Dear Colleagues:
As the Coronavirus situation continues to evolve, the college is keeping apprised of the latest developments and making decisions based on guidance from public health officials, including the New Mexico Department of Health and the CDC. Confirmed cases in New Mexico have prompted the Governor to declare a Public Health State of Emergency.
We are planning for scenarios that might impact students’ ability to attend classes, faculty’s ability to teach, or the ability of staff to come to work. We are counting on faculty to assist in preparing for eventualities. Here’s what you can do:
- Be Calm:
- Faculty and adjunct faculty will be paid in the event of a campus closure.
- Faculty and adjunct faculty contracts will not be cancelled.
- For the majority of people, the immediate risk of being exposed to Coronavirus is thought to be low and most people will be able to recover at home.
- The most important action we can take is prevention.
- Observe the guidelines.
- Take care of yourself. If you are feeling anxiety or stress, contact the Employee Assistance Program’s licensed counselors through ComPsych Guidance Resources:
- 866-676-3367, TTY 800-697-0353
- Be Proactive:
- Make sure your contact information is current for students.
- Make sure you have your students’ current contact information.
- Encourage your students to make sure their preferred contact information is current in SFCCAlert.
- Verify that your preferred contact information is current in SFCCAlert.
- All College-related out-of-state and out-of-country travel is cancelled until further notice.
- If you had planned to travel, work with the airlines and organizations to obtain refunds, and
- Keep your supervisor apprised.
- Be Prepared:
- Add instructional materials into your Canvas course shell(s) (every face-to-face course has a Canvas shell).
- Contact the Online Teaching and Learning Office for assistance, if needed.
- For classes that cannot easily be put in Canvas, such as studios and labs, work with your Dean and Associate Dean to discuss other possibilities.
- There are numerous helpful resources:
- Canvas Hotline: 1-833-250-2079
- Online Teaching and Learning: 505-428-1166 or
- How-to videos on using Canvas:
- Online Teaching and Learning YouTube Channel
- Canvas Video Guides
- Canvas (written) Guides
- Also please see the links at the bottom of this email.
- Be Flexible:
- Make accommodations for students who may need them to continue their education.
- Respect students’ decisions to stay home if they are sick.
- Think about how you will manage your classes if campus is closed.
- Make as many arrangements as you can in advance considering the possibility that you and/or your students may not be able to come to campus.
- Be Prudent:
- Avoid spreading germs:
- Wash your hands thoroughly (for at least 20 seconds) and often.
- Use hand sanitizers and wipes.
- Avoid touching your face, nose, and eyes.
- Cough or sneeze into your sleeve or a tissue.
- Avoid contact with people who are sick.
- Avoid crowds.
- If you are sick, stay home.
- Avoid non-essential travel if you have health conditions such as diabetes, heart, lung, or kidney disease.
- If you become ill with flu symptoms, stay home and avoid contact with others.
- Call the New Mexico Department of Health Coronavirus Hotline at 855-600-3453 if:
- You have fever, cough, or shortness of breath and you traveled to a location that has confirmed cases or were in contact with a person known to have Coronavirus;
- You do not have fever, cough, or shortness of breath, but you did travel to a location that has confirmed cases or were in contact with a person known to have Coronavirus;
- You suspect you have been in contact with someone with Coronavirus.
- Be Informed:
- SFCC is monitoring the situation closely:
- Visit official Coronavirus sites for the latest information:
- New Mexico Department of Health: Coronavirus
- S. Centers for Disease Control: Coronavirus and En Español
- World Health Organization: Coronavirus
We will continue to keep you informed as information becomes available. Please check your email frequently in the coming week for campus updates.
Margaret A. Peters
Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs
Canvas links:
- How do I publish my course?
- How do I edit a Page? (Useful for editing the Homepage template.)
- How do I add a video link?
- How do I add a file link? (Remember to have your Syllabus up!)
- How do I create a Module?
- How do I publish a Module?
- How do I add an Item to a Module?
- How do I create an Assignment?
- How do I create a Quiz?
- How do I create a Discussion?
- How do I publish an Assignment? (Same process for Quizzes, Discussions, & Files)
- How I use the Gradebook?
- How do I use the SpeedGrader?