
Campus Weekly

New Edition: 'Inside SFCC' Fall 2018

The latest issue features:

Research Fuels Engineering Students
Q&A with Valerie Nye, New Library Director
SFCC Foundation Board Supports Student Success
Education-Employer Alignment Improves Job Placement, Retention, Wages

Read Inside SFCC.

Photo: Engineering Technologies professor Miguel Maestas and student Sara Lanctot

News and Announcements

Election Day is tomorrow

Haven’t voted yet?

Learn about Bond D with SFCC Interim President Cecilia Cervantes, Ph.D. and New Mexico School for the Deaf Superintendent Rosemary Gallegos, Ph.D. discussing the General Obligation Bond D for Education election and the projects it will support on each of their respective campuses on KSFR’s Wake Up Call from last week.

Also, learn more about General Obligation Bond B for libraries.

Please review Policy 4-35: Leave, Section 4 regarding leave to allow for voting: Voting Leave. Employees whose work day begins less than two hours subsequent to the time of opening of the polls or ends less than three hours prior to the time of closing of the polls are allowed up to two hours with pay to vote. The employee must consult with their supervisor as to when the employee can take the two hours off.

Bond B supports libraries

When you vote, consider the importance of Bond B.

Bond B supports all publicly funded academic, school, public and tribal libraries. It is the bond that supports SFCC students on campus and before they arrive at our institution. Bond B, if passed, will bring $656,214 to Santa Fe County.

SFCC’s Library Director Valerie Nye said, “The passage of Bond B is critically important to the SFCC library as it provides nearly half of the funds we use to purchase library material every year.”


West Wing entrance closed Wednesday

The West Wing Entrance will be the site of filming for a Netflix production, Wed., Nov. 7. Some parking in the West Wing lot will be inaccessible during this time.

Security personnel will be on site to assist those needing access to the building entrance and the elevator when there are breaks in filming.

Celebrate Native American History Month

November is Native American History Month. Kick off the celebrations with an Indian Taco Sale in the SFCC Cafeteria starting at 11 a.m., Wed., Nov. 7.

Mon., Nov. 19 join in the celebration in Campus Center beginning at 10 a.m. with dances and surprise guest speakers. More details to come!

Sponsored by the SFCC Native Community, PDAC and the SACNAS Club.

Readings in the Library: Fall 2018 Series kicks off Wednesday

SFCC’s Library and Creative Writing Program will host a series of readings in November in the SFCC Library. The series begins Nov. 7 with Terry Wilson and her Creative Writing students, continues Nov. 12 with Emily Stern and her Memoir students and then wraps up with the Annual Holiday Reading by SFCC Faculty and Staff Members Nov. 29. All readings are free to attend, and refreshments will be served.

Wednesday, November 7, 6 p.m. Terry Wilson and her Creative Writing class.
Monday, November 12, 2:30 p.m. Emily Stern and her Memoir class.
Thursday, November 29, 5 p.m. SFCC Faculty and Staff Members will read original work.

For more information email


Veterans & Family Appreciation Day Nov. 8

SFCC’s annual Veterans and Family Appreciation Day: Veterans Resource and Career Fair is Thursday, Nov. 8 from 2 to 5 p.m. A fair with information on new benefits and programs for vets, veteran-owned business support, education benefits and veterans’ family services.

Live music (Nohe Y Sus Santos from 3:30 to 4 p.m. and The Sean Healen Band from 4:20 to 5 p.m.), veteran-focused breakout info session and a guest appearance of New Mexico’s Mixed Martial Arts Fighter Carlos Condit from 4 to 4:15 p.m. are new additions to the annual event.

Sponsored by SFCC and KSFR 101.1FM. Call 428-1305 for information.

Campus Cupboard Open Fridays

Campus Cupboard is open every Friday from noon to 4 p.m. while classes are in session. Campus Cupboard is not open when campus is closed. Anyone with an SFCC ID or proof of registration in our Adult Education program may visit the Cupboard once a week.

Campus Cupboard is located at Kids Campus – our entrance is on the south side of the building.

For more information, contact Bobbie (Barb) Mascarenas, ext. 1014.

Hospice Education Day at HEC Nov. 10

Learn about hospice care this Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the HEC with Hospice Education Day.

The day includes Hospice 101 and Medical Cannabis for End of Life, simulcast in Spanish. Breakout session will cover Underserved Communities and End of Life Care, Volunteering and End of Life Care, English and Spanish Grief and Loss Talking Circles and Supporting Grieving Children.

Boxed Lunches generously provided by Kingston Residence of Santa Fe. Please RSVP to

Sicily and Beyond, info session Nov. 14

Learn about the Continuing Education trip Sicily and Beyond: Images and Insights Spring 2019 (Course # LS422 01/CRN 31283) with instructors Bernadette Jacobs and Diane Tintor during one of two information sessions. Wed., Nov. 14 at 4:30 p.m. on campus in Room 711 or Sat., Dec. 8 at 10 a.m. at Travel Bug, 839 Paseo de Peralta. The trip is May 13 – June 1, 2019.

Cost per person: $2,999 for double occupancy or $3,409 for single occupancy plus registration fee of $499. Deposit of $500 and registration fee of $499 is due at registration. For more information and trip itinerary contact SFCC Continuing Education at 505-428-1676 or

SFCC Glass Club Sale Nov. 14 & 15

SFCC’s student Glass Club sale is from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Wednesday and Thursday, Nov. 14 and 15. Art students will sell glass art and functional pieces created by the SFCC Glass Club. The work has been created by using a variety of methods, from kiln casting to fusing and slumping. Works include vibrant color and luminescent glass, whimsical sculptures and functional glassware in a wide range of patterns.

For more information, contact Laura Cowan at

Pardon Our Mess

The William C. Witter Fitness Education Center will be closed for beautification and upgrades Dec. 8 through Jan. 13, 2019. Your support of local bonds helped fund these renovations.

Additionally, the gymnasium will be closed for floor refurbishing Dec. 3 through Feb. 4, 2019.

Thank you!

Reminder: PDAC wants to hear from you

PDAC is requesting your feedback about this year’s Hispanic Heritage Month celebrations. Please take a few minutes and visit Survey Monkey to provide input.

Expanding Your Horizons Keynote

The opening and keynote address from last month’s EYH conference is available to view at STEM Santa Fe. Dr. Cervantes welcomed participants and volunteers and the keynote was delivered by Dr. France A. Cordova.

Photo: Participants viewing SFCC’s Science on a Sphere

Student Spotlight

WARNING: Active Phishing Campaign Targeting Student Email Accounts

Cyber hackers are using a phishing email to obtain access to student accounts via colleges’ student portals. Upon gaining access to the portal the attacker changes the student’s direct deposit destination to a bank account controlled by the attacker.

SFCC will NEVER ask for you to provide passwords or personally identifiable information. DO NOT click on links that are provided in an email. See a sample email online.

Contact Financial Aid office staff with any questions, via email or at 505-428-1268

Career Services at SFCC ONLINE!

Did you know SFCC Career Services has offered online tools, resources, and career counseling since 2006? Education modules for building resumes, exploring careers and majors, building LinkedIn and other web profiles, and interviewing successfully are available for free in our Symplicity job postings database.

Go to our web pages, and view all the information, links, resources, and staff available to help you:

Santa Fe Trails Bus Service

Please be sure to remind students that, in observance of Veterans Day, Monday, Nov. 12, there will be no bus service to the college. While the system-wide schedule for the day will be on a Saturday schedule, there is no bus service to SFCC on Saturdays.

TRiO to celebrate first-generation students on Nov. 8

TRiO invites all of it’s first-generation students to stop by the TRiO offices (LL313) from 9 a.m. to noon Thursday, Nov. 8 for a celebration of first-generation students. Are you a first-generation students, but not part of TRiO? Stop by their office, LL313, in the lower level off of the Atrium to see if you’re eligible for their services or call 428-1364 or email TRiO. The Nov. 8 celebration is part of a national celebration of first-generation students.

Drop-In Research and Citation Help Next Week

Working on a research project? Get help from tutors and librarians with your writing and research projects. Topic selection, thesis statements, source evaluations, outlines, drafts; MLA style, works sited pages, APA style, citing videos and images and much more.

Research drop-in from 4 to 6 p.m., Mon., Nov. 12 in the Tutoring Center Lab and/or from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Tues., Nov. 13 in the Library Instruction Room. This will include in-depth research and writing assistance.

Come to a Citation Party from noon to 1 p.m., Wed., Nov. 14 in the Library Instruction Room and/or from 5 to 6 p.m., Thurs., Nov. 15 in the Tutoring Center Lab.

No matter which day you come, whatever problems you’re facing, we’ll help you through them!

Contact Sarah Hood for more information, 505-428-1830. Snacks included.

Financial Aid reminders

Need money to pay for school? Complete the 2018-2019 FAFSA online now. Are you an International or Undocumented student? Then complete the 2018-2019 Dreamers Financial Aid form here. The FAFSA for 2019-2020 is available now, too.

Check with Financial Aid to learn more, in the Welcome and Advising Center, via email or call 428-1268.

LANL Foundation Scholarship Application Open

Funding is available for the spring 2019 semester. Students may apply online now. The deadline to apply is November 29.

Students may also access the LANL Foundations’ online application portal from the SFCC External Scholarships webpage here.

Employee Announcements

Volunteers Needed: Fall Commencement Ceremony Dec. 8

SFCC’s Fall Commencement Ceremony is 10 a.m., Saturday, Dec. 8 in the William C. Witter Fitness Education Center gymnasium.

Volunteers are needed to help the event run smoothly. If you’re interested in volunteering, contact Registrar Kathleen Sena, ext. 1385.

National Distance Learning Week workshops Tuesday and Wednesday

Nov. 6 – 7, 2018 (Tues. – Wed.): Two highly interactive and engaging 1-hour workshops delivered in real time through an interactive web-conferencing format. The workshops focus on using social media tools — Twitter and Facebook — in your online and blended courses. Get the package discount or register for each one individually. You’ll need a headset to get the most out of these sessions and participants should register individually.


Any questions about diversity on campus, please contact Aamna Nayyar, chair President Diversity Advisory Committee (PDAC) at or ext. 1258.

Join the Friday walking group at noon

Did you have fun walking the trails with Ute Jannsen-Kerr on Professional Development Day? Or did you hear about all the fun the group had? Employees can join the fun every Friday. The walking group meets at noon in front of the William C. Witter Fitness Education Center and returns at 1 p.m. These dedicated walkers go rain or shine, so dress appropriately and bring a water bottle.

Check out these photos!

Open/Switch Enrollment remains open through November

The open/switch enrollment period for employee benefits remains open through November. Changes may be made through Fri., Nov. 30 with Alicia Huerta in HR, Room 309A.

Learn more about the options.

Faculty and Staff Reading in the Library, Nov. 29

If you would like to participate in the Faculty and Staff Annual Holiday Reading during this Fall’s Readings in the Library series, please let Kate McCahill know by Nov. 1.

The reading begins at 5 p.m., Thurs., Nov. 29 in the Library Reading Room.

Dr. Cervantes Meets with NMSU

Dr. Cervantes reports she had an excellent meeting last week with NMSU’s Chancellor Dan Arvizu, President John Floros and Chief of Staff Lenny Martinez.

“We discussed re-kindling the NMSU-SFCC partnership at the HEC. I’m feeling very positive about us moving in this direction,” she said.