There are multiple Capital Improvement Projects now in progress druing the fall semester, 2020. Here are some updates:
• Parking Upgrades – Phase I includes the Main Lot, Carpool lot, ADA accessible lot and small TATC east lot. Currently, the Main lot and Carpool lot are closed and will re-open at the beginning of November (pending weather delays). The ADA accessible lot near the Main Entrance and Visual Arts Building Entrance and the east lot of the TATC are still open for use, but may close for work in the coming month (this is also pending weather).
• Waste Water Treatment Plant Gravity Sewer line and irrigation is in progress and will be completed by beginning of November (pending weather delays). This project does not directly affect SFCC traffic, as the work is located to the south of Kids Campus and the loop road. This project will connect SFCC’s WWTP sewer to a new gravity sewer line, which will divert our waste water to Ranchland Utility to avoid costly repairs to the existing 36-year-old WWTP and is sustainable well into the future.
• Roofing Upgrades – Bid Lot 1 and 2 include roof renovations to roofs above Facilities & Operations, 400s area labs and halls, Library, KSFR, OIT Help Desk/Offices, 600s area classrooms, labs and offices and 700s area for all Arts Design and Media Arts spaces. The project will be complete by end of October (pending weather delays).
While we apologize for any inconvenience, we appreciate your patience. For questions, please contact F & O (Facilities and Operations) Project Manager (formerly POM), Andrea Mueller at 505-930-9781.