Duplicate Diploma Request


For Associate Degree and Certificate Diplomas Only (For GED/HiSET, please see sfcc.edu/hse-exam-information/ for more information.)

To begin, click Order Records, below.

SFCC has partnered with Parchment to provide you an improved, faster service.

Parchment manages the ordering and processing of your official SFCC diploma. Ordering diplomas online is easy and convenient:

  • Secure online access 24/7.
  • Receive a digital copy of your diploma once processing is completed (within 1-3 business days).
  • Hard copy sent out within 7 business days.
  • Place your order and submit your payment (each diploma costs $10).
  • You will not be able to receive your diploma if you have an outstanding balance at SFCC. To pay an outstanding balance, pay online via mySFCC (recent graduates), or contact the Cashier’s Office (recent graduates and alumni).
  • Proceed through the rest of the screens until you receive a confirmation page and order number.
  • This is for awarded Associate Degree and Certificates ONLY.

Registrar’s Office Contact

Email: records@sfcc.edu

Phone: 505-428-1267