Dear Colleagues,
The SFCC #kindnessiskey Initiative is hosting a kindness-themed art show, which will open February 14 in the Main Lobby, and be up for three weeks. Attached is the call for submissions for all SFCC students and employees. We hope you’ll submit, and that you’ll please share with and encourage students and colleagues to contribute, and that you’ll stop by the opening on February 14 between 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.!
Another exciting opportunity for all of both The Master’s Program and SFCC students in the Art of Climate Justice contest, which is a partnership between SFCC, the Climate Change Leadership Institute, Sustainable Santa Fe, Earthcare, and the Santa Fe Green Chamber of Commerce. The prizes are excellent, and include a brand new $500 bike and a possible internship with the city. This is the contest’s second incarnation, and we’d appreciate if you’d please share info with your students.
This week we kick off the Campus Crossroads film series with: Presenting Princess Shaw on Tuesday, February 6
in Room 216 from 2 to 3:30 p.m. Free popcorn!!
Please join us, and bring your class! Flyer and discussion guide attached. More info also available here:
Hope to see you soon, and in case you missed it, here’s the link to self-enroll in the Center for Diversity and Integrated Learning Canvas course, with the campus-wide diversity curriculum and activities. Check it out for easy to implement diversity and critical thinking lessons and resources.
Thank you!
Emily Stern