With so much going on in every department at SFCC, we sometimes don’t know what is happening in the department next door. Here at the Testing Center, we have just completed our comprehensive counts of all our activities for the last fiscal year. There are some surprises (who knew we did testing for international institutions!) and some expected outcomes (many, many teachers from the community come through our Center to obtain new credentials or renew existing ones). The following is a snapshot of the varied activities at the Testing Center.
Total individual tests administered FY16-17: 15,811
Most popular tests:
• High School Equivalencies (GED and HiSET): 1,302
• Teacher Certification Exams: 946
• NREMT exams: 272
Accuplacer, the placement test used by SFCC and one of the reasons we exist, accounted for 7,403 individual tests. We proctored most of the Accuplacers here on campus, but also traveled to Raton, the Indian School, New Mexico School for the Deaf, Santa Fe High School, Capitol High and the Early College Opportunity campuses to deliver tests to their students on their own campuses.
Of course make-up testing, midterms, finals, Dental Assisting, Nursing, and individual classes on our own campus represent a large proportion of our testing. During this last year, we proctored 3,804 on-campus tests for our own students and instructors.
Did you know we proctor tests for other institutions? In Fiscal Year 2016-2017, we proctored 285 exams for such schools as Clovis Community College, Eastern New Mexico State University, Brigham Young University, University of California at Berkeley, the Gemologist Institute of America, the University of British Columbia, Harvard and others.
It was a busy fiscal year, and we just wanted to share with our colleagues the interesting work we do here at the SFCC Testing Center. If you have a need for classroom or professional testing for yourself or your students, just let us know via email or at ext. 1625.