Event Series Sit with Your Student Parent Senator

Sit with Your Student Parent Senator

SFCC Library Family Study Room 6401 Richards Ave., Santa Fe

Tati Griego is your Student Parent Senator on the SFCC Student Government Association. Meet Tati and voice your opinion on what can be done to improve experiences for the students who have children. Learn about student parent resources offered at SFCC, ask questions, or simply connect with another student who […]

Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors Parent Leadership Class (English)

Kids Campus 6401 Richards Ave., Santa Fe

SFCC Early Childhood Center of Excellence and Fathers New Mexico are teaming up to offer this 10-week parent leadership class in English, using the national Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors curriculum. Each session focuses on a "dicho" or popular saying and centers you as your child's first teacher. Topics promote school readiness, being […]

Event Series The Writing Generation Series

The Writing Generation Series: Creative Session with Serena Rodriguez

Zoom Video Conference platform Online, NM

SFCC and IAIA creative writing programs have partnered for the free online readings and creative sessions Serena Rodriguez will read at 6 p.m. March 20 and lead a creative session at 6 p.m. April 3 Register for link at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/WritingGenSpring24 This free online series is open to the public and consists […]