
Kids Campus Family Update – Kids Campus Director, March 23

Dear Kids Campus Families and Friends,

Thank you all for your patience and understanding as we strive to follow best practices to flatten the curve of Covid-19 cases in Santa Fe. It’s a difficult time but if we each do our part, the outcomes will improve for our community.

We understand this period presents a hardship for many families and we are working with staff and particularly lead teachers to reach out to each family to check in, provide daily activity ideas and resources and to answer questions.

At this point we are closed through April 5th but things are changing rapidly. Reports from early childhood programs around the country are varied and closures depend on the number and severity of cases in their communities. We are hearing regularly from SFCC president Becky Rowley and will keep you updated.

United Way is one of the few local programs remaining open to serve children (infants through 12 years) of first responders, health care workers and those who work in essential businesses. They can be reached at 505-303-3946.

If you’d like info on staff interested in babysitting, use the website or email to make inquiries.

CYFD copays for March and April are suspended and there will be a credit for any March co-payments. Self pay families will be credited from March 23 through April 3. All future billing will be suspended including tuition and before/after care.

Check out our website: on the blog page for resources and information. If you have any questions or concerns use this site to reach us.

Please bear with us as we all are working from home and patching together a system of communication.

We wish you good health – please stay well and stay safe.

Michelle Rosen-Hatcher
Director, Kids’ Campus
Santa Fe Community College
