CTS Workshop: Career Exploration Tools
CTS Workshop: Career Exploration Tools
Career Exploration Tools Workshop January 29, 3:30-4:30, Hyflex – Room 412 and Microsoft Teams RSVP: https://www.sfcc.edu/cts-events-rsvp/
Career Exploration Tools Workshop January 29, 3:30-4:30, Hyflex – Room 412 and Microsoft Teams RSVP: https://www.sfcc.edu/cts-events-rsvp/
Transferring 101 February 19, 3:30-4:30, Hyflex – Room 412 and Microsoft Teams RSVP: https://www.sfcc.edu/cts-events-rsvp/
SFCC Career and Transfer Services will be hosting a Transfer Fair in the Main Building Main Hallway. Representatives from 4-year schools will be on campus to talk to SFCC students about their academic programs. Questions? Call 505-428-1406 or email career.services@sfcc.edu. RSVP: https://www.sfcc.edu/cts-events-rsvp/
Representatives from four out of state schools will be joining us virtually to provide information about their schools, field questions from students, and meet individually with students if needed. Please join us on February 27 to hear from these four out-of-state transfer school options! The schedule for the virtual session […]