SFCC campus will be CLOSED on FRIDAY Oct. 21, 2022
NO classes or services will be available.
Please see below for important dates and information.
There’s never been a better time to enroll in Early Childhood Education at SFCC. There are lots of opportunities for financial support. N.M. ECECD Students Success grants provide generous stipends for those who complete the Fall semester. Additional funds for participating in an Aprende apprenticeship. Questions? Contact Emily.McCarthy@sfcc.edu. Read more here.
AWARD SPRING-Scholarship
Opened for Scholarship Applications on July 27
One simple application puts you in consideration for State Institutional and Foundation Private Scholarships available for new or returning students and part-time or full-time students. Please see the attached flyer for more information.

SFCC presents Café Con Las Comadres, hosted by Doctora Thomasinia Ortiz-Gallegos, every second Wednesday of the month. Join us for our next gathering on November 9, located in the West Wing Lower Level 312D (in the Student Wellness Center), from 8:30 am – 9:30am. This is a gender inclusive community of friends who gather to empower the lives of one another through advocacy, navigation, support, and resources. This is a safe shared space. Please see the attached flyer for more information.

Campus cupboard is hiring two students to work in the campus cupboard. Max 20 hours per week at 15.00/hour. Please see attachment for more information.

Wednesday Nov. 2, 10 a.m. to 2p.m., Campus Center
What’s next? Explore career and four-year college opportunities! Bring copies of your résumé and talk with more than 20 employers including SFCC, Santa Fe Public Schools, Santa Fe County and CHRISTUS St. Vincent Regional Medical Center. Call 505-428-1406 or email sara.baca@sfcc.edu for information.

Check out SFCC’s Career Coach. We have 85+ job postings from local businesses that are waiting to hear from you. Create a profile and quickly craft your resume. Career Coach will even suggest tasks and skills to include based on your work experience. Once your resume is complete you can quickly apply for any job, we have posted in Career Coach. If you don’t know what kind of job you want, you can take an assessment that matches you up with careers. Or just search for any program or career. Explore broad career pathways that match your strengths and interests. Compare careers with a pathway: salaries, required education, and more. Explore the programs that will train you for your favorite career. Quickly apply for programs by jumping over to SFCC’s program page. Click on the link below to start your career search!!! Career Coach
SFCC Library will be joined by the Santa Fe Children’s Museum with a story time and the opportunity to take home complimentary children’s STEAM kits. Questions? email: valerie.nye@sfcc.edu. All SFCC Community Members Are Welcome! Additional story time dates:
- Wednesday, November 16⋅2 to 3 p.m.
- Wednesday, January 18, 2023, 2 to 3 p.m.
- Wednesday, February 15, 2023⋅2 to 3 p.m.
- Wednesday, March 15, 2023⋅2 to 3 p.m.

SFCC has partnered with Uwill, a mental health and wellness platform for colleges, as an extension to SFCC Counseling Services. Students have an immediate, secure, and convenient way to receive online-based counseling services should the need arise.
- Choose a therapist based on your preferences including issue, gender, language, ethnicity
- Choose a time that fits your schedule with day, night and weekend availability
- Choose your appointment type, video, phone, chat, or message.
Register for a Uwill account using your SFCC email address. For details, refer to the Uwill FAQ and User Guide.

Student Success has just launched a Financial Well-being and Literacy course to help our students ensure they are on a path to financial well-being and making good choices about their money and their future. Watch a preview, an introduction by SFCC Student Resource Coordinator Jocelyn Hernandez-Monsalvo: https://youtu.be/fVo4krhW3j0. Nusenda and SFCC also have a co-branded Financial Wellness website with lots of useful information and tools: https://santafecc.teachbanzai.com/wellness. You can access the course by clicking on the “Financial Literacy” button in the Welcome section of the MySFCC homepage.
The SFCC Dental Program is offering free dental X-4ays by appointment for the next four weeks.
Free X-rays will be scheduled on a Monday or a Tuesday between 8 and 10 a.m. during October & November
- No dental insurance is necessary.
- If interested contact Aamna Nayyar in office #455, 505-428-1258, aamna.nayyar@sfcc.edu.
- The free dental X-ray (worth $80 – $100) is open to all SFCC students and their families and friends.
- A consent form signing will be required before taking x-rays.
- All x-rays are taken under direct supervision of NM licensed dental staff.
The campus cupboard has moved to room LL305. Come by and visit to see our new improved location and maybe do some shopping at the same time. Campus cupboard is offering FREE FOOD this spring semester. Students can visit weekly during open hours to select their own products or pick up a prepacked box. We currently do not require any student identification. Personal hygiene (menstrual products) are available from Free Flow NM. You may schedule an appointment using the Campus Cupboards Booking link on MYSFCC. Check out the new QR code created for the Campus Cupboard which takes you quickly to the Campus Cupboard Bookings site. From there you can shop online or set up an appointment to shop. They have contactless pickup and even delivery. Please see the attached flyer for these services. Question call 505/428-1775 or email: cupboard@sfcc.edu

1) Are you a currently enrolled in the Fall semester and are experiencing some financial challenges? Have you experienced a recent emergency and need just a little help? Apply today through the Student Emergency Fund. Applications can be found on your MYSFCC page under Resources (Emergency Assistance Fund). Applications are reviewed frequently, and funds are directly awarded to your account. (The funds cannot cover the cost of tuition or books.)
2) Did you know that you may be eligible forFREE GRANT MONEY? Have you completed your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). If not, it’s easy, apply today at www.fafsa.gov. Even if you are taking a few classes, you may still be eligible. For more information, please contact our financial aid office at (505) 428-1268 or join one of the financial aid workshops listed above. The 2022-2023 FAFSA applications are available now.
The Gene Haas Scholarship for Engineering Machining Technology AAS
Part-time students (6-11 credits) can receive a scholarship of $300 per semester, and full-time students (12 or more credits) can receive $500. New students are eligible, and continuing students must maintain a semester and cumulative GPA of 2.5. In addition, students must: declare a major in the Engineering Machining Technology AAS, be a New Mexico resident, and file a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or Dreamers Financial Aid Application.
The Gene Haas Scholarship can be combined with other scholarship options like the Opportunity Scholarship and the Lottery Scholarship. For more information on scholarships and links to applications, go to https://www.sfcc.edu/offices/financial-aid/
Federal (HNIP & Corporate (CHNAIP)
We invite your students to apply for our initiative to connect with our corporate and federal partners for internship opportunities. Please see the flyer (attached) for more information.
HACU SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM We are currently anticipating a full launch of our Fall 2022 cycle of scholarship opportunities by September 30th, 2022. This scholarship opportunity with our partners will be available to all students attending a HACU member institution. For more information and specific eligibility criteria after the Fall 2022 launch later this month, please visit: hacu.net/scholarships
HALLOWEEN EVENT IS COMING BACK TO SFCC Mark your Calendar for October 31st. Please see the attached flyer for more information.

- Friday Oct. 21 College Closed
- Friday Oct. 28 Last day to withdraw from classes (10th week of term)
- Friday Oct. 28 2nd 8-week session, Last day to drop classes without a grade and obtain a refund.
- Students will not be dropped for non-payment. If you are currently enrolled, you must pay in full or make payment arrangements with the cashier’s office. Contact them today at cashiers@sfcc.edu.
- Students need to pay their current balance to register for the subsequent term. Please contact the Cashiers office today or visit your student account online (cashiers@sfcc.edu).
FREE consultation with an attorney for those representing themselves
Areas of law served: Consumer debt, Contracts, Employment, Expungement, Family Law, Landlord/Tenant, Name Change/Real ID, Probate, Public Benefits, Real Property. Please see the attached flyer for more information and contacts.

The library is offering many valuable resources for the Fall 2022 Semester:
- Library Instruction – Talk with us about developing a customized set of classes and/or tools for your in-person and online classes. Contact Sarah Hood.
- Family Study Room – The new study room is available in the library during the library’s open hours. Encourage students with children to visit the library and enjoy a new campus space together. The room includes computers and study space for student. It includes books, toys, and crafts for children.
- Reserves – We are still accepting textbooks for reserve in the library. This fall students have been taking advantage of these books that are made available to them for limited checkout in the library. If you have extra copies of the required texts for your classes, please put them on reserve for your students. Contact Laura Smith.
- New York Times – Online subscriptions are available for all faculty, staff, and students with an SFCC email address. Follow this link for additional information and instructions.
- The New York Times in Education – Once you have set up your SFCC NYT account, you can access educational resources and curricula ideas that use the New York Times’ current news stories. Visit the New York Times in Education.
- Interlibrary Loan – If you can’t find what you are looking for in the SFCC library, order it through ILL. Follow this link to more information.
- Program Ideas – Do you have an experience or specialized information you would like to share with the SFCC community? Programs might include information about a book you have published, a trip you have taken, a cultural experience you would like to share. Contact Val Nye.
- All Resources – Visit the library’s website to access our catalog and a full description of all our resources.
- Follow – Keep track of our latest activities and ongoing changes by following us on Facebook.
- Questions – Be in touch if you have research questions, concerns, and/or ideas. Contact us at library@sfcc.edu

When a spot comes available at the Kids Campus, students get priority placement. Kids Campus wants to support student parents and hopes that those needing childcare will get on the waitlist.
Children of degree-seeking SFCC students, SFCC employees, and full-time students at the Higher Education Center are prioritized for placement to support a two-generation philosophy of education at the college.
Visit the Kids Campus website for more information. Students receive a 10% discount on the cost of Kids Campus and NM Early Childhood Education and Care Development offers Child Care Assistance to income-eligible students.

NMHU TRANSFER INFORMATION 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Tuesdays
A representative from New Mexico Highlands University (NMHU) will be on campus providing information on admissions, academic programs, scholarships, financial aid and more to prospective students. The NMHU representative will be available from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesdays October 24 through December 6 in the main hallway outside the Welcome and Advising Center. For more information, contact Mary E. Angell at angell@nmhu.edu.
PEER to PEER Program
We are currently seeking energetic, caring, passionate students to serve as paid Spring Peer to Peer Mentors. Hourly compensation for up to 20 hours a week. $15/hr. Email: Peers@sfcc.edu. Please see the attached flyer for more information.

Prepare for a fast-paced, high-demand career. Blend high-tech training with compassionate care as you gain the skills required to be a specialist in assessing and treating people with breathing and cardiopulmonary disorders. Work closely with doctors, nurses and other clinicians in emergency rooms, critical care units, diagnostic centers, clinics and home health care organizations.
Learn more and apply: https://www.sfcc.edu/programs/respiratory-care/

SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION (2022-2023) Available Now
SFCC can help you pay for college with scholarships. One simple application puts you in consideration for state institutional and Foundation private scholarships. Scholarships are available for new and returning, part time and full-time students to help pay for college for the upcoming academic year. Scholarships are also available for second generation college students, Veterans, Native American students, Hispanic students and students with disabilities (must be registered with the SAS department at kayla.garcia1@sfcc.edu). SFCC offers performance-based scholarships through Contract for a Better Tomorrow (CBT).
For more information and to apply go to: https://www.sfcc.edu/offices/financial-aid/
If you have questions or need assistance, email the Financial Aid Office at finaid@sfcc.edu from your SFCC student email account. Make sure to include your Student ID number in the email.
Se habla Español.
Stem Santa Fe is looking for local college students and high school senior sot work on a STEAM hand-on project at local area High Schools.
Earn $17/hour doing rewarding work in YOUR community 1.5-3.5 hours/week. For more information, please see the attached flyers. Apply now at: https://tinyurl.com/2022STEMmentor
New SFCC Library family study room to open in August
If you’re a student parent, we have good news for you! The SFCC Library will be opening a new family study room for students who have children in August. The room will have a space for children with toys, books, and special-sized furniture. The room will have three computer stations and space for students working on laptops.
It will be open all hours the library is open. It will be available to current students when they have their children with them. Please note this is not day care, students must remain with their children. The library’s restroom adjacent to the study room has been updated and is family friendly with a changing station.
The library also has 3 small study rooms for 2 people, and a larger room with room for 4. Please see the attached flyer for more information.
TRIO is accepting applications for Fall 2022! TRIO offers eligible students great services including academic coaching, tutoring, cultural activities, workshops, and study space. Check out the attached flyer for information on services and eligibility or visit the TRIO web page to apply now! Contact the TRIO office at trio@sfcc.edu or 505-428-1364.

HACU has partnered with Tutorgigs to provide opportunities for students to earn while they learn! Please inform any of your students seeking to earn some income while leaving a positive impact on others. Stay tuned for updates on our upcoming monthly informational webinars this fall. Please see the attached flyer for more information.
Always Your Champion,
Dr. Thomasinia Ortiz-Gallegos
Associate Vice President for Student Success
Santa Fe Community College