Campus Weekly
Congratulations to SFCC Graduates!

SFCC celebrated its spring graduation on Saturday with approximately 240 graduates participating in the ceremony. New Mexico Higher Education Department Cabinet Secretary of Higher Education Barbara Damron delivered the keynote address to the hundreds in attendance at the William C. Witter Fitness Center. Watch the video here.
SFCC’s Nursing Program held its pinning ceremony last week to a standing room only audience in the Jemez Rooms. Twenty-four nursing students received their pins, symbolizing their transition from students to nursing professionals. Read more . . .
The college hosts its High School Equivalency completion ceremony on Wednesday evening in the Fitness Education Center.
Read more about the graduating class.
Photo: New Mexico Higher Education Cabinet Secretary Barbara Damron, Ph.D. delivers the keynote address at the Spring 2018 Commencement Ceremony.
News and Announcements

SFCC attends Future Voices of New Mexico
SFCC attended this year’s Future Voices of New Mexico at the Lensic Preforming Arts Center last week.
Photo: Niki McKay, Dual Credit Specialist and Jennifer Gurule, Dual Credit Program Assistant

SFCC Celebrates National Poetry Month
The Spirit of Writing Collective (SOW), sponsored by the Center for Diversity and Integrated Learning (CDIL), celebrated National Poetry Month in April at Santa Fe Community College (SFCC) by holding a poetry contest.
The winners: SFCC student Caitlin Scott, for “Lost”; SFCC Fitness Facility Supervisor Catherine Lepard, for “Yearning”; and SFCC student, Anna Girdner, for “World On Edge”. Each winner received a $20 Starbucks gift card.

OIT Maintenance May 20
OIT will be performing system patching and maintenance on Sunday, May 20. Systems will be affected by intermittent outages. For more information, contact the OIT Service Desk, ext. 1222. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Women's Locker Room Construction May 18-29
Plumbing and tile repairs will be made in the FEC’s Women’s locker room showers May 18 through 29. Contractors will make every effort to curtain off the areas under repair. Only the showers in the hallway going out to the pool area will be available for use during this time. The locker areas and restrooms will be available. We apologize for any inconvenience.
For more information, please contact Herman Garcia, Fitness Facility Director, ext. 1751.

Continuing Education Open House, May 23
Ever wanted to learn Spanish? Ever dream of making cheese, painting or drawing, “one day?” Ever wanted to impress your friends with your creations in the kitchen? Find out about these offerings and much more during the Continuing Education open house from 4 to 6 p.m. Wed., May 23 in Room 131.
For more information, visit CE online or call 505-428-1676.

Lovato on the Radio
Associate Professor of Speech Communication Andrew Lovato, Ph.D., has been named the City of Santa Fe’s third historian. Listen in as Lovato, an author and lecturer, discusses his approach to looking at Santa Fe’s history from different angles.
Wednesday, May 16, at 2 p.m. he will be Interviewed on KTRC’s Richard Eeds Show, 1260 AM / 103.7 FM, and on Friday, May 25 at 4 p.m. he will be the guest on KSFR’s Cline’s Corner, hosted by Lynn Cline.

Awesome Foundation Santa Fe accepting grant applications
The Santa Fe chapter of the Awesome Foundation is accepting applications for a $1,000 micro-grant that will be awarded to invest in a local project that aims to make Santa Fe a better place to live, work and play. Applications are due by June 1, 2018, with the grant to be awarded in July.

Share the Experience Pass (S.T.E.P.) available from Library
Our SFCC Library has the new Share The Experience Pass (S.T.E.P.) available for check out now.
This pass gives up to 6 people free general admission to 4 cultural sites in Santa Fe: The Children’s Museum, Botanical Gardens, Georgia O’Keeffe Museum, and the IAIA Museum of Contemporary Native Arts.
Faculty, staff and currently-enrolled students can check out the pass for 2 weeks. For more information contact the Library, ext. 1352
Santa Fe Century sponsorships available
The Santa Fe Concert Band is offering a limited number of sponsorships for students who want to ride in the Santa Fe Century on May 20. There are 25, 50 and 100-mile rides. This ride starts and ends at the college.
If you are interested, please contact Mike Thompson, Adjunct Faculty Member in Engineering at or call 440-666-8119.
Student Spotlight

Apply NOW for SFCC scholarships
Don’t miss out on SFCC scholarships, the deadline to apply for next fall and spring is coming up quickly, Friday, May 25. It’s just one application for most SFCC endowed Foundation and Institutional scholarships. The application is online.
The Contract for a Better Tomorrow (CBT) application is more involved, but it’s worth the extra effort. CBT will help cover the expenses of tuition, fees and books and you will earn some money to put towards your living expenses. The application deadline is also May 25. Scholarships are awarded based upon availability of funds.
Financial need and a minimum GPA are required for some scholarships.
Students are required to complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Scholarships are available for international and non-U.S. citizen students. International students should complete the 2018/19 Dreamers Financial Aid Application available online and from the Financial Aid Office.
Come in and see a member of the Financial Aid office staff, in the Welcome and Advising Center. Learn more online, by emailing Financial Aid or calling 505-428-1268. Se habla Español.

Veterans Scholarship
The City of Santa Fe Veterans’ Advisory Board and the SFCC Foundation provide the SFCC Scholarship for Veterans and Dependents.
The application for the 2018-2019 is currently available on the SFCC Financial Aid webpage. The application deadline is May 25.

Respiratory Care
Applications for the Respiratory Care 2018 cohort are open now and will be accepted on a first come first served basis until the Fall 2018 Cohort is full.
Meet the Department and drop in Advising on:
Thursdays: May 17 and June 14 from 3 to 6 p.m
Wednesdays: May 30 and July 11 from 3 to 6 p.m.
For more information about the program, assistance with the application process and academic advising, please contact Rebecca Jeffs, ext. 1723 or Cahalan Fiddes, ext. 1462.
The 2018 application, application instructions and program information is available on the SFCC Respiratory Care page.

Paramedic program accepting application through July 31
Santa Fe Community College’s Emergency Medical Services Institute is accepting Paramedic Training Program applications through July 31 for the year-long certificate program that starts October 15. Get all the details.
For more information on the SFCC’s Emergency Medical Services Institute or to download a copy of the application, go to or contact director Sahaj Khalsa at 505-428-1820 or

High School Equivalency/GED Classes for Summer
The application period for classes to prepare for the High School Equivalency/GED tests is opens May 1. Classes begin June 4 in Spanish and English.
New students must fill out and submit an orientation packet. Packets are available now at the Adult Education office on the SFCC campus, 6401 Richards Avenue in Room 502, between 8 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday, and until 5 p.m. Fridays. New students must attend an orientation session. The sessions are scheduled for 5 to 9 p.m., Monday, May 14 and 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., Friday, May 18. Registration for new students will take place at orientation.
For information, contact Lynne Matthes or call ext. 1356.

Dental Program accepting applications for fall 2018
SFCC’s Dental Department is accepting applications now for earning a Certificate in Dental Assisting, an Associate degree in Dental Health and/or a Certificate in Expanded Function Dental Auxiliary (EFDA) applications for fall 2018.
The application and qualification criteria for the program can be found online. For more information, contact Dental Department Director Aamna Nayyar, ext. 1258.
Employee Announcements

Campus Update from the Interim President
Congratulations on completing another academic year of student success! More of our students are earning degrees and certificates and more of our students are persisting year to year. The retention rate is the highest it has ever been and we have reduced the median years to graduate from 5 to 3.5 years. It is thanks to your collective efforts that students are achieving their educational objectives here at SFCC.

In Memoriam - Sharon Crutchfield
Sharon Crutchfield was a professional Licensed, Certified Signed Language Interpreter who earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Secondary Deaf Education and a Master’s Degree in Education. She began at SFCC as a signed language interpreter in September 2015.
Vaune Hegmann Director of Student Accessibility Services said, “Sharon was dedicated to our students and had worked a full day at SFCC the evening she went into the hospital. She succumbed to a heart attack early the next morning.” The college expresses our sympathies to her family, co-workers and students.

Maez Completes Leadership Santa Fe
Marcos Maez, Director of Student Recruitment and Outreach, celebrated his completion of Santa Fe Chamber of Commerce’s Leadership Santa Fe, a year-long intensive designed to enhance leadership and community-building skills. Congratulations, Marcos!
Photo: Todd Lovato, Executive Director, MPR, Margaret Peters, VP for Academic and Student Affairs, Marcos Maez and Rebecca Estrada, Executive Director, HEC and Academic Patnerships.

SFCC featured on Closer Look
Human Services Faculty Member Carlos Balladares and Welding Lead Instructor Jake Lovato were featured this past weekend on K-LOVE Radio’s Closer Look, 90.7 FM. They discussed preparing and planning for college.

Staff and Faculty: Did you recently graduate?
Let us know about your accomplishments whether at SFCC or elsewhere. Tell us where and when you graduated and with what credential. We’ll share your good news in the Campus Weekly.
Learn about TRiO from our students

“I really appreciate the services and the efforts that are put forth by the staff and students to excel and to encourage one another to strive to achieve our goals, one step at a time, and one day at a time.” — George Esquibel, SFCC student
Read George’s full testimonial about TRiO.
Applications for the program are available in room LL313, downstairs in the West Wing. For more information visit here, email or call 505-428-1364.