Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff,
To mitigate the effect of this dangerous virus, on-campus classes will not resume this semester at SFCC main campus, Kids Campus, or the Santa Fe Higher Education Center. Classes that are not online or completed through a virtual format will be extended to a later date that will be determined in the future. Please view my Covid-19 Update video.
Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham today announced a statewide stay-at-home order effective tomorrow, Tuesday, March 24, at 8 a.m. This order further restricts gatherings of five or more individuals in outdoor spaces. There are currently 83 positive coronavirus cases in New Mexico. We must all work together to minimize the spread of the coronavirus. This is a public health crisis.
“The only way for us to stop the spread of this virus is for New Mexicans to stop interacting with each other,” said Gov. Lujan Grisham. “New Mexicans must be crystal-clear on this point: Right now, every time you leave your house, you are putting yourself, your family, and your community at risk. Only by distancing from one another, by remaining home except for essential or emergency travel, can we limit the spread of this virus to the point that it does not overwhelm New Mexico.
Governor Lujan Grisham reiterated the need for social distancing (minimum of 6 feet). She emphasized: stay home and sanitize hands and surfaces as well as groceries and delivered packages. Help prevent the spread of this virus by adhering to these instructions. She further stated, “Don’t panic. Don’t hoard. Take care of yourself. Take care of your neighbors. Heed this order to stay home.”
This is an ever-evolving situation that we are monitoring closely. Check your SFCC email and online frequently at SFCC Coronavirus pages. Go to trusted sources: New Mexico Department of Health Coronavirus site, and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention Coronavirus section and En Español.
Here are the New Mexico Department of Health coronavirus numbers:
- All Health Concerns: 1-855-600-3453
- All Other Concerns, such as food, childcare, etc.: 1-833-551-0518
Those who prefer can request a Spanish speaker at either of these numbers.
SFCC Resources
- Office of Information Technology: 505-428-1222 or
- Private counseling for Students: Counseling Services at 505- 505-428-1682 or
- Private For private counseling for Employees: ComPsych Guidance Resources: 866-676-3367, TTY 800-697-0353,
- Food insecurity: Food Depot at 505-471-1633 or
- Canvas Hotline: 1-833-250-2079, Canvas Video Guides, Canvas (written) Guides
- Online Teaching and Learning: 505-428-1166 or, YouTube Channel
- SFCC Library:, 505-428-1352
- Dean Camilla Bustamante, Ph.D. or Interim Associate Dean Julia Deisler, Ph.D.
- Dean Jenny Landen or Associate Deans Colleen Lynch and Shalimar Krebs
- Please continue to let us know whether there is additional information that we should share as well as how we can help. We will continue to communicate as the situation develops.
Becky Rowley, Ph.D.