
SFCC Student Weekly Connection 12/3

Dear Students, below are your weekly updates!

SPRING 2022 Early Registration

Early registration for Spring 2022 is happening now!  Students should schedule an appointment with their professional academic advisor as soon as possible.  Contact an advisor at 505-428-1275 or or schedule an online appointment through bookings at:

COVID-19 VaxAid

Students do not miss your opportunity to receive $250 for being fully vaccinated.  Visit this link for more information and directions on how to upload your information for eligibility consideration.  Now available for dual credit students.

Covid VaxAid – Santa Fe Community College – Covid VaxAid en Español If you are fully vaccinated: Not fully vaccinated: You can get fully vaccinated and become eligible for VaxAid. Go to

Vaccination Requirement
By January 18, 2022: All students who attend classes in person, or come to Main Campus, the Santa Fe Higher Education Center, or College-operated facilities, are required to be fully vaccinated against Covid-19, have received at least one dose of an approved vaccine, or have obtained a vaccine exemption.


Gerard’s house and is collecting new or gently used coats for members of Gerard house and SFCC students.  Boxes are located in the main hallway, and fitness center.  If you would like more information or like to donate but cannot make it to campus, please call Krystal at 505-428-1305.  The coat drive is sponsored by Gerard’s House, SGA, and Foundation.


Fall 2021 SFCC Commencement will be a virtual event.  The event will be on December 11 at 10AM. 

While graduates won’t be on campus, they will be celebrated as their names and awards are announced during a livestream on YouTube and on SFCVTV-16 on Comcast.


​Spring 2022 priority registration began November 8.   Schedule your appointment TODAY with your academic advisor to discuss your program requirements and scheduling needs!  

1)   Contact an advisor at Academic Advising at 505-428-1275 or or schedule an online appointment through bookings at

       2)   Registration is at Interested students are encouraged to contact

              SFCC’s Welcome and Advising Center at 505-428-1270.


Study hard…finals week is scheduled December 6 – December 10.  The Tutoring Centr offers FREE STUDENT TUTORING and is located in room 326, adjacent to the Atrium in the West Wing lower Level.  Hours are Monday – Friday from 10 – 2pm.  The Center’s services include person to person/onsite tutoring, online tutoring with SFCC tutors, and online tutoring with Brainfuse, a free outside resource available 24-hours a day through Canvas.  For additional assistance contact Robert Gutierrez, Tutoring Center Director by email or phone at or 505-428-1365.


Free online FAFSA workshops from 11 am to 1 pm December 1, 8 and 15

Santa Fe Community College students and prospective SFCC students can get assistance completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) online via Zoom from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesdays, Dec. 1, 8 and 15. Visit for details. The FASFA form is the first step for many to gain access to free money for college. There is still time to apply for funds for this academic year, as well as the next academic year. For more information, contact the Financial Aid Office at or call 505-428-1268.


The Campus Cupboard (room 302E) is offering FREE FOOD this Fall Semester each Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday from 2-4pm for in-person pick-up.  Students can visit weekly during open hours to select their own products or pick-up a prepacked box.  We currently do not require any student identification. Personal hygiene (menstrual) products are available from Free Flow NM. If you cannot attend the current open hours or are not comfortable with in-person shopping, please contact or 505-428-1775 to arrange an alternate time or pick-up location. Visit for more information.  Please see the Campus Cupboard flyer for more information.

Visit the Campus Cupboard Winter Break flyer for more information regarding winter break needs.


1)  Are you a currently enrolled in the Fall semester and are experiences some financial challenges?  Have you experienced a recent emergency and need just a little help?  Apply today through the Student Emergency Fund.  Applications can be found on your MYSFCC page under Resources (Emergency Assistance Fund).  Applications are reviewed frequently, and funds are directly awarded to your account.  (The funds cannot cover the cost of tuition or books.)

2)  Did you know that you may be eligible for FREE GRANT MONEY?  Have you completed your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).  If not, it’s easy, apply today at  Even if you are taking a few classes, you may still be eligible.  For more information, please contact our financial aid office at (505) 428-1268.   The 2021-2022 FAFSA applications are available now.


1)  Vaccination submission due date is January 18 for students who will be on-campus at main campus or HEC.  Students will be disenrolled from on-ground classes if their vaccination information is not submitted.

2)  Early registration began November 8 for Spring 2022.

2) Students will not be dropped for non-payment.  If you are currently enrolled, you must pay in full or make payment arrangements with the cashier’s office.  Contact them today at

3) Students need to pay their current balance to register for the subsequent term.  Please contact the Cashiers office today or visit your student account online (

RESOURCE OF THE WEEK – Southwest Care Center

Southwest Care Center has three locations in Santa Fe. All locations accept most insurances, but payments can also be arranged based on income or using a sliding scale. A case manager will contact the patient before the appointment to explain the payment options. New patients must talk with the case manager before the appointment for the best results. Some doctors and nurses speak Spanish; if not a machine, “Molly” is used as an interpreter. Patients calling for appointments will be given the option of having a telemedicine visit if appropriate and based on the required services. Visit their website for more details on operating hours and the services each location provides.

Alameda 901 W Alameda St, Santa Fe, NM 87501 | 505-988-8869

Galisteo 1691 Galisteo St, Ste D, Santa Fe, NM 87505 | 505-954-1921

Harkle 649 Harkle Rd, Ste E, Santa Fe, NM 87505 | 505-989-8200

Southwest Care Center tiene tres ubicaciones en Santa Fe. Todas las ubicaciones aceptan la mayoría de los seguros, pero los pagos también se pueden organizar en función de los ingresos o utilizando una escala móvil. Un administrador de casos se comunicará con el paciente antes de la cita para explicarle las opciones de pago. Los nuevos pacientes deben hablar con el administrador de casos antes de la cita para obtener los mejores resultados. Algunos médicos y enfermeras hablan español; si no una máquina, “Molly” se utiliza como intérprete. Los pacientes que llamen para citas tendrán la opción de tener una visita de telemedicina si es apropiado y en función de los servicios requeridos. Visite su sitio web para obtener más detalles sobre las horas de operación y los servicios que brinda cada ubicación.

Bonus resource:

Santa Fe Indigenous Center 1420 Cerrillos Rd. Santa Fe, NM 87505 | (505) 660 – 4210 |

The Santa Fe Indigenous Center offers the Indigenous community free bags of groceries and care bundles at the above location. The following distribution dates are November 19, December 3, and December 17 from 10 am to 12 pm. The person picking up must present an ID and must remain in their vehicle and wearing a facemask. The Santa Fe Indigenous Center also provides emergency financial assistance to the Native community of Santa Fe who are experiencing severe economic difficulties. The application and guidelines to this service can be found on their website.

El Centro Indígena de Santa Fe ofrece a la comunidad indígena bolsas gratuitas de comestibles y paquetes de atención en la ubicación anterior. Las siguientes fechas de distribución son el 19 de noviembre, el 3 de diciembre y el 17 de diciembre de 10 am a 12 pm. La persona que recoge debe presentar una identificación y debe permanecer en su vehículo y usando una máscara facial. El Centro Indígena de Santa Fe también brinda asistencia financiera de emergencia a la comunidad nativa de Santa Fe que está experimentando graves dificultades económicas. La aplicación y las pautas para este servicio se pueden encontrar en su sitio web.

Scholarship Application (2021-2022) Available Now

SFCC can help you pay for college with scholarships. One simple application puts you in consideration for state institutional and Foundation private scholarships.  Scholarships are available for new and returning, part-time and full-time students to help pay for college for the upcoming academic year.  Scholarships are also available for second-generation college students, Veterans, Native American students, Hispanic students and students with disabilities (must be registered with the SAS department at  SFCC offers performance-based scholarships through Contract for a Better Tomorrow (CBT).

For more information and to apply go to:

If you have questions or assistance email the Financial Aid Office at from your SFCC student email account.  Make sure to include your Student ID number in the email. 

Se habla Español.

Always Your Champion,

Dr. Thomasinia Ortiz-Gallegos
Associate Vice President for Student Success
Santa Fe Community College
