Campus Weekly
Grant from RDC and Triad to support SFCC's PILAS

Students and teachers across Northern New Mexico will benefit this year from more education opportunities thanks to two grants to regional education nonprofits totaling nearly $800,000 from Los Alamos National Laboratory operator Triad National Security, LLC.
The funding was announced by Janet Napolitano, president of the University of California (UC), at an education-focused community event hosted by the Laboratory on Sept. 12. UC is one of the partners that make up Triad, together with Texas A&M University System and Battelle Memorial Institute. Howie Morales, lieutenant governor of New Mexico, and Eleni Kounalakis, lieutenant governor of California and a UC regent, also spoke at the event.
SFCC received $50,000 for the PILAS (SFCC’s paid internship- Programa de Internos, Los Alamos) program. $40,000 of this came from the RDC, Regional Development Corporation, and the additional $10,000 is from Triad National Security, LLC the manager and operator of Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Read more in this news release from Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Also, see more photos and learn more from the Los Alamos Daily Post story, 9/12/19, UC President Janet Napolitano Announces Nearly $800,000 Grant From Triad National Security Supports Northern New Mexico Students And Teachers.
Among the dignataries in the photo: Thom Mason, Director of Los Alamos National Laboratory and Triad President; Janet Napolitano, president of the University of California; Howie Morales, lieutenant governor of New Mexico; and Eleni Kounalakis, lieutenant governor of California and a UC regent. Six leaders from area colleges were in attendance including SFCC president Dr. Becky Rowley (second from right), Northern New Mexico College president Dr. Rick Bailey, UNM Taos CEO Dr. Patrick Valdez, UNM-Los Alamos Chancellor Dr. Cynthia Rooney, New Mexico Highlands University president Dr. Sam Minner and Luna Community College president Dr. Rolando Rael.
News and Announcements

Medical Assisting program continues accreditation through Fall 2027
Congratulations to the School of Science, Health, Engineering and Math’s Medical Assisting team!
President Becky Rowley recently received news that the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs voted to award continuing accreditation to SFCC’s Medical Assisting Program through fall 2027.
According to the notification letter, “the recent peer review conducted by the Medical Assisting Education Review Board and CAAHEP’s Board of Directors recognizes the program’s substantial compliance with the nationally established accreditation standards.”

Janet Kerley featured in Las Cruces media
KRWG Public Media, on 9/20/19, shared this story, “Las Cruces Utilities Trains for the Worst with One of the Best.”
The story about SFCC environmental, health, and safety instructor Janet Kerley focuses on training Las Cruces Utilities (LCU) associates for the yearly Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) recertification.
“Since 9/11 emergency response and management of incidents has changed significantly…and there are more requirements for public sector agencies to train and work together,” Kerley explains. “Today, the National Incident Management Systems (NIMS) organizes agencies across the entire U.S. to respond to any incident of significance.”
Photo: Janet Kerley in a photo from last year when she was interviewed on KTRC.

SFCC Graduate Esther Smith wins at Durango Autumn Arts Festival
Esther Smith took home the top prize in the Fine Craft Category this year at the 25th Annual Durango Autumn Arts Festival!
Her work was chosen from a field of more than 90 jury-selected artists at the festival that takes place annually on the streets of downtown Durango, Colorado. Esther Smith graduated from SFCC with a Certificate in Ceramics and is the owner and operator of Influx Ceramics in Santa Fe.
Congratulations Esther Smith on this outstanding achievement!

STEM Santa Fe seeking registrants and volunteers for Oct. 5 event
STEM Santa Fe will offer its 2019 STEM Pathways for Girls at SFCC on Oct. 5 here at SFCC. The conference is open to Northern New Mexico fifth to eighth grade girls. There are still a limited number of registration spots.
Lina Germann is also seeking out more volunteers for the event. STEM Santa Fe is working hard to introduce STEM to students at an early age. They appreciate the support from SFCC. If you’d like to volunteer, please send an email.

Santa Fe Literary Review reading and reception on Oct. 17
SFCC will host a free reading and reception from 5 to 7 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 17 in SFCC’s Visual Arts Gallery to launch the 2019 edition of the Santa Fe Literary Review, SFCC’s in-print annual magazine of arts and letters. The theme is “Raices: Down to the Roots.” Featuring work by local and international writers and artists alike, the SFLR honors the unique ideas, unconventional approaches, and diverse voices of our city, our state, our nation and our world.
Contributing writers will read their work. Contributing artists and authors will sign copies of the Santa Fe Literary Review. The reception will feature a gallery exhibition of featured art from the Santa Fe Literary Review. The reception begins at 5 p.m. and the reading begins at 5:30 p.m. The event is free and refreshments will be served. Venue is wheelchair accessible; American Sign Language interpreters will be provided.
Of note: The new SFLR includes a story short story by award-winning and best-selling author Tommy Orange, recipient of the 2019 PEN/Hemingway Award for his debut novel, There, There. The edition also features an interview with the author.

Check out these recent podcasts
If you missed the broadcast, catch podcasts from these recent radio interviews:
100 Thousand Poets for Change Poetry Reading
Check out the podcast as KTRC 1260|103.7 host Richard Eeds chats with Miriam Sagan and Santa Fe Poet Laureate Elizabeth Jacobson on poetry, Ethyl the Whale and more.
Hear KSFR 101.1 FM News Director Tom Trowbridge talk with SFCC Creative Writing Program Founder and Poet Miriam Sagan about last Saturday’s 100 Thousand Poets for Change event. Listen here.
Everything Art at SFCC
KSFR News Director Tom Trowbridge spoke with movers and shakers, Book arts director Patricia Pearce and printmaking student Amy Parrish from SFCC who are making Everything Art at SFCC: where everything isn’t just art, it is a movement! Check out the KSFR podcast.
SFCC Foundation President Gonzales Interview
Listen as KSFR News Director Tom Trowbridge visits with Carmen Gonzales, Ph.D. She is President of SFCC Foundation and former Vice President for Student Success. A life-long educator, she is also in the Santa Fe School Board District One race. Listen to Carmen Gonzales’ interview here.

2019 SFCC Arts and Crafts Fair: Call for Vendors
This year’s SFCC Arts and Crafts Fair will be held Saturday, Dec. 7 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Vendor space is still available. For more information, contact Fran Nawrocki, or call 428-1675.

Please use side entrance to FEC while stucco work continues
The William C. Witter Fitness Education Center has been undergoing a stucco transformation. The entire front entrance will be blocked off with scaffolding beginning Friday, Sept. 27. Patrons will need to use the side entrance where the maintenance bay is currently located – just on the other side of the wall from the front entrance. The construction will last until about mid-October. We’ll keep you posted.
Sorry for this temporary inconvenience. But we think you’ll love the final results. Thanks to all the Santa Fe voters, who approved this project and others.

No SF Trails Bus Service to Campus October 14
Santa Fe Trails will not be providing bus service to campus on Monday, October 14 (Indigenous Day, a holiday for city workers). SFCC will be open and classes will be in session, so make carpool arrangements now!

Santa Fe HEC presents Free FAFSA Rodeo from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Oct. 26
Santa Fe Higher Education Center presents Free FAFSA Rodeo. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 26. at Santa Fe Higher Education Center, 1950 Siringo Road (across from Santa Fe High).
The event is an opportunity for Santa Fe high schools to compete to see which school can increase their FAFSA completion numbers the most. The event is in partnership with New Mexico Education Assistance Foundation.
Free food and drinks provided by Dion’s Pizza and Coca-Cola Bottling Company. Students and parents can register for the event at
Students will complete the FSA ID, FAFSA, write a scholarship application and apply for two scholarships all in one stop. Call 505-428-1725 for information.

Halloween extravaganza for the community
Free and Safe Trick or Treat Halloween Extravaganza from 3:30 to 7 p.m. October 31. Event is sponsored by SFCC Student Activity Fees in the Office of Student Development.
This popular event is offered free to everyone in the community.

Scary Astronomy: Halloween at the SFCC Planetarium
Come explore the spookiest parts of our Universe on Halloween! Discover ghostly nebulae, zombie stars, killer asteroids, black holes and more. Costumes encouraged, all ages welcome! Make reservations now, the late show is already sold out!
Find the SFCC Planetarium on Facebook @GetStarryEyedSFCCNM
Early Show, 5-6:30 PM (
Late Show, 6:30-8 PM (, SOLD OUT)
Late-Late Show, 8-9:30 PM (
Student Spotlight

STEM Core Workshop 10 to 11 a.m. Oct. 4: Learn about LANL Internship Opportunities
STEM Core Workshop
LANL Internship Opportunites
Oct. 4, 10 to 11 a.m.
Room 485
This informative session will be presented by Cassandra Casperson from LANL. Open to students and employees!

Deadline to change audit/credit status is Friday, Oct. 11
Reminder: Friday, October 11 is the deadline if anyone wants to change their audit/credit status for a sixteen-week class. If you have concerns about how it will impact your financial aid, please contact the Financial Aid office.

STEM Core Club Thursdays 2 to 3 p.m.
The STEM Core Club was formed this semester in order to provide a forum for students to engage with STEM, collaborate on projects, and connect to the broader community.
The club meets every Thursday at 2 p.m. in room 805. For more information, contact

Career Services now offers extended Walk In Clinic hours
Work all day? SFCC Evening student? Want to meet with a Career Counselor, but can’t get in earlier?
Career Services has begun adding SPECIAL EXTENDED HOURS to two of the Walk In Clinics in September (Sept. 3 and 17), with more to come in October.
Go to our web calendar for details:

Half price SFCC student bus passes at the Bookstore available now
Great news! Half price bus tickets are now available at the Bookstore!
Made possible with funds from Santa Fe Community College Foundation.
Read more about the bus schedules.
Employee Announcements

Administrative leave still available for the Balloon Fiesta/NM celebrations
It’s time to enjoy New Mexico’s unique celebrations! President Becky Rowley is authorizing four hours of administrative leave for full-time ‘regular status’ employees (prorated for those employees working part-time/regular status). Use this time to participate in local community events, such as the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta Oct. 5-13.
Please consult with your supervisor to coordinate your time off. A few rules: you must take the hours between Friday, August 30 and Sunday, October 13, 2019. Administrative leave cannot be accumulated for use outside this time period and cannot be considered as work time for purposes of overtime compensation. Supervisors are reminded to schedule this time off in a way that does not negatively impact services. See Policy 4-35 Leave.

Please note new times for running and walking groups starting in Oct.
The college offers employees a meet-up for a Walking and Running Group. Please note the new times that begin in October. (The light and temperatures are changing!)
• Walking Group will switch on 10/4 to Fridays 12-1 PM
• Running Group will switch 10/15 to Tuesdays 12-1 PM
Both groups meet in front of the William C. Witter Fitness Education Center.
For questions in regards to the trail running, please contact Herman Garcia and questions in regards to the Walking Group should go to Ute Jannsen-Kerr.

Let Campus Weekly share your news
Let us know about your accomplishments and other news that you’d like to share. Please remember that the deadline is 5 p.m. Wednesday to get an item in the next week’s issue. Submit here.
SFCC's Roxanne Tapia & Jonathan Harrell in the news

Roxanne Tapia, MPR’s Executive Assistant, is busy rehearsing for her role of Yasmín in Quiara Alegría Hudes’ The Happiest Song Plays Last, which will open on October 10 at the Santa Fe Playhouse.
The Happiest Song Plays Last is the third play in Hudes’ Elliot Trilogy. The entire trilogy is being done in Santa Fe this fall beginning with Elliot: A Soldier’s Fugue, continuing with Water by the Spoonful, and finishing with The Happiest Song Plays Last. Academic Advisor Jonathan Harrell is mentioned in the stories for his role in bringing the Elliot Trilogy to Santa Fe.
For more information on the Elliot Trilogy in Santa Fe, check it out in the news:
Pasatiempo, The echoes of ages: Quiara Alegría Hudes’ Elliot Trilogy
Santa Fe Reporter Cover Story
Journal North coverage of Elliot Trilogy
Mary Charlotte’s Radio Cafe on Elliot Trilogy
Elliot Trilogy directors on Richard Eed’s radio show
Director Alix Hudson on The Big Show with Honey Harris
KUNM: The Elliot Trilogy is a Latino Family Epic