
Campus Weekly

RSVP now for Oct. 29 "Rating the news: So you don't have to"

“Rating the News So You Don’t Have to: In the Trenches with Sarah Hood”
Sponsored by the SFCC Library
1 to 2 p.m.
October 29, 2020

“I worked as a media analyst with Ad Fontes Media for ten weeks. Here’s my story.” Join Reference and Instruction Librarian Sarah Hood as she takes you inside the world of media analysis with one of the fastest-growing news rating companies, Ad Fontes Media. From Alternet to Alex Jones, she’s rated it all so you don’t have to. RSVP to the event to find out:

  • How’d she score the gig?
  • With whom did she work?
  • By what methodology did she and her fellow analysts rate the news?

Get the skinny on that and much more. AND…SFCC scored a win out of this too! What are we getting?

Come to the Zoom gathering to find out!

Instruction and Reference Librarian Sarah Hood is available to give class presentations regarding media literacy. Topics include spotting fake news, evaluating news sources, recognizing altered photos and more. Contact her at or call 428-1830 to discuss options.


News and Announcements

Register for free talk about singing and health Wednesday morning

Join Live Local Online learning conversations at 9 a.m. Wednesdays through Nov. 18. Enjoy a cup of your favorite morning beverage as you learn from home. Free to everyone. Just register with CE online. If you have questions, call CE at 505-428-1676.
Register for the free sessions here.

Upcoming Despierta Topics:

10/28 Priscilla Zimmermann – Music and Singing for Health
11/4 Ginna Sloane – Yoga and Fitness
11/11 William Neuwirth – The Natural World and Chaco Canyon
11/18 Richard Rosemont – Rock and Roll Musical History

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. SFCC Counseling Services has provided the following resource links. You can also access additional information in our Canvas Site, The Chill Room.
To speak with a SFCC Counselor please contact us at
Services are free to registered students.

Oct. 20 Campus Update rolls back recent openings

In response to state health orders, President Rowley has released a campus update. Please note, the William C. Witter Fitness Education Center, SFCC Library and Higher Education Center are closed to the public until further notice. Read the full update here:


The Podcast as a Learning Tool on Wed., Oct. 28

 The Podcast as a Learning Tool — An Interactive Workshop
3 p.m. October 28

The next installment of the Fall Workshop Series is The Podcast as a Learning Tool — An Interactive Workshop.

Register at:


Santa Fe Literary Review reading a success

Santa Fe Literary Review’s annual reading event on Oct. 22 was a well-attended Zoom gathering. There was a diverse group of writers, who read their pieces from the latest issue of SFLR. Also, photographer Isatsu Kaiziahiher spoke about his striking image on page 121 and artist Stephen Abban Junior spoke via Zoom from his home in Ghana about his artwork, which graces pages 42 and 43 of the edition. Laura Rosenfeld, SFCC art instructor, also shared the image of the original painting that was used on the cover to the delight of attendees. The comments field was filled with enthusiastic responses to all the creative contributors.

SFLR Faculty Advisor Kate McCahill said while it was different from previous in-person gatherings it was exciting to include contributors in other parts of the country and the globe.

In the photo, Mervyn R. Seivwright, of Jamaican heritage and born in London, called in from Germany to read his poem, “Dangling.”


Governing Board Meeting Oct. 28

Governing Board Meeting
1:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. October 28

Because of the current public health emergency, this Meeting will not be held in person. Board members will attend through a virtual online platform. The public may attend this Meeting by logging onto YouTube. Written public comments may be submitted to Audrey Lucero at at least 24 hours before the meeting. Public comments will be read out loud during the meeting (up to 3 minutes per comment).

Mental Illness Awareness

October recognizes Mental Illness Awareness and World Mental Health. For resources provided by your SFCC Counseling Services please see The Chill Room in CANVAS. Our new Module for monthly resources. and watch this video about living with anxiety. from NAMI.
For more information or to speak with a counselor please contact
Look for the new support groups starting this month.

Controlled Environment Agriculture to participate in fall conferences

Controlled Environment Agriculture will participate in several state, national and international conferences in October and November.


Energy Performance Contract construction begins

SFCC has begun the construction phase of our Energy Performance Contract with Siemens with Safety as SFCC’s highest priority throughout the project. This project will include many energy efficiency upgrades throughout campus (LED light fixture retrofits, Low flow water
retrofits, Exterior building envelope efficiency improvements, equipment upgrades, Microgrid control system, two new 710 kW Li-Ion batteries and 1000KW natural gas generator and 2000 amp distribution switchgear).

The Building envelope solutions work started on Oct. 12 to fully weather strip and seal doors and windows.

We appreciate your patience while SFCC completes these very important energy efficiency upgrades. If you have any questions please contact Andrea Mueller, Facilities & Operations Project
Manager at or 505-930-9781.

Diversity and Inclusion: Putting the pieces together with artist and storyteller Pi Luna

Sponsored by the SFCC Library
2 p.m. November 10
Register online:

What happens when the world falls apart? What happens when one side splits from the other, and then those sides split further, and the fragmentation repeats. What happens when our social fabric begins to unravel? How do we find common ground? In this presentation, artist and storyteller Pi Luna explains how she uses diverse perspectives to assemble new stories. Like a puzzle, when the pieces come together, something new emerges–a story of hope, healing, and shared humanity. Watch her process, hear her story, and be prepared to be inspired.


Laptop discounts for staff, faculty and students

The Office of Information Technology is excited to announce a partnership with Dell. Students, Staff and Faculty may purchase laptops, monitors and computer accessories with the SFCC educational discount.

To get started log into and click on the Dell Computer Discount icon under Resources. Discounts are available on laptops and computer accessories.

Learn more about higher education bond and library bond

Santa Fe Community College President Dr. Becky Rowley, IAIA President Dr. Robert Martin, SFIS Superintendent Roy Herrera and NMSD Superintendent Dr. Rosemary Gallegos spoke with Estevan Gonzales about how passage of the upcoming vote on Bond B and Bond C will benefit education and libraries within the Santa Fe community on Oct. 15. Hear the podcast here.

You can also read these recent newspaper columns by President Rowley and IAIA President Robert Martin: Albuquerque Journal, Oct. 16, “Bonds B, C support colleges and libraries with no tax hike” and Santa Fe New Mexican, Oct. 18, “Support bonds that support higher education.”

Hear these other recent radio broadcasts: Oct. 7 President Becky Rowley talked with Richard Eeds on KTRC 1260 | 103.7 about how Bond B for Libraries and Bond C for Higher Education on the ballot in the election will benefit the college and the community.

President Rowley also recently discussed the bond issues on KSFR with Tom Towbridge.

“These Bonds will not raise property taxes,” said SFCC President Becky Rowley, Ph.D. “The outcome could greatly impact Santa Fe Community College, our state’s economy and the future of students throughout the state.”

Important election dates:
• Absentee Voting: Oct. 6–31.
• Early Voting: Oct. 17–31.
• Election Day: Tues., Nov. 3.

Read more here.


SFCC in the news

The following stories either featured or mentioned SFCC or one of its employees.

9/23/2020, Santa Fe New Mexican,Land trust model floated for development of midtown campus.”

9/18/2020, Santa Fe Reporter, “Award Winning Coverage.” Story about national award for Santa Fe Reporter that was the result of collaboration with SFCC.

9/18/2020, Santa Fe New Mexican, “Santa Fe Community College enrollment drops.

9/14/2020, Albuquerque Journal, “SF Community College enrollment drops 25 percent”

9/13/20, Rio Rancho Observer, “Collaboration brings masks, other supplies to Navajo nation,” story about SFCC nursing student with Operation Bandana.

Listen to Santa Fe Community College Sculpture Head John Boyce and Instructor Petro Hull discuss the Sculpture and Fine Arts Programs with Richard Eeds on KTRC 1260 | 103.7.

Fall Continuing Education Schedule now online

Whether you’re looking for professional development opportunities or want to explore your creativity, learn a new language or take a short-term online health or fitness class you’ll find lots of options in the Fall Continuing Education Schedule.
Also, check out the many Kids Stuff STEAM camps online.

Students can register for noncredit classes anywhere, anytime. Employees: To use your EEBs for Continuing Education classes, complete the EEB form before you register, then contact Continuing Education at or 505-428-1676. Their team will help you and your dependents complete registration.


Capital Improvement Projects updates

There are multiple Capital Improvement Projects now in progress. For more information on parking lot closures, roof repairs, etc. read here.

While we apologize for any inconvenience, we appreciate your patience. For questions, please contact F & O (Facilities and Operations) Project Manager (formerly POM), Andrea Mueller at 505-930-9781.


Inside SFCC

In this issue, read about how TRIO supports a new mom, about how Amanda Hatherly developed SFCC’s COVID-19 Workforce training, the upcoming bond issues and more. In noteworthy find out more about the Susan Bailey Estate’s donation to SFCC Library.


Student Spotlight

Register now to explore NM Tech in November

Virtual Exploration Day @ Tech!
Noon to 3 November 7 or November 21

This is a chance for prospective students and their families to learn more about Tech’s academic programs from our faculty, as well as various student services such as financial aid, housing, student clubs, and much more!

Below you will find a basic layout of the schedule (all times listed are Mountain Standard Time).

Noon – Welcome and Student Service Q&A
1:00 p.m. – Engineering Presentation
2:00 p.m. – Science Presentation
3:00 p.m. – Closing and Final Q&A

RSVP at the following link:

Saturday, November 7th:

Saturday, November

We are excited
to connect with you and share all of the amazing opportunities that you will
be presented with as a Techie!

Bellevue University information sessions this week

Representatives from the following schools will be holding online information sessions for SFCC Students soon:

Bellevue University
Tuesday and Thursday
10 a.m. to noon
Click here to attend the Bellevue Info Session!

SFCC Student Weekly Connection (Oct. 19)

Click here to read last week’s student newsletter, presented by the Vice President for Student Success, Thomasinia Ortiz-Gallegos.

The newsletter includes information about Counseling Services Support Groups, the SGA’s pumpkin carving contest, the Payne Fellowship, information on voting, scholarship opportunities, and more!

Keep your eyes on your inbox for updated information!


Apply for 2020-2021 SFCC and Foundation Scholarships

SFCC has state, institutional and Foundation private scholarships available for new and returning students to help pay for college for the upcoming academic year. Scholarships are available for full and part-time students in all qualified areas of study including but not limited to: Business, Early Childhood, Engineering, Nursing, Computer Studies, Culinary. There are scholarships for Native American students, Hispanic students and students with disabilities (must be registered with the SAS department), international and non-U.S. citizens.

Financial need, a cumulative and term GPA of 2.50 and enrollment in at least 6 credit hours in a degree plan are required for most scholarships.

You may apply for an SFCC scholarship now at:

A Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or a Dreamer’s Financial Aid Application (non US Citizens only) will be required to determine need. The Dreamers Financial Aid Application can be found at: under “FORMS”.

If you have questions please email the Financial Aid Office at from your SFCC student email account. Make sure to include your Student ID number in the email.

If awarded, your scholarship may be continued until you graduate providing you continue to meet the criteria.

Lock in your scholarship now for current and upcoming academic years.


SGA President encourages students to vote on Nov. 3

In a letter to students on Friday, SGA President Ian Martinez provided information about voting and encouraged SFCC students to let their voices be heard in this election.

He provided information on how to register to vote and how to request an absentee ballot. He also encourages students to vote in person if possible.

Student Emergency Fund assistance

If you are currently enrolled in the Fall semester and experiencing financial challenges apply for some assistance from the Student Emergency Assistance Fund. Applications can be found in MYSFCC under Resources (Emergency Assistance Fund). Applications are reviewed frequently, and funds are directly awarded to your account. Please note: funds cannot cover the cost of tuition or books.

Apply now for LANL Foundation scholarships

The LANL Foundation’s Career Pathways Scholarship is now open, with a Nov. 16 deadline. Funds for the Spring 2021 semester are available for students pursuing an Associate Degree, trade or certification. Career Pathways Scholarships are in the amount of $750/semester for up to four semesters (up to $3000 total). Please see the 2021 Spring Career Pathways – Call for Applications – PR for details.

For more information and to access the online application, visit:

Veteran scholarships available

Are you a current veteran or a veteran’s dependent and a New Mexican resident? If so, you may qualify for the Veterans Scholarship. Visit for more information.

SFCC Student Activities Group on Facebook

The Office of Student Development has a new, private Facebook group, SFCC Student Activities!

The group is for current SFCC students only and will be a virtual space where students can interact and participate in OSD activities.

Visit to join today!


Employee Announcements

Virtual Halloween gathering at 2 p.m. Thursday

Employees: Watch your email this week for announcement from the Celebrations Committee. At the virtual gathering (Pumpkin Patch) at 2 p.m. Oct. 29. There will be prizes for best costume and decorated home work space.

The event will also include virtual birthday celebration, Pass it Forward and Wow gram.

File photo: Previous Halloween Office Decorating Contest.

SFCC Department of Dental Health provides PreK screenings

SFCC Department of Dental Health provided free dental screenings and education to PreK grades at a non-profit organization on Wednesday, Sept 30, 2020. Thanks to our alumni Shahana Jawadi, RDH, EFDA for volunteering in the screening. It is always a joy to see smiles on the faces of little angels.

For information on SFCC’s Dental Programs, please visit: For questions, please contact:

Photo credits: Aamna Nayyar. PreK student helping our stuff Monster with oral hygiene.

Policy Update: Accrued Annual Leave extended to Dec. 31

Last month, in response to a request from employees, the Governing Board approved a Resolution related to Policy 4-35 Leave under Policy Process F, extending the accrued annual leave deadline to December 31.
All employees are required to be familiar with and adhere to college policies, which are posted at SFCC/policies. If you have questions or would like to learn more about policies or the Shared Governance Policy Review Process, contact Policy Officer Laura J. Mulry at ext. 1776 or


Dr. Aamna Nayyar panelist for Interfaith event in Albuquerque

President Diversity Advisory Committee (PDAC) member, Dr. Aamna Nayyar served as a panelist in an interfaith event hosted by the Jewish Community Center (JCC) of greater Albuquerque on Wednesday, Oct 7, 2020 from 10:30 am- 11:30 am.

Recording can be seen here:
For questions about PDAC diversity activities, please contact Meghan McGarrity: For questions about interfaith, please contact Aamna Nayyar:

Library Speaker Series: Call for presentations

The SFCC Library is continuing the faculty and staff speaking series that we started last spring. We want to hear from you if you would like to share information on something you have published, researched, thought about, or a place you have traveled through.

Last spring’s series included presentations about newly publish books by Aamna Nayyar, Andy Lovato, and sj Miller. Charlie Shultz shared his travel experience through Israel. We want to highlight the interesting and important work being produced and considered by SFCC staff, so please be in contact if you would like to give a presentation.

Contact Val Nye at:

Submit nominations for WOW awards

The Office of Human Resources announced twelve WOW Recipients for their dedicated work and commitment to Santa Fe Community College! Congratulations Teresa Roybal, Rosella Varela, Yvonne Martinez, Reyna Varela, Stuart Graw, Tim Doyle, Norbert Utz, Linda Ortiz , Jonathon Lujan, Amanda Hatherly, Doreen Jaramillo, Chris Gettler!

Read more about these employees’ outstanding contributions to the college.

Please be sure to nominate who you think is doing a great job here at SFCC. The nomination form can be found at the SFCC Connect portal, or by reaching out to Joanne Romero


Video of Val Nye's Equity and Access panel now available

Library Director Val Nye spoke as a panelist for the national ACRL-Choice Webinar on Oct. 1. She spoke about the SFCC Library’s work during COVID for the panel titled “Equity and Access in the Age of COVID-19: How Academic Libraries Can Build a Better Digital Content Strategy.”

If you missed the panel, you can see it now here.


Let Campus Weekly share your news

Let us know about your accomplishments and other news that you’d like to share. Please remember that the deadline is 5 p.m. Wednesday to get an item in the next week’s issue. Submit here.

Submit names of veterans to be honored by Oct. 29

The Veteran’s Resource Center and the Office of Student Development have purchased U.S. flags that will have the name of either a student or employee veteran’s name, branch of service and years of service. These flags will be displayed on campus by the West Wing loop from Nov. 9-16.

The VRC and OSD have asked for all submissions from either students, employees or their dependents to be sent to Krystal Patton, Interim Director of Veterans Resource Center, at by Thursday, Oct. 29. Krystal is a U.S. Navy veteran.

VRC and OSD will coordinate with Marketing & Public Relations team of Doreen Gallegos and Dorothy Piriz, who will make a video, “SFCC’s Virtual Tribute to our Veteran Community” for viewing on Veterans Day, Nov. 11. We’ll have more details in a future newsletter.

Photo: Taken from our files: Veterans Scholarship Recipients from a few years ago, Left to right: Oren Blay, Krystal Patton (now Interim Director) and Wayne Vigil.