
Campus Weekly

See SFCC's Virtual Tribute to Our Veteran Community

SFCC produced “SFCC’s Virtual Tribute to Our Veteran Community” and posted it on Youtube last Wednesday on Veteran’s Day. Watch this stirring tribute here.

Thank you to all those who helped make this possible: President Becky Rowley, Ph.D., who gave the opening address; Doreen Gallegos of Marketing & Public Relations who filmed, edited and produced the video; Student Involvement Coordinator Mary Eleas for her collaborative efforts with the National Guard and assistance in production; Interim Director of the Veterans Resource Center Krystal Patton and the VRC team for their work in recognizing veterans for this tribute and everyday; SGA president Ian Widrick Martinez for his remarks and work with the SGA team for the production.

We thank featured veteran Larry Ortiz, who is Doreen’s father, for his service and commitment to our nation. Although SFCC could not honor and recognize our veterans and active military in person, please know that SFCC supports our veterans and their families.

Photo: Screenshot of the video  

News and Announcements

President Rowley's message about Governor's Nov. 13 Public Health Order & SFCC

In an email to students, faculty, and staff Saturday, SFCC President Becky Rowley announced that during the shelter in place order, only Allied Health and occupational programs with licensure requirements would be allowed on campus during the next two weeks. The President offered support and encouragement to the SFCC community in this fight to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Read the full message here.


Thank you for supporting libraries and higher education

SFCC appreciates the support on the passage of Bond B (for libraries) and Bond C (for higher education). Both bonds were passed in the recent election.

Funds from Bond B will support SFCC’s library and other libraries around the state.
As a result of the passage of Bond B: $36,848 Bond B funds will help the SFCC Library help students succeed by paying for almost all of SFCC’s EBSCO research databases, will support the costs of the library’s book purchases and electronic resources.

The passage of Bond C will provide $2 million to SFCC for safer, more improved learning environments at SFCC with asset protection, including fire suppression systems, stucco, and fencing.

Throughout the state, passage of Bond C will support the educational institutions we have already invested in, giving them the resources they need to provide a safe, quality education with updated technology. Your voted in support of Go Bond C is an investment New Mexico’s future!

Thank you for your support!

Register for free CE talk about Rock and Roll at 9 a.m, Wednesday

Join Live Local Online learning conversations at 9 a.m. Wednesdays through Nov. 18. Enjoy a cup of your favorite morning beverage as you learn from home. Free to everyone. Just register with CE online. If you have questions, call CE at 505-428-1676.
Register for the free sessions here.

The final Despierta Topic:

11/18 Richard Rosemont – Rock and Roll Musical History

Power outage begins at 5:30 p.m. tonight, Nov. 16

On Monday, Nov. 16, beginning at 5:30 p.m., SFCC will conduct a Power Shutdown that will continue into the early hours of Nov. 17. All students and employees must leave campus no later than 5:30 p.m. Wi-Fi and network connectivity will not be available. Email and Canvas will remain available from off campus. Power will be provided for essential services only. The Santa Fe Higher Education Center will not be affected. For questions or concerns, please contact Project Manager Karin Pitman, 505-428-1720. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Thank people for Kindness this month with Kindness Card

For World Kindness Day, Counseling Services is providing you with a Kindness Card to share with someone and thank them for their acts of kindness throughout the month of November.

“World Kindness Day is a global day that promotes the importance of being kind to each other, to yourself, and to the world. This day, celebrated on November 13 of each year, has the purpose is to help everyone understand that compassion for others is what binds us all together.”

Contact for more information.


Fitness Education Newsletter

A new School of Fitness Education Newsletter is available here:

This issue has a great anti-aging workout for seniors, an article on strengthening your core through running, information on how dips (not ranch or veggie, but full-body dips) work your muscles!


Artist and storyteller Pi Luna's talk now available online

Last week, the Library sponsored the event, “Diversity and Inclusion: Putting the pieces together, with artist and storyteller Pi Luna.” During her presentation, Luna explained how she uses diverse perspectives to assemble new stories. Like a puzzle, when the pieces come together, something new emerges – a story of hope, healing and shared humanity. Watch her process, hear her story and be prepared to be inspired. The presentation is available here.


Governing Board Meeting Oct. 28 meeting on Youtube

The Oct. 28 Governing Board Meeting video is available here.

Oct. 20 Campus Update rolls back recent openings

In response to state health orders, President Rowley has released a campus update. Please note, the William C. Witter Fitness Education Center, SFCC Library and Higher Education Center are closed to the public until further notice. Read the full update here:


Controlled Environment Agriculture to participate in fall conferences

Controlled Environment Agriculture will participate in several state, national and international conferences in October and November.


Energy Performance Contract construction begins

SFCC has begun the construction phase of our Energy Performance Contract with Siemens with Safety as SFCC’s highest priority throughout the project. This project will include many energy efficiency upgrades throughout campus (LED light fixture retrofits, Low flow water
retrofits, Exterior building envelope efficiency improvements, equipment upgrades, Microgrid control system, two new 710 kW Li-Ion batteries and 1000KW natural gas generator and 2000 amp distribution switchgear).

The Building envelope solutions work started on Oct. 12 to fully weather strip and seal doors and windows.

We appreciate your patience while SFCC completes these very important energy efficiency upgrades. If you have any questions please contact Andrea Mueller, Facilities & Operations Project
Manager at or 505-930-9781.

Laptop discounts for staff, faculty and students

The Office of Information Technology is excited to announce a partnership with Dell. Students, Staff and Faculty may purchase laptops, monitors and computer accessories with the SFCC educational discount.

To get started log into and click on the Dell Computer Discount icon under Resources. Discounts are available on laptops and computer accessories.

SFCC in the news

The following stories either featured or mentioned SFCC or one of its employees.

10/15/20, KSWV, President Dr. Becky Rowley, IAIA President Dr. Robert Martin, SFIS Superintendent Roy Herrera and NMSD Superintendent Dr. Rosemary Gallegos spoke with Estevan Gonzales about how Bond B and Bond C. will benefit education and libraries within the Santa Fe community. Hear the podcast here.

10/16/20, Albuquerque Journal, “Bonds B, C support colleges and libraries with no tax hike” and Santa Fe New Mexican, Oct. 18, “Support bonds that support higher education.”

10/07/20, KTRC, President Becky Rowley talked with Richard Eeds on KTRC 1260 | 103.7 about how Bond B for Libraries and Bond C for Higher Education on the ballot in the election will benefit the college and the community.

KSFR, President Rowley also recently discussed the bond issues on KSFR with Tom Towbridge.

9/23/2020, Santa Fe New Mexican,Land trust model floated for development of midtown campus.”

Listen to Santa Fe Community College Sculpture Head John Boyce and Instructor Petro Hull discuss the Sculpture and Fine Arts Programs with Richard Eeds on KTRC 1260 | 103.7.

Student Spotlight

Student Art and Writing Awards - submit your work now!

Submit your work now for the Katie Besser Student Art & Writing Awards.


  • Poetry
  • Fiction
  • Creative Nonfiction
  • Academic essay
  • Text & Image
  • Instructor-nominated
  • en español

Email your entry and any questions to Emily Stern:

Submit WRITING ENTRIES as Microsoft Word attachments, double-spaced, five (5) page maximum per entry. Submit TEXT & IMAGE entries as PNGs or JPEGS (6) submissions—total.

Please remove any identifying information from the entry itself.

Include an email message with your name, the title and category of your entry, and your email address and phone number.

Receipt of entries will be acknowledged by email. Results will be announced via email in April.

Applicants must be enrolled in at least three credits in Fall 2020 or Spring 2021 semesters.

Sponsored by SFCC English and Creative Writing, SFCC Media Arts, and SFCC Foundation.


What's Next? Four-year university information sessions this week

Representatives from the following schools will be holding online information sessions for SFCC Students this week:

Bellevue University
Tuesday and Thursday
10 a.m. to noon
Click here to attend the Bellevue Info Session!

Virtual Exploration Day @ Tech!
Noon to 3 p.m. November 21


Register now to explore NM Tech this Saturday, November 21

Virtual Exploration Day @ Tech!
Noon to 3 p.m. November 21

This is a chance for prospective students and their families to learn more about Tech’s academic programs from our faculty, as well as various student services such as financial aid, housing, student clubs, and much more!

Below you will find a basic layout of the schedule (all times listed are Mountain Standard Time).

Noon – Welcome and Student Service Q&A
1:00 p.m. – Engineering Presentation
2:00 p.m. – Science Presentation
3:00 p.m. – Closing and Final Q&A

RSVP at the following link:
Saturday, November

Tech is excited to connect with you and share all of the amazing opportunities that you will be presented with as a Techie!

SFCC Student Weekly Connection

Click here to read last week’s student newsletter, presented by the Vice President for Student Success, Thomasinia Ortiz-Gallegos.

The newsletter includes information about Counseling Services Support Groups,scholarship opportunities, Veterans Day and more!


Apply for 2020-2021 SFCC and Foundation Scholarships

SFCC has state, institutional and Foundation private scholarships available for new and returning students to help pay for college for the upcoming academic year. Scholarships are available for full and part-time students in all qualified areas of study including but not limited to: Business, Early Childhood, Engineering, Nursing, Computer Studies, Culinary. There are scholarships for Native American students, Hispanic students and students with disabilities (must be registered with the SAS department), international and non-U.S. citizens.

Financial need, a cumulative and term GPA of 2.50 and enrollment in at least 6 credit hours in a degree plan are required for most scholarships.

You may apply for an SFCC scholarship now at:

A Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or a Dreamer’s Financial Aid Application (non US Citizens only) will be required to determine need. The Dreamers Financial Aid Application can be found at: under “FORMS”.

If you have questions please email the Financial Aid Office at from your SFCC student email account. Make sure to include your Student ID number in the email.

If awarded, your scholarship may be continued until you graduate providing you continue to meet the criteria.

Lock in your scholarship now for current and upcoming academic years.


Student Emergency Fund assistance

If you are currently enrolled in the Fall semester and experiencing financial challenges apply for some assistance from the Student Emergency Assistance Fund. Applications can be found in MYSFCC under Resources (Emergency Assistance Fund). Applications are reviewed frequently, and funds are directly awarded to your account. Please note: funds cannot cover the cost of tuition or books.

Veteran scholarships available

Are you a current veteran or a veteran’s dependent and a New Mexican resident? If so, you may qualify for the Veterans Scholarship. Visit for more information.

SFCC Student Activities Group on Facebook

The Office of Student Development has a new, private Facebook group, SFCC Student Activities!

The group is for current SFCC students only and will be a virtual space where students can interact and participate in OSD activities.

Visit to join today!


Employee Announcements

President Rowley's messaging about ERP

SFCC has joined forces with several other institutions to better support and serve our students and employees. Clovis Community College, CNM, Northern New Mexico College, SFCC (and eventually San Juan College) have come together to develop a shared system of student, human resources, and financial services. Our collective vision is to reimagine and to transform the student experience through this project.

This highly complex initiative is called Shared Services Enterprise Resource Planning (often referred to as ERP). This project has been in the works for many months and requires enormous input and collaboration on multiple levels. Interim Chief Information Officer Cori Bergen is the point person for SFCC, and her team and other staff members have been working intensely to identify all the ways we can improve our institutional systems. I want to thank everyone who has already contributed to this bold project. Your contributions will advance our practices so that our students find it easier to manage and reach their educational objectives. New Mexico Independent Community Colleges is coordinating the efforts across participating colleges with Laura Mulry serving as NMICC’s Communications Officer.

Please read more for important directives regarding this process.


Celebrations Gratitude Gathering, 2 p.m. Nov. 18

Employees: Watch your email for an invitation for the Celebrations Committee Gratitude Gathering at 2 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 18.

Email your gratitude submissions to by today, Monday, Nov. 16 to be added to the Gratitude Celebration presentation.

Holiday Timesheet deadline Nov. 24

Because of the Thanksgiving holiday closure, timesheets are due by Tuesday, November 24 for the period ending Sunday, November 29.

Equity Through Open Resource Learning 2 p.m. Nov. 16

What’s Tech Got to Do with It? An Online Teaching Series
Equity Through Open Resource Learning

By Stanley (Austin) Eichelberger, Adjunct Professor of English, Valerie Nye, SFCC Library Director and Steve Martinez, PhD., Assistant Professor of History

2 to 3 p.m.
Monday, November 16, 2020
Zoom meeting (Click here)

Join our presenters in the exploration of equity in the classroom through freely-accessed resources and easily integrated materials for students and other advantages of OER.


Participate in Staff and Faculty Reading, Dec. 3

The Staff and Faculty Reading will be from 5 to 6 p.m., Thursday, Dec. 3.

Interested in reading your writing aloud? All faculty and staff, including those who have retired from SFCC, are welcome and encouraged to participate! Email to add your name to the list. Readers are asked to adhere to a five-minute time

To attend the virtual event, please register at

Meghan McGarrity appointed to Economic Development Advisory Committee

Interim Director of the Santa Fe Higher Education Center Meghan McGarrity has been appointed by Mayor Alan Webber to the City’s Economic Development Advisory Committee.

The role of EDAC is to assist the governing body with implementation of the city’s economic development plan and recommending policy that leads to a more business friendly environment within city government; making recommendations to the governing body for economic development projects and making recommendations on proposed ordinances and regulations on impacts to Santa Fe businesses. EDAC is composed of one city council member and 9 members representing a broad range of business interests, including small and large businesses, arts and culture industries; development, design, construction, hospitality, technology, retail trade, workforce development, healthcare and organized labor and services.

Meghan McGarrity is participating as a representative of the HEC and SFCC. Dean Camilla Bustamante, Ph.D. has represented SFCC for the last two years. Thank you Dr. Bustamante for your service and congratulations to Meghan McGarrity for your recent appointment.

Just in Passing: Faculty & Staff Lunchtime Conversation Dec. 3

Just in Passing conversation
Noon, Thursday, December 3
Join on Zoom:

Join us for a casual lunchtime conversation – a way to keep connected to SFCC while we are working at home (or isolated on campus).

  • Share something unexpected you have seen or experienced on Zoom
  • Share a holiday plan or tradition you hope to continue this year

Noon, Thursday, December 3
Join on Zoom:

Questions Email


In Memoriam: Former SFCC instructor Patricia Ann Bohn Goehe

SFCC extends sympathies and condolences to the family, friends and colleagues of former SFCC speech instructor Patricia Ann Bohn Goeh. She previously taught with the Teacher Academy in the early 2000s. She taught her last Public Speaking class in the Fall of 2013. She worked at SFCC from 2002-2013.

Read more about her amazing life and academic contributions here.


Submit nominations for WOW awards

The Office of Human Resources reminds you to nominate who you think is doing a great job here at SFCC. The nomination form can be found at the SFCC Connect portal, or by reaching out to Joanne Romero


Library Speaker Series: Call for presentations

The SFCC Library is continuing the faculty and staff speaking series that we started last spring. We want to hear from you if you would like to share information on something you have published, researched, thought about, or a place you have traveled through.

Last spring’s series included presentations about newly publish books by Aamna Nayyar, Andy Lovato, and sj Miller. Charlie Shultz shared his travel experience through Israel. We want to highlight the interesting and important work being produced and considered by SFCC staff, so please be in contact if you would like to give a presentation.

Contact Val Nye at:

Video of Val Nye's Equity and Access panel now available

Library Director Val Nye spoke as a panelist for the national ACRL-Choice Webinar on Oct. 1. She spoke about the SFCC Library’s work during COVID for the panel titled “Equity and Access in the Age of COVID-19: How Academic Libraries Can Build a Better Digital Content Strategy.”

If you missed the panel, you can see it now here.


Policy Update: Accrued Annual Leave extended to Dec. 31

Last month, in response to a request from employees, the Governing Board approved a Resolution related to Policy 4-35 Leave under Policy Process F, extending the accrued annual leave deadline to December 31.
All employees are required to be familiar with and adhere to college policies, which are posted at SFCC/policies. If you have questions or would like to learn more about policies or the Shared Governance Policy Review Process, contact Policy Officer Laura J. Mulry at ext. 1776 or


Let Campus Weekly share your news

Let us know about your accomplishments and other news that you’d like to share. Please remember that the deadline is 5 p.m. Wednesday to get an item in the next week’s issue. Submit here.

President Rowley participated in STEMM regional webinar

Last Tuesday President Becky Rowley, Ph.D., participated in The National Academies of Sciences Engineering and Medicine’s virtual workshop series, “Meeting Regional STEMM Workforce needs in the Wake of Covid-19: A Virtual Workshop Series.” The program welcome and overview, as well as the summary were presented by Chair Jeff Bingaman, former United States Senator of New Mexico.

President Rowley was part of the panel, “Key services that support equitable access to workforce training.” The panelists were asked to “discuss higher education and social service strategies to connect displaced workers with training opportunities to meet local STEMM employment needs.”

She spoke about SFCC Foundation’s Emergency Student Aid, as one of the college’s rapid responses to helping students stay in college. She also spoke about the college’s commitment to helping students in the health care classes to attend in-person classes (when possible) to help them move forward to complete their programs, get their credentials and out into the workplace. She cited New Mexico’s shortage of health care workers.

Other panelists were Tamar Jacoby, President & CEO, Opportunity America; and Paige Shevlin, Director, Policy and National Initiatives, Skillful Central, The Markle Foundation.

Throughout the half-day workshop participants looked at potential policy changes at the federal level, as well as partnerships with the private sector to get the unemployed and underemployed working in their communities.