend an orientation session. The sessions are scheduled for 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Friday, March 9 and 5 to 9 p.m., Wed., March 14. Registration for new students will take place at orientation.
For more information, contact Lynne Matthes or call ext. 1356. Read more. . .
Katie Besser Writing Awards accepting entries
Entries are being accepted now until noon, Mon., March 12 for the Katie Besser Writing Awards. Categories include poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction/personal essay and academic essay.
Download the flier for details and submission guidelines or visit the event page. Entries are accepted by Assistant Professor Daniel Kilpatic.
College Transfer Day
Meet representatives from New Mexico’s four-year colleges and universities at SFCC’s College Transfer Day Tuesday, April 3, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Main Hallway. Interested students should bring their transcripts with them. SFCC students should order official transcripts no later than March 15 to be sure to have them in time. Go to the Registrar’s Office Welcome and Advising or order transcripts online.
For more information, contact Academic Adviser Melba Ramos, ext. 1880 or see the SFCC calendar.
Employee Announcements
Conversation with the President
The next Conversation with the President takes place at 1 p.m. on Tuesday, March 6 in Lecture Hall, Room 216. Please bring your questions to the conversation or submit them ahead of time.
Lovato named Santa Fe's city historian
Associate Professor Andrew Lovato has been named Santa Fe’s third city historian.
Lovato plans to present a lecture series centered on “forgotten voices” of Santa Fe’s past. This first event takes place March 8 at SFCC and features a talk by Tewa Women United. Speaker Kathy Sanchez will discuss Indigenous Women’s Rights, history and culture in northern New Mexico from 10 to 11 a.m., Thurs., March 8, in the Boardroom, room 223.
Read more in the Santa Fe New Mexican.
SFCC CERT Team Training
SFCC Citizens Emergency Response Team (CERT) conducted an emergency drill on Friday, March 2. The team practiced emergency management drills with the Santa Fe County Office of Emergency Management. Thank you for your support while SFCC employees continued to develop their responses to potential emergency situations. See more photos.
For more information about CERT, contact Noe Villarreal, Safety Specialist, ext. 1825.
Achieving the Dream Conference
Barbara Griego (Director of Institutional Research), Julie Gallegos (Director of Planning and Quality) and Kathleen Finn-Brown (Chair of Business in School of Business and Education) were presenters at the recent Achieving the Dream conference in Nashville, TN. Their presentation How SFCC Doubled Our Graduation Rate in 3 Years Using Leadership, Strategy, and Data was well received. Barbara was also invited to speak at another conference in the fall.
April 23: SFCC Diversity Day
The SFCC community is invited to participate and celebrate with us, SFCC Diversity Day scheduled for 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday, April 23 in the Campus Center and main courtyard. Celebrate diverse cultures, languages, food, dance, crafts and more.
For information, contact Aamna Nayyar, ext. 1258 or Marvin Gabaldon, ext. 1835. Proudly sponsored by President Diversity Advisory Committee (PDAC).
Save the Date, 2018 Service Awards April 27
This year’s SFCC Service Awards will be Friday, April 27 from 2 to 4 p.m. All employees are invited to cheer on their colleagues. Those being honored may also bring one guest. Please take a moment to review the list and contact Alicia Huerta with any questions, ext. 1389.
¡Palabra!: Ableism
Ableism: A system of advantage which favors people with “able” bodies, minds, learning abilities, and emotional skills. The pervasive system of oppression that targets people who have mental, emotional, developmental and physical disabilities and privileges people without disabilities. View definition in Spanish.
Brought to you by the Center for Diversity and Integrated Learning.