Campus Weekly
SFCC Celebrates HSE Graduates

Nearly 100 students successfully completed their High School Equivalency exams in the Adult Education, Academic and Career Education (ACE) program. Last Wednesday’s ceremony, which included a keynote speech from Santa Fe Mayor Alan Webber, featured musical performances from student Benjamin Phillip Trujillo and SFCC’s Gerard Martinez y Valencia and Michael Lehrer.
News and Announcements

Commencement Photos
See more photos of the Commencement Ceremony on Facebook. Again, congratulations graduates!

Food for Life Employee Wellness program, sign up now
Get healthy eating delicious food this summer! SFCC staff and faculty are invited to the summer Food for Life Employee Wellness program. This very popular series (funded by Professional Development) consists of 8 classes with short videos, discussion, cooking demos and a yummy plant based lunch. Wednesdays from 11.30am to 1pm: June 6 /13/20 /27 ; July 11/18/25 ; August 1
Contact Amanda Hatherly to sign up: Space is limited.

PA System Test, May 25
The Office of Information Technology will continue to test its new emergency public address system on the SFCC campus from 1 to 4 p.m. on Friday, May 25. The test that will take place is known as a “hyper spike,” a high-volume signal that emits from external speakers. The sound from the speakers will travel approximately one quarter of a mile to cover the boundary of the campus. There will also be isolated PA system tests across campus to adjust the volume of the speakers. Thank you for your patience as we continue to develop these important college safety functions.

Women's Locker Room Construction until May 29
SFCC is repairing the ADA-compliant shower stalls in the Women’s Locker Room in the William C. Witter Fitness Education Center. Work began last week and is expected to be completed by Tuesday, May 29.
Patrons will be able to access the Women’s Locker Room through the pool-side entrance and can utilize the locker areas and showers in the hall to the pool area while repairs are completed. The restrooms and main showers will NOT be accessible during construction.
The repairs are needed to correct shower stall leaks and will include new tile and shower fixtures.
Please contact the Fitness Education Center Academic Director, Ute Jannsen-Kerr at 428-1420 for FEC related questions and our Plant Operations & Maintenance Department Office at 428-1670 if you have any questions regarding the project.
We appreciate your patience while the necessary repairs are completed.

Continuing Education Open House, May 23
Ever wanted to learn Spanish? Ever dream of making cheese, painting or drawing, “one day?” Ever wanted to impress your friends with your creations in the kitchen? Find out about these offerings and much more during the Continuing Education open house from 4 to 6 p.m. Wed., May 23 in Room 131.
For more information, visit CE online or call 505-428-1676.

Matthes on KSFR's Wake Up Call
Lynne Matthes, Academic and Career Education Coordinator, was featured on KSFR’s Wake Up Call last week to discuss the Adult Education program and the High School Equivalency classes. Listen in – just before the 17-minute mark.

Awesome Foundation Santa Fe accepting grant applications
The Santa Fe chapter of the Awesome Foundation is accepting applications for a $1,000 micro-grant that will be awarded to invest in a local project that aims to make Santa Fe a better place to live, work and play. Applications are due by June 1, 2018, with the grant to be awarded in July.

Share the Experience Pass (S.T.E.P.) available from Library
Our SFCC Library has the new Share The Experience Pass (S.T.E.P.) available for check out now.
This pass gives up to 6 people free general admission to 4 cultural sites in Santa Fe: The Children’s Museum, Botanical Gardens, Georgia O’Keeffe Museum, and the IAIA Museum of Contemporary Native Arts.
Faculty, staff and currently-enrolled students can check out the pass for 2 weeks. For more information contact the Library, ext. 1352
Student Spotlight

SFCC Algae Cultivation Certificate awarded for the first time
Four students were the first to receive the new Algae Cultivation Certificate during the spring commencement ceremony earlier this month.

Apply NOW for SFCC scholarships
Don’t miss out on SFCC scholarships, the deadline to apply for next fall and spring is coming up quickly, Friday, May 25. It’s just one application for most SFCC endowed Foundation and Institutional scholarships. The application is online.
The Contract for a Better Tomorrow (CBT) application is more involved, but it’s worth the extra effort. CBT will help cover the expenses of tuition, fees and books and you will earn some money to put towards your living expenses. The application deadline is also May 25. Scholarships are awarded based upon availability of funds.
Financial need and a minimum GPA are required for some scholarships.
Students are required to complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Scholarships are available for international and non-U.S. citizen students. International students should complete the 2018/19 Dreamers Financial Aid Application available online and from the Financial Aid Office.
Come in and see a member of the Financial Aid office staff, in the Welcome and Advising Center. Learn more online, by emailing Financial Aid or calling 505-428-1268. Se habla Español.

Veterans Scholarship
The City of Santa Fe Veterans’ Advisory Board and the SFCC Foundation provide the SFCC Scholarship for Veterans and Dependents.
The application for the 2018-2019 is currently available on the SFCC Financial Aid webpage. The application deadline is May 25.

Respiratory Care
Applications for the Respiratory Care 2018 cohort are open now and will be accepted on a first come first served basis until the Fall 2018 Cohort is full.
Meet the Department and drop in Advising on:
Wednesdays: May 30 and July 11 from 3 to 6 p.m.
Thursday: June 14 from 3 to 6 p.m.
For more information about the program, assistance with the application process and academic advising, please contact Rebecca Jeffs, ext. 1723 or Cahalan Fiddes, ext. 1462.
The 2018 application, application instructions and program information is available on the SFCC Respiratory Care page.

Paramedic program accepting application through July 31
Santa Fe Community College’s Emergency Medical Services Institute is accepting Paramedic Training Program applications through July 31 for the year-long certificate program that starts October 15. Get all the details.
For more information on the SFCC’s Emergency Medical Services Institute or to download a copy of the application, go to or contact director Sahaj Khalsa at 505-428-1820 or

Dental Program accepting applications for fall 2018
SFCC’s Dental Department is accepting applications now for earning a Certificate in Dental Assisting, an Associate degree in Dental Health and/or a Certificate in Expanded Function Dental Auxiliary (EFDA) applications for fall 2018.
The application and qualification criteria for the program can be found online. For more information, contact Dental Department Director Aamna Nayyar, ext. 1258.
Employee Announcements

Welcome Terence Donaldson to SFCC
Our new Executive Director for the Office of Human Resources has arrived! Terence Donaldson of the Tennessee Department of Human Resources and by way of the University of New Mexico, has moved himself and his family all the way across the country to join us. He will be providing us a wealth of experience and leadership in human resources operations from the highest echelons of public service. Please join us in congratulating Terence and giving him a warm New Mexico welcome (back). Come by and introduce yourself.

Maez to deliver keynote
Marcos Maez, Director of Recruitment and Outreach, will be delivering the keynote address for the first Early College Opportunities High School commencement ceremony from 3 to 4 p.m. today, May 21, at the Santa Fe Community Convention Center. Congratulations to the first graduating class of ECO!

Staff Appreciation Day, June 1
Join in the fun of SFCC’s 3rd annual Staff Appreciation Day from 9 to 11 a.m., Friday, June 1 in the Campus Center. There will be food, fun and prizes. Must be present to have fun. Sponsored by SFCC Staff Senate.

Staff and Faculty: Did you recently graduate?
Let us know about your accomplishments whether at SFCC or elsewhere. Tell us where and when you graduated and with what credential. We’ll share your good news in the Campus Weekly.
¡Palabra!: Hijab

Hijab: Arabic word meaning “cover.” While hijab is commonly associated with women, Muslim men also sometimes wear a head covering as a means of showing modesty. Additionally, Christian and Jewish women in some traditions wear a headscarf as a cultural practice or commitment to modesty or piety. See the definition in Spanish.
Brought to you by the Center of Diversity and Integrated Learning.