Welcome to Spring 2022!
Don’t Forget to Upload Your Vaccination Information
Students who are enrolled to attend an on-the-ground class or need access to campus (main or HEC) must upload their vaccination information or submit a request for medical or religious exemption. Students must have this complete no later than Monday, January 24. Students who do not meet this requirement may be disenrolled (withdrawn from all on-the ground classes) and will remain financially responsible.
You will find all the information on how to upload your vaccination information or how to submit an exemption request on the below link:
COVID-19 Vaccine Requirement – Santa Fe Community College – sfcc.edu Exemption Requirements and Requests. With the FDA’s full approval of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine on Aug. 23, 2021, permitted exemptions from the vaccine requirement are restricted to health conditions or religious beliefs approved by the SFCC Covid Vaccine Exemption Review Panel. www.sfcc.edu |
COUNSELING SERVICES: Six-week Spring semester support groups begin in February
General Support: Wednesdays at noon
Cultivating Joy: Thursdays at 2 p.m.
Each group session is one hour and will meet for 6 weeks beginning the first week in February. Please email counselingservices@sfcc.edu if you are interested in participating in one of these groups. We very much look forward to having you!
Free online FAFSA workshops:
January 26, 2022 from 11 am-1 pm
February 2, 2022 from 11 am-1 pm
February 23, 2022 from 11 am-1 pm
March 23, 2022 from 11 am-1 pm
April 20, 2022 from 11 am-1 pm
May 25, 2022 from 11 am-1 pm
Santa Fe Community College students and prospective SFCC students can get assistance completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) online via Zoom from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m on the dates listed above. Visit https://www.sfcc.edu/fafsa-workshops/ for details. The FASFA form is the first step for many to gain access to free money for college. There is still time to apply for funds for this academic year, as well as the next academic year. For more information, contact the Financial Aid Office at finaid@sfcc.edu or call 505-428-1268.
The Campus Cupboard (room 302E) is offering FREE FOOD this Spring Semester! Students can visit weekly during open hours to select their own products or pick-up a prepacked box. We currently do not require any student identification. Personal hygiene (menstrual) products are available from Free Flow NM. You may schedule an appointment using the Campus Cupboard’s Bookings Link on MYSFCC.
If you cannot attend the current open hours or are not comfortable with in-person shopping, please contact cupboard@sfcc.edu or 505-428-1775 to arrange an alternate time or pick-up location. Visit www.sfcc.edu/campus-cupboard for more information. Please see the attached flyer or contact the Campus Cupboard for more information.
1) Are you a currently enrolled in the Fall semester and are experiences some financial challenges? Have you experienced a recent emergency and need just a little help? Apply today through the Student Emergency Fund. Applications can be found on your MYSFCC page under Resources (Emergency Assistance Fund). Applications are reviewed frequently, and funds are directly awarded to your account. (The funds cannot cover the cost of tuition or books.)
2) Did you know that you may be eligible for FREE GRANT MONEY? Have you completed your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). If not, it’s easy, apply today at www.fafsa.gov. Even if you are taking a few classes, you may still be eligible. For more information, please contact our financial aid office at (505) 428-1268. The 2021-2022 FAFSA applications are available now.
The Gene Haas Scholarship for Engineering Machining Technology AAS
Part-time students (6-11 credits) can receive a scholarship of $300 per semester, and full-time students (12 or more credits) can receive $500. New students are eligible, and continuing students must maintain a semester and cumulative GPA of 2.5. In addition, students must: declare a major in the Engineering Machining Technology AAS, be a New Mexico resident, and file a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or Dreamers Financial Aid Application.
The Gene Haas Scholarship can be combined with other scholarship options like the Opportunity Scholarship and the Lottery Scholarship. For more information on scholarships and links to applications, go to https://www.sfcc.edu/offices/financial-aid/
1) Vaccination submission due date is January 24 for students who will be on-campus at main campus or HEC. Students will be disenrolled from on-ground classes if their vaccination information is not submitted.
2) Students will not be dropped for non-payment. If you are currently enrolled, you must pay in full or make payment arrangements with the cashier’s office. Contact them today at cashiers@sfcc.edu.
3) Students need to pay their current balance to register for the subsequent term. Please contact the Cashiers office today or visit your student account online (cashiers@sfcc.edu).
Kitchen Angels is celebrating 30 years of service to Santa Fe and to help us celebrate we want to hear from you!
Make a 30 second video and tell us how Kitchen Angels has touched your life. Were you once a client, donor or community partner? Maybe you are a current volunteer. Tell us why Kitchen Angels is important to you and why you believe it’s important to the community. Whatever your connection to Kitchen Angels tell us in a video in one of three categories Inspirational, Comedy or Food. Make and upload the video straight from your phone. Be creative & make it fun! Win $500 first prize and $250 second prize cash in each category! One video per person. Submit your video with below link between January 24 – February 14, 2022. It’s that easy! Winners will be announced at a Violet Crown Awards Event on March 6, 2022. Winners need not be present to win.
Submit Video Here! Let’s celebrate our 30 Year Anniversary! – Kitchen Angels
PEER to PEER Program
We are currently seeking energetic, caring, passionate students to serve as paid Spring Peer to Peer Mentors. Please see the attached flyer for more information.
The Mountain Center – Española Integrated Care Center 505-983-6158 | info@themointaincenter.org | www.themountaincenter.org
Includes the Harm Reduction Program and Healthy Transitions, which offers various services ranging from overdose prevention education, syringe exchange, Naloxone, food, rapid HIV/HCV counseling, and testing and auricular acupuncture. It is open Monday through Friday from 9 am to 5 pm; walk-ins are welcome on Thursdays and Fridays. The building is shared with Santa Fe Recovery Center, providing inpatient and outpatient drug treatment programs, detoxification services, and Suboxone. Southwest CARE Center visits the premises on Tuesdays and Thursdays, offering rapid and confirmatory HIV/HCV testing and access to HCV services and treatment, medical assessment, and referrals.
Incluye el Programa de Reducción de Daños y Transiciones Saludables, que ofrece varios servicios que van desde educación para la prevención de sobredosis, intercambio de jeringas, naloxona, alimentos, asesoramiento rápido sobre el VIH / VHC y pruebas y acupuntura auricular. Está abierto de lunes a viernes de 9 am a 5 pm; visitas sin cita previa son bienvenidos los jueves y viernes. El edificio es compartido con el Centro de Recuperación de Santa Fe, que proporciona programas de tratamiento de drogas para pacientes hospitalizados y ambulatorios, servicios de desintoxicación y Suboxone. Southwest CARE Center visita las instalaciones los martes y jueves, ofreciendo pruebas rápidas y confirmatorias de VIH / VHC y acceso a servicios y tratamiento del VHC, evaluación médica y referencias.
Scholarship Application (2021-2022) Available Now
SFCC can help you pay for college with scholarships. One simple application puts you in consideration for state institutional and Foundation private scholarships. Scholarships are available for new and returning, part time and full-time students to help pay for college for the upcoming academic year. Scholarships are also available for second generation college students, Veterans, Native American students, Hispanic students and students with disabilities (must be registered with the SAS department at kayla.garcia1@sfcc.edu). SFCC offers performance-based scholarships through Contract for a Better Tomorrow (CBT).
For more information and to apply go to:
If you have questions or assistance email the Financial Aid Office at finaid@sfcc.edu from your SFCC student email account. Make sure to include your Student ID number in the email.
Se habla Español.
TRIO Student Support Services
TRIO is accepting applications for Spring 2022! TRIO offers eligible students great services including academic coaching, tutoring, cultural activities, workshops and study space. Check out the attached flyer for information on services and eligibility, or visit the TRIO web page to apply now! Contact the TRIO office at trio@sfcc.edu or 505-428-1364. Check out the flyer for more details.
Always Your Champion,
Dr. Thomasinia Ortiz-Gallegos
Associate Vice President for Student Success
Santa Fe Community College