Campus Weekly

News and Announcements

Convocation, Campus-wide meeting January 14
Spring 2019 Convocation begins this Thurs., Jan. 10 with the campus-wide meeting scheduled for Mon., Jan. 14. See the agenda.

Continuing Education Open House, Jan. 15
Learn about CE’s spring offerings during an open house from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Tuesday, Jan. 15. Taste samples from the culinary offerings and learn about the varied and talented instructors who share their expertise through the CE courses.
For more information, call ext. 1676.

Get your team ready!
Registration for the Third Annual Gerald Clay Memorial Basketball Tournament (April 6 and 7, 2019) is open now at New Mexico Sports Online.
For more information, contact Miquela Martinez, ext. 1656 or 1615.
If you don’t play basketball, but you want to join in the fun by volunteering to support the event, contact Sandra Brintnall, ext. 1508. You may also sign up online to volunteer.

Pardon Our Mess
The William C. Witter Fitness Education Center will be closed for beautification and upgrades Dec. 8 through Jan. 13, 2019. Your support of local bonds helped fund these renovations.
Additionally, the gymnasium will be closed for floor refurbishing Dec. 3 through Feb. 4, 2019.
Thank you!
Student Spotlight

¡Viva! continues for spring
¡Viva! Free Fitness for Full-time Students continues this spring. Students registered for 12 credit hours or more will be able to access the William C. Witter Fitness Education Center from 1 to 6 p.m. Monday through Thursday and all day (6:30 a.m. to 7 p.m.) Friday.
Participants will have access to the gymnasium, swimming pools, indoor track, resistance training center and tennis courts.
To get started, students enrolled in 12 credits hours must sign a liability waiver, available now on MySFCC. Students can check their enrollment status and number of credit hours by checking their class schedule on MySFCC.
In order to access the facilities, students must provide a valid SFCC student identification card.
Students must be age 16 or older to participate. Students age 16 and 17 need parental approval. FEC facilities are not available when classes or special events are taking place.
Students enrolled in less than 12 credit hours or who drop below 12 credit hours are not eligible for the program.
If you have questions or need some additional information about your enrollment status, you can call the Welcome and Advising Center at 505-428-1270.

Spring payment deadline Jan. 15
Remember the payment deadline for the spring 2019 semester is January 15! Verify your financial aid today, don’t lose your spring classes.
Need money to pay for school? Complete the 2018-2019 FAFSA online now. Are you International or Undocumented? Then complete the 2018-2019 Dreamers Financial Aid form.
Contact Financial Aid, 505-428-1268.

HSE/GED and ESL classes - orientations in January
Staff in Adult Education is gearing up for a new semester with High-School Equivalency/GED preparation classes and English as a Second Language (ESL). Both programs have required orientations, get all the details:
High-School Equivalency/GED details and orientation schedule – Lynne Matthes, ext. 1433.
English as a Second Language (ESL) details and orientation schedule – Dafyd Rawlings, ext. 1444.
For more information, contact Adult Education at 505-428-1356.
Employee Announcements

Associate Professor of Mathematics Belin Tsinnajinnie graduated in December with a Ph.D. in Mathematics from the University of Arizona. His dissertation research focused on utilizing notions of mathematical identities in the context of Native American and Latinx students.
Faculty and staff, please let us know if you recently graduated. We’d love to celebrate your success. Send us the information about the credential you earned and where you received your certificate or degree. We’d love to share the good news in Campus Weekly and at Convocation! Also, send us a graduation photo if you have one to share. Submit your news here.

Feb. 13, 2019 Shooter-on-Campus Drill
More details will available as we get closer to the date, but please see an overview of the Feb. 13 drill planned in conjunction with Santa Fe County and the City of Santa Fe emergency management teams.