Higher Education Unified Priorities | 2024 Legislative Session


Instruction & General ( I&G) Funding Increase for Significant Impact on Student Outcomes

This Unified request for $83.1 million in recurring funding for core higher education operations, including instruction and student support (a 10.5% increase), will have a significant impact on student outcomes.

$50.7 million General Operations

$50.7 million is requested for general operations increases. To maintain current instructional programs and services the Higher Education Price Index (HEPI) forecasts a 4.5% increase is necessary.

$14.4 million
Student Support

$14.4 million is requested for student support initiatives focused on student retention and graduation, such as tutoring, academic advising, student basic needs services (wrap around services), and behavioral & mental health, including suicide prevention.

$11.0 million
Campus Safety

$11.0 million is requested to increase campus safety services at all public higher education institutions, including New Mexico Military Institute and New Mexico’s Native American institutions.

$7.0 million
Employee Benefits

A minimum of $7.0 million is requested to fully fund employee benefit enhancements, such as increasing the employer share of group insurance. This request also includes fully funding increased employer costs for implementing the paid family medical leave program.,

A Few Facts: New I&G Funding Formula Dollars Ratio to New Tuition Dollars

  • Every 1% of I&G higher education formula funding is approximately a 2.8% increase in tuition.
  • Each 1% of formula funding generates approximately $7.9M for formula-funded institutions.
  • A 1% Base increase to I&G is approximately ($10.4M).
  • Tuition increases: each 1% tuition increase generates approximately $2.8M

Compensation increases of 6% for all employees.
Additional 3% targeted increase for faculty.

  • We request the compensation percentage funded by the state (general fund appropriation) be increased.
  • Institutions request flexibility to budget an “average” increase to address pay inequities, which includes addressing compensation for lowest paid staff.
  • This request includes the additional increase to be continued to retain and attract full and part-time faculty.

  • $10 million for continued support of the Higher Education Endowment Fund.
  • $15 million for a significant infusion of funding from sources outside the funding formula to support Dual Credit programs over a three-to-five-year period.
  • $100 million for continued funding for the Technology Enhancement Fund with the goal of a $500 million permanent fund.
  • $100 million for expenditure in five fiscal years, $20 million per year, for expenditure by community colleges, regional universities, and Native American institutions for workforce training including internships
  • $11 million to provide campus safety equipment. Minimum of $11.5 million for expanded cybersecurity initiatives.
  • $50 million to support building renewal and replacement. This includes funding for critical infrastructure, addressing critical deferred maintenance needs, building demolition, and construction cost overruns due to inflation and supply chain challenges.
  • $10 million for instruction and general equipment renewal and replacement.