We are pleased to announce the details of our Fall 2019 Faculty and Staff In-Service Day, which will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Friday, Oct. 18 in the FEC. This day will be dedicated to receiving your feedback for our 2020-2025 Strategic Plan. Below is additional information about what to expect that day.
Unlike past Professional Development days there will be no breakout sessions in the afternoon. Instead, there will be a full day of activities and discussion, with some participation from students. This event will be facilitated by Dr. Michael Burke, a retired college president/professor/planner who now resides in Santa Fe.
Overview of Agenda:
8:30 Breakfast served at the Fitness Center
9:00 Welcome!
9:15 Planning Activities (with a mid-morning break)
12:00 Lunch in the Campus Center
1:00 Planning Activities (with a mid-afternoon break)
4:15 Closing Comments
4:30 Conclusion
The event will take place in the newly renovated SFCC William C. Witter Fitness Center. The floor of the gym will be covered; however, any spills should be cleaned up immediately to reduce the chance of damage to the floor underneath. If you have drink containers with lids, please bring them, although we will have disposable cups with lids and water bottles available as well.
If you require vegan, vegetarian or gluten-free food options, please contact Lucia Lucero at lucia.lucero@sfcc.edu so that we can get an accurate count.
A limited number of stipends are available for adjuncts who would like to participate in the event. Stipends are for $75 and are on a first-come, first-serve basis. If you are interested please contact Julie Gallegos at Julia.gallegos@sfcc.edu by noon on October 11.
Thank you in advance for your participation in this important event.
Visit SFCC Engage to learn more.