
Check your Course Reserves at the Library!

To Faculty-

We all know the cost of textbooks can be a significant barrier for our students. SFCC Library strives to provide equitable access to required materials by maintaining a collection of Course Reserves available for 2-hour checkout in the Library. Students can photocopy or scan needed chapters or just read/work on their assignments here in our wonderful, distraction-free environment. Course Reserves can be especially helpful during the first few weeks of the semester when students are waiting for rented or used textbooks to arrive.  

Library staff rely on faculty to ensure that Course Reserve items are available to our students. So please take a moment to check what materials are on Course Reserve for your classes at the Library:

CLICK HERE to search for your classes and see what the Library has on Reserve. 

Semester-to-semester, we only retain current, up-to-date editions that match what is on the official booklist, so if you’re using a different textbook for your class, or if your textbook has been updated to a new edition, chances are we don’t have it. If you have an extra copy of your required books – an instructor edition, desk or departmental copy, or even a personal copy – please consider putting it on Course Reserve for your students. Items always stay in the Library, and we now process items without anything sticky so your personal books remain untouched. You can fill out an electronic form here and then just drop the items off at the Library’s front desk – or send them to me via campus mail!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.  Thanks much for helping us maintain this important resource!

Happy new year and have a great semester,


Laura K. Smith

Collections & Instruction Librarian

Santa Fe Community College

