
Campus Update, Feb. 23, 2021

Dear Colleagues,

Thanks to the decrease in statewide Covid-19 cases, the number of counties moving to yellow and green, and the arrival of a vaccine, we can look forward with more optimism to returning to a fuller version of campus life. However, we are not there yet. We must remain vigilant to protect our colleagues and our community. Please continue to follow Covid protocols: wear a face mask/covering, wash/sanitize your hands frequently, and social distance.

Travel is still not recommended. However, if you do plan to travel or are returning from a trip outside of state lines, I highly advise you discuss this with your dean or supervisor in order to make arrangements that prioritize the safety of our campus and your students and colleagues. In accordance with New Mexico Department of Health policies and CDC guidelines, anyone arriving in or returning to New Mexico is strongly advised to self-quarantine for at least 14 days and to take a Covid-19 test. Testing locations are posted at Also, it is strongly recommended to register for the vaccine.

Campus occupancy remains limited to 25 percent. For those who have permission to be on campus, please let your supervisor and Campus Security know in advance when you plan to arrive. In order to ensure maximum safety, everyone who arrives on campus will be screened. The Covid Task Force continues to meet weekly. The group is monitoring state and federal guidelines and revising the Reopening Plan. For more information or if you have questions, Chris Gettler, Safety and Security Manager; William Murray, Custodial Manager; and Nick Telles, Vice President of Finance; among other members of the SFCC Covid Task Force; are all available to respond to your concerns.

I communicate regularly with our partner colleges on the higher education response to the pandemic. I will provide updates as the situation evolves. Thank you for all you continue to do to support our students and to keep our community safe.


Becky Rowley, Ph.D.

