Campus Weekly
SFCC - In This Together

A new public Facebook group, SFCC – In This Together has been created to help students, employees and faculty connect during this difficult time. Join the community now to share your stories, hopes, fears and news.
Stay healthy!
News and Announcements

President Becky Rowley announces campus closure through May 16
President Becky Rowley’s latest update announced that SFCC’s closure will continue for the remainder of the semester, through May 16.
Graduation has been postponed.

Special Governing Board Meeting March 30
Because of the current public health emergency and the current campus closure, this Special Meeting will not be held in person. Board meetings are open to the public. The public may attend this Special Meeting by logging on to YouTube and watching our live stream.
Written public comments may be submitted to Audrey Lucero ( at least 24 hours before the meeting. Public comments will be read out loud during the meeting.

Working from home
SFCC faculty and staff are making big adjustments to working remotely. View the photos they have shared of their workspaces in our FB Album #SFCC Stay at Home. Submit your own selfies or video clips at

Adobe Creative Cloud available during self-isolation
Adobe Creative Cloud desktop apps are available to students and faculty during the campus closure. Follow the instructions at

Marvin Galbadon speaks about concerns of Indigenous Peoples Club members
The Santa Fe Reporter shared a story on how the state’s indigenous people are coping. Thanks to SFCC’s Marvin Galbadon, data technician, who spoke about concerns expressed by SFCC’s Indigenous Peoples Club members.
Photo: Marvin Galbadon.

Kids Campus Update
In a March 23 Kids Campus Family Update, director Michelle Rosen-Hatcher provided information on the Kids Campus’ continued closure.
The email is posted under Administrative Updates on the SFCC Covid-19 page.
You can also follow Kids Campus updates on the Kids Campus Blog.
Let's stay healthy!
Here are some friendly reminders on how to keep well.
Check it out:
During closure, keep these numbers handy
In New Mexico, during the COVID-19 outbreak keep these numbers handy for you and your family:
All Health Concerns: 1-855-600-3453
All Other Concerns, such as food, childcare, etc.: 1-833-551-0518

SFCC in the news
The following stories either featured or mentioned SFCC.
Albuquerque Journal, 3/27/20, “SFCC closed for rest of spring semester”
Santa Fe New Mexican, 4/27/20, “New Mexico’s public schools closed for the semester,” story includes information about SFCC.
Albuquerque Journal, 3/20/20, Outbreak leaves SFCC graduation, budget in doubt
Student Spotlight

Access to Wifi
SFCC Wifi is available in the parking lots during daylight hours (, and Xfinity has opened Wi-Fi hotspots for free use.

Deadline for completed petitions to graduate extended to May 15
Ready to graduate this spring?
The deadline to get completed Petition to Graduate for Spring 2020 has been extended to May 15.
Petitions should be sent to
Students who are eligible to graduate and who fulfill their academic requirements by the end of Spring 2020 will graduate and will receive their diploma.
The best way to apply to graduate is by going into your student portal and apply online. Go to MySFCC; click on Forms and Documents; Under Registrar heading, click on Petition to Graduate. Complete the document and submit.
Please note: Spring 2020 Commencement ceremony has been postponed until a time when it will be safe to gather.

Online tutoring available for Canvas courses
All courses that have a Canvas component now have access to this online tutoring service.
Here are the steps to access Brainfuse:
- Go to the links on the left side of the home page of the Canvas course.
- Brainfuse online tutoring is listed at the bottom.
- Click on this link.
- On the top will show “Welcome to Brainfuse Online Tutoring.”
- Click on the blue button to “Launch Brainfuse.”
Also helpful is a 6:49 minute video giving an overview of Brainfuse and how to navigate through this online tutoring service.
If you have questions or concerns, please contact Robert Gutierrez, Interim Director of the SFCC Tutoring Center, at

How to deal with change to online courses
In dealing with necessary course changes, some things to keep in mind include staying organized, avoiding multitasking, making the most of video lectures, setting a schedule, finding new strategies, working with groups, and staying connected.
The University of Michigan has shared a document that addresses many of these issues and offers some helpful advice. Check it out:

LANL Foundation Career Pathways Scholarship (Deadline April 19)
Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Foundation is now accepting applications for its Spring 2020 Career Pathways Scholarship.
Career Pathways scholarships provide $1,500 awards for two-year degrees, certifications and trades. Current high school seniors and anyone who has earned a high school diploma or GED/High School Equivalency (HSE) may apply for these funds. Those currently enrolled in a GED/High School Equivalency program and are near completion are eligible to apply through this application, as well.
Career Pathways scholarships are offered twice yearly. Recipients will be announced in late May, with funds available for summer or fall enrollment. These scholarships may be renewed for a second year without the need to reapply, as long as certain criteria are met.
Applicants must be permanent residents of LANL Foundation’s northern New Mexico service area comprising Los Alamos, Mora, Rio Arriba, San Miguel, Sandoval, Santa Fe or Taos counties. Funding may be applied to any accredited post-secondary educational institution in- or out-of-state.
Applications are currently being accepted. Visit LANL Foundation Scholarships.
The deadline to submit Career Pathways applications is April 19, 2020.
If you have questions or need assistance, email

Want paid summer research experience?
New Mexico Alliance for Minority Participation (NMAMP) is accepting application for the Summer Community College Opportunity for Research Experience (SCCORE).
Apply by April 6, 2020.
For more information contact Miguel Maestas or Ed Worden
Employee Announcements

Excellence and Team Award nominations
SFCC’s Office of Human Resources welcomes everyone to participate in the nomination for the Employee Excellence and Team Award for the 2020 Service Awards, which will be held from 2 to 4 p.m. April 30. Please read the nomination form for qualifications before nominating an Employee or Team.
Deadline to submit nominations is Thursday, April 9, 2020!
Employee Excellence Award Nomination Online Form.
Team Excellence Award Nomination Online Form.

New book chapter by sj Miller, Ph.D.
sj Miller, Ph.D., has a new book chapter, Gender Identity is trans-sectional turn: Expanding the theory of trans*ness into literacy practice published in the book by Cris Mayo and Mollie Blackburn (Eds.),Queer, Trans, and Intersectional Theory in Educational Practice: Student, Teacher, and Community Experiences (pp. 35-49) by Routledge Press.
The piece focuses on middle and high school students and examines how, when youth resist exclusionary practices that seek to reinforce gender identity normativity, they participate in forms of resistance that create and inspire forms of new knowledges to develop. These changes carry tremendous potential for future gender identities to be recognized. Their resistance can reposition educators to make a trans-sectional turn, a shift in educational contexts that generates new actions. Miller states, “In my analysis, I show how trans-sectional theories are better able to engage complexities of gender identity, queerness, and race and push the hidden stabilities in other theories that address these issues.”
Read more about the book on the Amazon website: Queer, Trans, and Intersectional Theory in Educational Practice: Student, Teacher, and Community Experiences

Karin Pitman painting to be included in MasterWorks of NM
One of Karin Pitman’s (SFCC’s Facilities & Operations) watercolor paintings, Down by the Seashore, has been accepted into the MasterWorks New Mexico 22nd Annual Juried Standard & Miniature/Small Fine Art Show and Sale in Albuquerque. The Spring Show is in fact four separately juried shows (watercolors, pastels, oils/acrylics, miniatures/small works) that are hung together after judging and the awarding of ribbons and prizes.
Masterworks has been canceled. We will post an update if and when it is rescheduled.
Photo: Down by the Seashore by Karin Pitman
View a larger image of the painting here.

Sahaj Khalsa position paper published
Sahaj Khalsa, Program Director of the Emergency Medical Services Institute & AHAC, was a contributor to a position paper, which has been adopted by the National Association of EMS Educators and will be published in an upcoming issue of Prehospital Emergency Care.
According to Khalsa, “It is an opening conversation on what I consider to be a critical issue not just in EMS education, but all of healthcare.”
Read the position paper: “The Impact of Cultural Humility in Prehospital Healthcare Delivery and Education a Position Paper from the National Association of EMS Educators (NAEMSE)”.

Lauren Camp Poetry Posts
Lauren Camp and SFCC’s Poetry Posts were featured in Miriam Sagan’s blog, “Miriam’s Well.”
Lauren Camp frequently teaches writing classes through Continuing Education.

Let Campus Weekly share your news
Let us know about your accomplishments and other news that you’d like to share. Please remember that the deadline is 5 p.m. Wednesday to get an item in the next week’s issue. Submit here.