Campus Weekly

News and Announcements

Luke Spangenberg to serve as panel chair at Santa Fe World Affairs Forum event, Monday
Director of the SFCC Biofuels Center of Excellence and Innovation Center Luke Spangenberg will chair “Mitigating Climate Change: Business, Politics and Policy,” a special panel discussion with the Santa Fe World Affairs Forum from noon to 1:30 p.m. Mon., Sept. 10 in the Board Room (Room 223).
The panel will feature Wolfgang Saam, cofounder and managing director of Klimaschutz-Unternehmen, an association of German corporations committed to climate protection; Dr. Christof Stefes, Associate Professor at the University of Colorado, Denver and expert in renewable energy policy; Anton Hufnagel, First Secretary for Climate, Environmental and Urban Affairs at the German Embassy; Washington, DC.
The event is free and open to all. A tour follows.

SFCC hosted SUN PATH meeting, discussed future
SUN PATH Consortium shared its final progress report at a day-long statewide meeting at SFCC on Sept. 5. Throughout the state, 11 colleges participated under the statewide umbrella overseen at SFCC under the direction of Kristen Krell.
As the funding ends, the statewide meeting addressed the successes of the program and the next steps for SUN PATH Healthcare, as well as the Workforce Training pipeline. The program, which worked at filling the critical need for more trained health care workers operated on an Integrated Education Training Model (I-BEST) where students simultaneously studied math and English along with their health care subject areas to complete certificates and degrees. Also, key to the program was that a job development coach with Workforce Solutions (Thaddeus “Ted” Lech at SFCC) was available on each campus to assist with career readiness preparation and job placement.
Photo: SUN PATH Director Kristen Krell

New Wi-Fi installation begins Fri., Sept. 14
To allow for the switch over to SFCC’s new wireless service, there will be intermittent wireless internet outages beginning at 1 p.m., Friday, Sept. 14 and continuing through Sunday, Sept. 16.
For more information, contact the Office of Information Service Desk, ext. 1222.

Dental Assisting Program accreditation renewed through 2024
On the basis of the review of the 2017 site visit report review, the Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA) of American Dental Association (ADA) adopted a resolution to grant the program the accreditation status of approval without reporting requirements. No additional information is requested from the program at this time. The next site visit for the program is scheduled for 2024.
The Commission has authorized use of the following statement to announce the accreditation by the Commission:
The program in dental assisting is accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation [and has been granted the accreditation status of “approval without reporting requirements”]. The Commission is a specialized accrediting body recognized by the United States Department of Education. The Commission on Dental Accreditation can be contacted at (312) 440-4653 or at 211 East Chicago Avenue, Chicago, IL 60611. The Commission’s web address is:

Testing Center renovations ongoing, September closures
The Testing Center (Room 611) renovations began Aug. 27, and are scheduled to take about a month. Throughout the renovation period, the Testing Center will administer walk-in tests such as Accuplacer and class make-up tests, HiSET and CLEP in Room 611A. There may be some construction noise and dust, but the center will have earplugs for you!
In addition, during renovation, the Testing Center will not be able to offer Pearson Vue tests (those include GED, NES and EMT tests) for about four weeks. When the renovated Testing Center reopens in October, it will offer enhanced capabilities, including additional seating and new computers in room 611C. If you have any further questions about testing during the renovation period, contact Testing Center Manager Ellen Roth at or 428-1910.
Read more about other special closure times in September at the Testing Center.

Continuing Education Open House, Sept. 13
Ever wanted to learn a second language? The Spanish course offerings are many but French, German and Italian are also available. Ever wanted to impress your friends with your creations in the kitchen or learn more about how nutrition supports health? Thinking about retirement? Get tips on a wide range of considerations as you prepare for that stage of your life. Find out about these offerings and much more during the Continuing Education open house from 4 to 6 p.m. Thurs., Sept. 13 in Room 131.
For more information visit CE or call ext. 1676.

'Haiku in the Garden' with Miriam Sagan, Sept. 15
Join Miriam Sagan for Haiku in the Garden, a haiku writing workshop suitable for all, from 1 to 3 p.m., Sat., Sept. 15 at the Santa Fe Botanical Garden Pavilion, 715 Camino Lejo.
Cost: Member $15; Not-yet-member $20. Learn more and register with the Santa Fe Botanical Garden.

Communities in Schools call for volunteers
Communities in Schools New Mexico is one of more than 100 affiliates of the national nonprofit organization. The goal is to provide K-12 children, who are either at or below poverty level, with the support they need to be successful in school and graduate on time. These are the current volunteer needs: tutoring in reading and/or math, general classroom assistance, and basic needs (e.g. weekly food distribution for families in need). Because our students’ primary language is Spanish, we desperately need bilingual volunteers and those who are willing to work with middle school and high schools students. Contact Kate
Student Spotlight

Have fun at Fall Fest, Thurs., Sept. 13!
Join the campus community at Fall Fest from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Thurs. Sept. 13 in the Courtyard, Campus Center and Hallways for free food, music, resource tables and club information. The event is sponsored by Office of Student Development, Student Activities, Student Ambassadors, Freedom Ambassadors and Student Government Association. Don’t miss out on the fun!

Financial aid reminders
Financial Aid Refunds for full term classes will be issued by the Cashier’s Office the week of Sept. 17. Late starting classes may delay your refund.
Need money to pay for school? Complete the 2018-2019 FAFSA online now. Are you an International or Undocumented student? Then complete the 2018-2019 Dreamers Financial Aid form here.
Check with Financial Aid to learn more, in the Welcome and Advising Center, via email or call 428-1268.
Employee Announcements

Professional Development Day, Oct. 19
Professional Development Day is coming, so mark your calendar for October 19. There will be a plenary session for faculty and staff in the morning and breakout sessions in the afternoon. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. More details will be forthcoming, but for now if you have an idea for a breakout training session, please contact Pat Simpson in Human Resources, ext. 1019.

Plant Based Nutrition class for employees begins Sept. 18
Sign up now for Plant Based Nutrition, a free Employee Wellness Program class Tuesdays from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. beginning Sept. 18 and running for 9 sessions.
Discover the health benefits of a plant based diet, take home new recipes and have a great lunch. This program is from the Physicians’ Committee for Responsible Medicine which has delivered this course nationally for over 10 years. Sponsored by the Professional Development fund.
To sign up, contact Amanda Hatherly.